
The selection of candidates for ICREA positions is based on peer evaluation and has scientific excellence and leadership as its sole criteria. There are five evaluation panels, covering all areas of knowledge, with some overlap to cater for interdisciplinary and emerging fields.

The basic concept for the evaluation is that it essentially depends on the judgment of high profile experts. We do not want to rely on quantitative measures of academic output, but rather on the well-informed judgment of the experts in recognising excellence. We strive for quality, not quantity.

ICREA fully endorses and shares the principles of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (SFDORA), by which it discourages evaluators to rely only on journal-based metrics (such as Journal Impact Factors) as a surrogate measure for the quality of individual research articles. For the purposes of research assessment, ICREA considers the value of all research output, including qualitative indicators of research impact, such as influence on policy and practice.

ICREA is an equal opportunity organisation and does not allow discriminatory references to gender, age, nationality, racial group, nor any other possible discriminatory issues.

ICREA call

ICREA offers permanent positions in the Catalan research system for senior researchers. The selected researchers are offered a position as ICREA Research Professors (equivalent to tenure) and become ICREA employees. ICREA researchers go through an evaluation process (promotion) at regular intervals throughout their entire career. This is our most important and best-known call.

For information purposes this is the latest version of our evaluator guidelines

ICREA Call for 2024 is closed.

Results were communicated by email to all applicants in July, 2024.

The next ICREA call will open on the second half of January 2025 for the areas of Experimental Sciences & Mathematics and Engineering Sciences and will close on the first half of March 2025.

For your information these were the Guidelines ICREA Call 2024. We do not expect significant changes.