Inauguration of the CCCB +HUMANS exhibition

ICREA collaboration with CCCB continues, in this case, with several contributions to the +HUMANS exhibition by ICREAs: Luc Steels, Arcadi Navarro, Mavi Sanchez-Vives, Mel Slater, Hector Geffner will all be giving talks over the next few weeks on the limits of intelligence and of humankind. The inaugural session will take place at CCCB, at 19:30h. […]

A predictor for bone metastasis in breast cancer patients

Roger Gomis (ICREA at IRB Barcelona) and his team have just found a reliable predictor for bone metastasis in breast cancer. The finding, published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute reveals that the ability of breast cancers to invade bone requires the overexpression of a specific gene (MAF). With that, tumour cells learn […]

ICREA Academia call 2015

Next call of the ICREA Academia programme. Call guidelines will be posted here on the opening day of the call, but we do not expect major changes from last years.

ICREA Conference Awards 2015

ICREA Conference Awards are specific, dedicated awards aimed at funding scientific events of the hottest, most advanced topics in research of all disciplines. ICREA research professors make their proposals for funding and a board of external advisors ranks them and grants the awards. This edition of the ICA, ICREA Conference Awards, has gone to three […]

Paleodiet… Carbodiet?

The real ‘paleodiet’ may have had a lot more carbohydrates than expected: brain development, cooking and the evolution of our digestive machinery are all elegantly linked together in this article by Karen Hardy, ICREA at UAB. See the press release: …and the full article in Quarterly Review of Biology at    

Narcís Monturiol awards to Jaume and Isabelle

Isabelle Vernós (ICREA at CRG) and Jaume Bertranpetit have both been awarded the prestigious Narcís Monturiol medal, a recognition of their outstanding contributions to the development of science and research in Catalonia. Congratulations to both!