Sanpera Trigueros, Anna
ICREA Research Professor at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB).
Experimental Sciences & Mathematics
Selected publications
Riera-Campeny A, Sanpera A & Strasberg P 2022, 'Open quantum systems coupled to finite baths: A hierarchy of master equations', Physical Review E, 105, 5, 054119. |
Marconi C, Colomer Saus P, García Díaz M & Sanpera A 2022, 'The role of coherence theory in attractor quantum neural networks', Quantum 6, 794. |
Riera-Campeny A, Sanpera A, Strassberg P, 2021, 'Quantum systems correlated with a finite bath: Nonequilibrium dynamics and thermodynamics', PRX-Quantum, 2, 010340. |
Mehboudi M, Sanpera A & Parrondo JMR 2018, 'Fluctuation Dissipation Theorem for non-equilibrium states', Quantum 2, 66.
De Chiara G & Sanpera A 2018, 'Genuine quantum correlations in quantum many-body systems: a review of recent progress', Reports On Progress In Physics, 81, 7, 074002. |
Yuste A, Moreno-Cardoner M & Sanpera A 2017, 'Using random boundary conditions to simulate disordered quantum spin models in two-dimensional systems', Physical Review B, 95, 19, 195167. |
Lewenstein M & Sanpera A & Ahufinger V 2017, 'Ultracold atoms in optical lattices: simulating quantum many-body systems', Oxford University Press, Oxford. Corrected paperback reprint. ISBN 978-019-878580-4. |
Mehboudi M, Correa LA & Sanpera A 2016, 'Achieving sub-shot-noise sensing at finite temperatures', Physical Review A, 94, 4, 042121. Link |
Gallemí A, Queraltó G, Guilleumas M, Mayol R & Sanpera A 2016, "Quantum spin models with mesoscopic Bose-Einstein condensates", Phys. Rev. A 94, 063626. Link |
Correa LA, Mehboudi M, Adesso G & Sanpera A 2015,'Individual Quantum Probes for Optimal Thermometry', Phys. Rev. Lett, vol 114, 22, 220405. Link |
M. Moreno-Cardoner, H. Perrin, S. Paganelli, G. De Chiara, A. Sanpera 2014, 'A case study of spin-$1$ Heisenberg model in a triangular lattice ', Phys. Rev. B 90, 144409 (2014) , . |
M. Lewenstein, A. Sanpera, V. Ahufinger 2012, Ultracold atoms in optical lattices: simulating quantum many body systems, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. |
G. De Chiara, L. Lepori, M. Lewenstein, A. Sanpera 2012, 'Entanglement spectrum, critical exponents, and order parameters in |
Lacki, Mateusz; Paganelli, Simone; Ahufinger, Veronica; Sanpera, Anna; Zakrzewski, Jakub 2011, 'Disordered spinor Bose-Hubbard model', PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 83, 1, -. |
De Chiara, G.; Lewenstein, M.; Sanpera, A. 2011, 'Bilinear-biquadratic spin-1 chain undergoing quadratic Zeeman effect', PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 84, 5, -. |
De Chiara, G.; Romero-Isart, O.; Sanpera, A. 2011, 'Probing magnetic order in ultracold lattice gases', PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 83, 2, -. |
Lauber, T.; Massignan, P.; Birkl, G.; Sanpera, A. 2011, 'Atomic wave packet dynamics in finite time-dependent optical lattices', JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, 44, 6, -. |
Mele-Messeguer, M.; Julia-Diaz, B.; Guilleumas, M.; Polls, A.; Sanpera, A. 2011, 'Weakly linked binary mixtures of F=1 Rb-87 Bose-Einstein condensates', NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 13, , -. |
Massignan, P.; Sanpera, A.; Lewenstein, M. 2010, 'Creating p-wave superfluids and topological excitations in optical lattices', PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 81, 3, -. |
Roscilde, T.; Rodriguez, M.; Eckert, K.; Romero-Isart, O.; Lewenstein, M.; Polzik, E.; Sanpera, A. 2009, 'Quantum polarization spectroscopy of correlations in attractive fermionic gases', NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, 11, , -. |