ICREA Acadèmia

El programa ICREA Acadèmia es va llançar el 2008 amb l'objectiu d'impulsar i premiar l'excel·lència de la recerca dels professors de les universitats públiques de Catalunya. Així, el programa contribueix a intensificar la recerca que duen a terme professors universitaris que es troben en una fase totalment activa i expansiva de la seva carrera investigadora. Els ajuts ICREA Acadèmia són una subvenció per a la recerca durant un període de cinc anys. La 15a edició del programa es va fer pública a finals d'agost de 2023. Fins ara s'han concedit un total de 439 ajuts ICREA Acadèmia.

  • Anduiza Perea, Eva UAB - 2015, 2020

    Anduiza Perea, Eva

    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) · Ciencia Política i Dret Públic

    Eva Anduiza studied Political Science at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She got a postgraduate diploma in Data Analysis and Collection at the University of Essex, and a Ph.D. (awarded the IX Stein Rokkan Prize in 2000) at the European University Institute. Before coming to Barcelona in 2003, she taught at the universities of Salamanca and Murcia. Since 2008 she is the principal investigator of the research group Democracy, Elections and Citizenship. She was awarded an Icrea Academia in 2015, and a fellowship at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioural Sciences at Stanford University in 2018. She is currently a full professor at the Department of Political Science and Public Law of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She has authored or co-authored over 70 publications on different questions related to political attitudes and behavior, supervised 15 defended Ph.D. thesis, and mentored 12 post-doctoral students.

    Research interest

    Anduiza's research examines citizens’ political engagement in advanced democracies, including the causes and consequences of electoral turnout, vote choice, political protest, digital media, and political attitudes. She is also interested in survey and experimental methodology. Recently her research has focused on the attitudinal consequences of the economic crisis, with a special focus on understanding the triggers and implications of populist attitudes. Currently, she is exploring change in political attitudes using panel data covering over a decade of political turmoil in Spain. She is analyzing the consequences of party system change for individual behavior, observing how new parties generate political engagement and meaningful partisanship among supporters. She is also studying the interplay between attitudes towards gender equality, feminist protest mobilization, and vote choice, with a special emphasis on the individual dynamics of gender backlash.

    Key words

    populism, political participation, emotions, attitude change, protest, experiments, panel data, gender attitudes



    Resercher ID

    Albert Banal Estanol

    Banal Estanol, Albert

    Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) · Departament d'Economia i Empresa

    Albert is Associate Professor at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Affiliated Professor at the Barcelona School of Economics (BSE), Affiliated Professor at the City University of London, Visiting Professor of the College of Europe in Bruges (Belgium), and research fellow at the IESE Business School and at the DIW Berlin. He is deputy director of the MSc in Economics of Energy, Climate Change, and Sustainability at the BSE, director of the MSc in Finance and Banking at the UPF-BSM and former director of the MSc in Competition and Regulation at City. Previously, he held teaching and research positions at the University of Western Ontario in Canada, IFP-Energies Nouvelles in France, Northwestern University in the US and University of Cambridge and London Business School in the UK. Albert is member of the Academic Panel of the UK’s energy regulator, Ofgem, and the UK’s competition authority, the CMA. Albert is former President of the Governing Council of Som Energia.

    Research interest

    Albert's research interests are in the fields of corporate finance, competition policy and market regulation, and energy and the environment. Albert’s research areas span across Economics, Management and Finance. His work makes use of theoretical, empirical, experimental and simulation techniques.

    His current main lines of research are:

    (i) Common ownership and competition, joint with Jo Seldeslachts (Leuven and Berlin) and Xavier Vives (IESE).

    (ii) Funding academic research, with Ines Macho-Stadler and David Perez-Castrillo (UAB).

    (iii) The functioning of energy markets with Olivier Massol (IFP Paris). 

    (iv) Corporate finance and information policy with Marco Ottaviani (Bocconi).

    (v) Resolution of banking groups with Gyöngyi Lóránth (Vienna) and Julian Kolm (Vienna).

    (vi) Venture capital and start-up finance with Javier Gomez-Biscarri (UPF), Inés Macho-Stadler (UAB) and David Pérez-Castrillo (UAB).

    Key words

    Industrial Organisation, Competition Policy, Corporate Finance, Innovation, Energy



    Resercher ID

  • Bartres Faz, David UB - 2019
    David Bartres-Faz

    Bartres Faz, David

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Medical Psychology Unit / Dept. Medicine / Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

    Full Professor, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Barcelona. Former recipient of a ‘Ramon y Cajal’ excellence research fellowship. Two year postdoctoral stage at the Institute National de la Santé et de la Récherche Médicale (INSERM), France, and two stages at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School. Appointed as Honorary Professor, University College London, Clinical, Educational and Health Psychology Department (2022-2027) and Principal Investigator of 7 consecutive National Competitive Research. PI for the Barcelona center of a FP7 and a H2020 projects. PI of the Barcelona Brain Health Initiative (https://bbhi.cat/) and coordinator of the Barcelona Brain Stimulation Lab (http://www.ub.edu/bbslab/). Current Chair of the ‘Reserve, Resilience & Protective Factors’ Professional International Area of the Alzheimer’s International Association. He has published over 185 scientific articles and supervised 12 PhD thesis.

    Research interest

    My research interests are focused on the study of cognitive and neuroimaging changes occurring in ageing and in particular, how lifestyles and psychological factors can influence brain health during lifespan. At a more experimental level, I also investigate how non-invasive brain stimulation can modulate brain networks, reflecting mechanisms of plasticity in advancing age and potentially providing new strategies to potentiate cognitive function in this segment of people. My group has a strong focus on the use of neuroimaging  techniques, in particular  magnetic resonance imaging, combined with transcranial magnetic and/or electrical stimulation protocols. We are currently engaged in interventional studies aimed to investigate the impact of optimizing and personalizing healthy lifestiles on brain and mental health measures.

    Key words

    Brain health, brain resilience, aging, cognitive and brain function, non-invasive brain stimulation



    Resercher ID

    Lorena Chanes

    Chanes Puiggros, Lorena

    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) · Departament de Psicologia Clínica i de la Salut

    Lorena Chanes is an Associate Professor of the Department of Clinical and Health Psychology and Institute of Neurosciences at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, where she leads the Cognitive and Affective Sciences Laboratory (www.caslab.cat). She obtained a PhD on Brain-Cognition-Behavior from Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris) in 2014. She performed predoctoral research at Harvard Medical School-Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital and postdoctoral research at Northeastern University-Massachusetts General Hospital.

    Research interest

    I am interested in better understanding conscious experience in humans in health and disease using cognitive/affective/behavioral approaches, noninvasive brain stimulation and neuroimaging techniques, reaching out to other disciplines when relevant. My research spans from healthy to clinical populations, with the ultimate goal to generate a breadth of knowledge with the potential to contribute to the development of novel tools with clinical relevance for brain-related conditions.

    Key words

    Cognitive and affective neuroscience, brain stimulation, behavior, predictive coding


  • Escera, Carles UB - 2010, 2015, 2020

    Escera, Carles

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology

    Carles Escera graduated in Psychology at University of Barcelona in 1987, and after his PhD in 1993, he gained postdoctoral experience at the University of Helsinki (Finland) in 1993, 1994, 1996, 1999. He became Associate Professor in 1997, and Full Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience in 2010. He was visiting professor at the University of Bremen (Germany) and Fellow of the Hanse Wissenschaftskolleg in Delmenhorst (Germany) in 2004 and 2005. He has published over 140 papers in major journals in Psychology and Neurosciences (over 7300 citations; h index = 45). He has been the principal investigator of more than 30 research projects, including one from the Consolider-Ingenio 2010 program, and several from the FP4, FP5 and FP7, and the coordinator of an ERANET.NEURON project of the EU and a Marie Slodowska-Curie action of FP7. Currently, he is involved in an ERC Advanced-Grant in Archaeology (ARTSOUNDSCAPES) as the leader of two research lines (psychoacoustics and neuroscience).

    Research interest

    My research focuses on how the human brain builds up the auditory world around us to give rise to auditory perception. In particular, I am interested in how the brain models the implicit regularity in the acoustic environment supporting predictive perception, and more recently in how it encodes a particular type of sounds, those of speech, as critical prerequisite towards human communication. My approach is multimodal, including EEG, magnetoencephalography (MEG), structural and functional neuroimaging, and animal models. The results of my research support the emerging view that the subcortical auditory system has complex computation capabilities contributing to auditory cognition. My current projects address speech sounds acquisition in very young infants born normally or after clinical conditions challenging fetal development. Also, I inquiry how the acoustic environment where sounds are heard shapes the way these are perceived, eventually triggering altered states of consciousness.

    Key words

    Psychology, cognitive neuroscience, attention, auditory perception, speech



    Resercher ID

    Moises Esteban-Guitart

    Esteban-Guitart, Moises

    Universitat de Girona (UdG) · Institut de Recerca Educativa (director)

    Full Professor at the Department of Psychology and director of the Institute of Educational Research at the University of Girona (UdG). He did a postdoctoral stage at the Institute for Cultural Research and Education (California, USA) and he was visiting professor at the University of Arizona (USA) and University of Colorado-Boulder (USA). He has been involved in different funded research projects on education and learning sciences. He is leading the consolidated research group “Culture, Education and Human Development”, and the international alliance "funds of knowledge" to promote equity and social justice in education (https://fundsofknowledge.org). Author of the book entitled “Funds of Identity. Connecting Meaningful Learning Experiences In and Out of School” (2016, Cambridge University Press), among other books in Spanish. He has published over 150 scientific articles accumulating more than 7,500 citations in February 2023 (h-index: 44, i10-index: 125).

    Research interest

    His research interests are focused on the study of the connections between identity, culture and education. He is developing a research area focused on the concepts of the “Funds of identity” and “Community funds of knowledge and identity”, based on the funds of knowledge approach, and the promotion of the bridges of the contexts and learning experiences in and out of school (https://www.educacio360.cat). The proposal theory and praxis of “funds of identity” (Esteban-Guitart, 2012, Esteban-Guitart & Moll, 2014) has been implemented around the world by a wide range of researchers. A rich literature that has been recently reviewed by Hood & Volman (2020) in the Review of Educational Research journal (impact factor: 12.566, 1 out of 264, Q1, JCR). He is currently engaged in action-research projects aimed to investigate the personalized and contextualized learning and to improve equity and social justice in education.  

    Key words

    Identity, funds of knowledge, funds of identity, cultural psychology, qualitative methods, participatory action-research, design-based research, equity, social justice



    Resercher ID

    Albert Esteve

    Esteve Palós, Albert

    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) · Department of Sociology

    Albert Esteve demographer and researcher is director of the Center for Demographic Studies-CED and Professor at the Department of Sociology-UAB. He has done research stays at the U. of Minnesota, at the INED in Paris and at Princeton University. He has obtained funding for research from the Government's National R&D Plan, from the Generalitat of Catalonia, and from the different framework programs of the European Union. He has just obtained an ERC Advanced Grant CORESIDENCE. Investigates aspects related to demographics, marriage formation, marriage markets and the structure of households, both nationally and internationally. He has been the editor of the European Journal of Population and currently is the dean of the European Doctoral School in Demography in Barcelona.

    Research interest

    Over the last five years, my research has focused on two main areas: cross-national perspectives on family and household demography and harmonization of international census and survey microdata for social and demographic research. I highlight my cross-national research on the dynamics of marriage markets, the implications of the gender gap reversal in education for assortative mating, the rise of cohabitation and other family forms in the Americas, the relationship between education and age at union formation and childbearing, and global trends in living arrangements. I have done research on population dynamics in Spain focusing on its most pressing demographic challenges: low fertility, aging, and depopulation of rural areas. My work has been published in the top demographic journals.

    Key words

    population change, family demography, cross-national research, census and survey microdata harmonization



    Resercher ID

    Aina Gallego Dobon

    Gallego Dobon, Aina

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Departament de Ciència Política, Dret Constitucional i Filosofia del Dret

    Aina Gallego is an Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Barcelona. She is also a research affiliate at the Barcelona Institute for International Studies, the Institute for Political Economy and Governance (UPF) and the Institutions and Political Economy Research Group (UB). She was formerly a Ramon y Cajal Fellow at IBEI and held post-doctoral positions at the Spanish Higher Research Council and at Stanford University. She earned her PhD in Political Science from the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona in 2008.

    Research interest

    Aina Gallego is a political scientist working in the areas of political behavior and political economy. In the last five years she has worked primarily on two areas.

    She is contributing to an emerging agenda about the political consequences of automation and digitalization on political behavior. The questions tackled include: a) to what extent are citizens worried about technological change as a source of labor market risk; b) the impact of working in digitalizing industries on support for political parties; c) public support for different policies designed to help workers displaced by automation.

    She has also investigated how the individual characteristics of politicians affect the issues they choose to discuss and the public policies they implement in office. Her research helps understand how the traits of those elected to office (e.g. women) affect government performance and representation.


    Key words

    Political science, political behavior, political economy



    Resercher ID

    Maria Giné-Garriga

    Giné Garriga, Maria

    Universitat Ramon Llull (URL) · Faculty of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences Blanquerna - Department of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences. Faculty of Health Sciences Blanquerna - Department of Physiotherapy

    Associate Professor at the Faculty of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences Blanquerna (FPCEEB), Ramon Llull University. Predoctoral training at the University of Pittsburgh-School of Public Health and Hope University of Liverpool. Two-year Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) postdoctoral fellowship at Glasgow Caledonian University. Recipient of the sitLESS study funded by the EC Research Horizon 2020 (2015). PI in Spain for the health-enhancing physical activity policy audit tool led by the EC and the WHO (2017). PI of the Health, Physical Activity and Sport Research Group of the FPCEEB (2018). Recipient of a MISTI International Science and Technology Initiative at the MIT AgeLab. Recipient of a MSCA International Training Network with the Health CASCADE project (2020). She is the co-chair of the Ageing Special Interest Group and the #Dare2Share committee of the ISBNPA. Expert of the Research Executive Agency of the EC. She has published more than 100 scientific publications.

    Research interest

    My primary goal as a researcher is to examine how to improve movement behaviour (increase physical activity, reduce sedentary behaviour, modify movement patterns) and decrease loneliness in the older adult population in the long term.

    We aim to use co-creation as a methodology to develop, implement, and evaluate effective and long-term sustainable intervention programmes and strategies directed at improving movement behaviour of the older adult population with continuous, open collaboration, interactional knowledge production and shared decision-making and ownership among key stakeholders.

    We aim to improve functional performance, decrease frailty, and reduce loneliness with the final aim of improving their quality of life applying co-created strategies through an intergenerational approach.

    Key words

    Participatory research: co-creation; healthy ageing; movement behaviour; loneliness; sedentary behaviour; behaviour change.


  • González Luna, Libertad UPF - 2015, 2020
    Libertad González

    González Luna, Libertad

    Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) · Economia i Empresa

    I was born and raised in Dos Hermanas (Sevilla). After getting my BA in Economics from the University of Sevilla, I did my PhD in Economics at Northwestern University, and since then I have been a professor at Universitat Pompeu Fabra. I'm also affiliated with the Barcelona School of Economics. In 2017 I was granted an ERC Consolidator for a research project on the effects of different interventions on child human capital development.

    Research interest

    I'm an applied microeconomist, and my research is in the areas of labor, public, and health economics. I work on questions related to the family (fertility, divorce), labor supply, gender, child health, and the evaluation of the effects of public policies. My most recent publications were in the Journal of Health Economics, the Journal of Human Resources, the Review of Income and Wealth, and PNAS. 

    Key words

    labor economics, public economics, immigration, family policy, fertility, female labor supply, divorce, child health, gender



    Resercher ID

    Mabel Gracia Arnaiz

    Gracia Arnaiz, Maria Isabel

    Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) · Anthropology, Philosophy and Social Work

    I am Full Professor in Social Anthropology at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili. In 1994, I received my PhD  in Urban Anthropology from the Universitat de Barcelona with a tesis awarded with the Extraordinary Doctorate Award and  the First Award of  Marqués de Lozoya Prize. My research line has been nurtured and consolidated by participating and directing regional, state and international projects belonging to competitive calls (National R&D Plan, EU Framework Program, H2020, Gender Institute). The results have been published in more than two hundred scientific papers and books. I have been visiting scholar at the Centre Edgar Morin, Université Toulouse, National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition Salvador Zubirán and CIESAS (Mexico), State University of Rio de Janeiro, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Food Studies Center (University of London), Instituto de Ciências Sociais (ULisboa). I am currently Coordinator of the Social Anthropology Group (SGR Research Group).

    Research interest

    I am a social anthropologist working on food, gender and health. My work has focused on the analysis of transformations of food systems and the problematization of food and body practices. On this topic, I have consolidated a line of studies in Spain which has been reinforced through securing competitive projects and academic alliances. My contributions are focused on food security, social inequality and policy. Research done points to obesity and food insecurity as the epitome of precarization, especially significant among women. Reinforcing the line of work on food security/safety begun in 2011, I am managing several coordinated projects related to older people. Of note are EatingMatters, with more than 20 researchers from 4 countries;  Active Aging-A healthy lifestyle, carried out in collaboration with 15 researchers from the Palacky University and Sáfárik University; and, together with the Universitat de Barcelona and the Fundació Pere Tarrés, Vegetables for better aging

    Key words

    food systems, social inequality, gender, elderly, health, food (in) security, media discourses


    Roser Granero

    Granero Pérez, Rosario

    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) · PSYCHOBIOLOGY AND METHODOLOGY

    PhD - Autonomous University of Barcelona (AUB, 1999), Diploma in Statistics (AUB, 1997), Master in Design and Statistics in Behavioral Sciences (AUB, 2000), and Master in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology (AUB, 1997).

    Full Professor of Methodology. Psychobiology and Methodology Department (AUB, since 2023; Lecturer since 2001; collaborator-teacher during 1999-2000).

    Methodological chair and clinical researcher at the Service of Psychiatry of the Bellvitge University Hospital (Barcelona, since 2005). Researcher at the CIBERobn (Physiology of Obesity and Nutrition, an excellence network group).

    Research focused on the Eating Disorders, Addictions and Children/Adolescent Psychopathology.

    Researcher in multiple National and International Research Projects with public funding. N=347 published works indexed in the JCR (Web of Science: h=40; PlumX: h=53). More than 365 contributions to prestigious clinical national and international congresses-conferences-symposia.

    Research interest

    Emergent psychiatric disorders (behavioral addictions [gaming disorder or food addiction]), and high vulnerable patients with mental conditions characterized by low scientific attention and treatment barriers (women, young/old ages, dual psychiatric conditions).

    Trans-diagnostic psychiatric dimensions: emotional regulation, impulsivity, and neuropsychological functioning.

    Conceptual approach to mental disorders, formulation of causal etiological models, development of assessment tools, and elaboration of preventive and intervention programs based on the precision-medicine-approach.

    High expertise in methodology, contributing to incorporate innovative procedures in the psychiatric area (Network Analysis, Latent Growth Curve Modeling, path Structural Equation Modeling, and Survival Analysis). Also contributing to improve treatment plans for mental disorders into the impulsive-compulsive spectrum (including three-generation technological approaches, such serious video games).

    Key words

    Methodology, Statistics, Psychometry, Design of studies, Clinical Psychology, Psychiatry, Eating Disorders, Behavioral Addictions



    Resercher ID

    Jacint Jordana

    Jordana Casajuana, Jacint

    Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) · Polítical and Social Sciences

    Professor of Political Science and Public Administration at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), he is also associate researcher at the Centre of European Studies and Comparative Politics (SciencesPo). Director of the Institut Barelona d'Estudis Interncionals (IBEI). He has been visiting fellow at the Australian National University, Wissenschafts Zentrum Berlin, University of California (San Diego), Copenhagen Business School, and the LM University of Munich. His publications include articles, among others, on regulatory institutions, public policy making, policy networks and global governance. Recently, he has published Linguistic Claims and Political Conflicts (Routledge, 2021, with A. Bianculli and M. Ferrín), and Policy Anaysis in Spain (Policy Press, 2022, edited with L. Chaqués).


    Research interest

    My research focus on the analysis of how regulatory governance works in the age of globalization. My primary area of research concentrates on examining the characteristics of regulatory agencies (accountability, independence, responsibilities, etc.) across different sectors and countries all over the world, and how these agencies are involved in global governance.

    Granting political independence to most of these agencies was a significant move in the political economy of many countries during the 1990s and 2000s, and I am interested to better understand how this institutional model really works in practice years after. Delegation to regulatory agencies in democratic settings has become widespread, but their accountability to diverse audiences turns to be highly critical.   For this reason, I have focused on examining the political and economic context they operate, as a way to find explanations for agencies’ successes and failures, as well as their vulnerabilities.

    Key words

    public policy, Institutions, governance, regulation, collective action



    Resercher ID

  • Le Mens, Gael UPF - 2022
    Gael Le Mens

    Le Mens, Gael

    Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) · Economics and Business

    Gaël Le Mens is Professor (Catedràtic) at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Affiliated Professor of the BSE and core faculty of the UPF-BSM. His current research is funded by a ERC Consolidator grant (2018-2024), a Ministerio project (2019-2023) and a Fundación BBVA grant (2020-2023). He has also been a PI for two prior Ministerio projects and a Leonardo Grant by the Fundación BBVA.

    Gaël holds a PhD in Business Administration from Stanford University (June 2009) and has been on the faculty in the Department of Economics and Business at Universitat Pompeu Fabra since July 2009. Prior to his PhD, Gaël has been trained in Mathematics (Lycée Henri IV, Paris), Computer and Eletrical Engineering at Supelec and Management Science and Engineering at Stanford University.

    Research interest

    Professor Le Mens's research focuses on how the social environment and learning processes affect inference, judgment and valuation. His current theoretical focus is on developing models of the influence of categories on inference and valuation, models of how people learn from feedback on Twitter and models of the dynamics of collective valuation (such as online review scores) and popularity. Professor Le Mens tests the predictions of his models using a variety of methods, such as the analysis of text data by fine-tuning state-of-the art language models (BERT and GPT3) and a combination of online and laboratory experiments.

    More information is available on Gaël's personal website. Code and open data are available on OSF

    Key words

    Judgment Biases, Decision Making, Learning, Social Influence, Social Dynamics, Organizational Learning



    Resercher ID

  • Miró, Jordi URV - 2013, 2020

    Miró, Jordi

    Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) · Psychology

    Jordi Miró (Reus, 1964) obtained his BSc in Psychology at the Universitat de Barcelona in 1988, and his Master (1990) and PhD (1993) in Health Psychology at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. His training involved Visiting Scholar placements at the U. of Pittsburgh (Dr. DC Turk), U. of Washington (Dr MP Jensen), and New York University (Dr. FBW Hawkinshire). 

    He is Full Professor of Health Psychology (2010) and Director of the Unit for the Study and Treatment of Pain (2003) and the Chair in Pediatric Pain (2015) at Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV). He is Director of the Master program in Health Psychology at URV.

    In 2012 he received the URV's RQR Award for quality in research, and an ICREA-Acadèmia award in 2014.

    He is founding member of the Spanish Pain Society, and the Coordinator of the Special interest group in pediatric pain. He is Councilor of the International Association for the Study of Pain.

    Research interest

    His broad research interest is pain and its management, but his current main area of research is pediatric pain, and specifically pediatric chronic pain. His group (ALGOS) is currently developing different Smartphone Apps to help people with pain develop better ways to cope with their health problems.  

    Key words

    Psychology of pain; Chronic pain; Youth; Disability; Pain management; Pain assessment; m-health


  • Moreno Bote, Rubén UPF - 2016, 2022
    Rubén Moreno

    Moreno Bote, Rubén

    Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) · Departamento de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (DTIC)

    Rubén Moreno Bote is one of the leading scientists inthe study of neuronal population dynamics in decision making under uncertainty.

    In 2010, he obtained a Ramon y Cajal Award and become and in 2015, he became a Serra Hunter Professor (associate level, permanent) at the Center for Brain and Cognition (CBC) and the Dept. of Communication and Information Technologies in the University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. Currently he is Serra Hunter Full Professor.

    Moreno-Bote has published in the two top journals of brain sciences, namely, Nature Neuroscience (2014) and Neuron (2016), and also in other top journals such as Nature Communications (2017, 2019, 2021), PNAS (2020) and Current Biology (2021). Moreno Bote has been awarded highly competitive grants and awards, including the prestigious International Scholarship from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

    Research interest

    The brain consists of 100 billion neurons that work together within intricate networks. The coordination of these neuronal networks ultimately leads to our perception of the world, reasoning and consciousness.  Despite great progress, our current understanding of the brain is still very primitive. For instance, it is not well understood how information is represented in the sensory cortex, and how this information is readout to generate behavior.

    In the Theoretical and Cognitive Neuroscience group, we study the link between neuronal activity, perception and behavior. How is sensory information represented in neuronal activity? How is this information readout by downstream neurons to form a perceptual decision or make a choice?

    Thus, our work has shed new light over the link between neuronal activity and perception and decision-making. Our next steps will further advance our understanding of this linkage by exploring new territories of behavior.

    Key words

    reinforcement learning, behavior, decision-making, neuroscience, neural networks



    Resercher ID


    Muñoz Mendoza, Jordi

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Departament de Ciència Política, Dret Constitucional i Filosofia del Dret

    I am Associate Professor (Professor Agregat) at the Department of Political Science of the University of Barcelona, and Fellow at the Institutions and Political Economy Research Group. Currently on leave, working as director of the Center of Opinion Research of the Catalan Government (Centre d'Estudis d'Opinió)

    I was Ramón y Cajal research fellow at the UB (2014-19), Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral researcher at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Democracy, Elections and Citizenship Research Group), and Phd student at the Pompeu Fabra University, where I graduated in 2009. I have also been visiting researcher at the University of Gothenburg (2012) and Yale University (2007-08). I lead the POLEXP network and the BGB Workshop on Experimental Political Science.

    Research interest

    My broad research interests are related to political behavior and comparative politics. My first line of research is quantitative historical political economy. I am interested in the process of effective political incorporation of previously excluded groups, such as unskilled workers (JOP 2019), or women (R&R). My current work at IPERG focuses on the interwar period in Catalonia, Sweden and the UK.

    I also conduct experimental research on political preferences. I have worked extensively on the question of failures of electoral accountability after corruption scandals (CPS 2013, LGS 2016). I have also looked at questions such as the impact of coalition signals on parties’ reputation (JOP 2017), the effect of immigration on support for social policy (PSRM 2019), support for secession (EPSR 2015) or political violence (JPR 2019, BJPS 2022). I have also worked on the use of unexpected events during surveys as a strategy for causal identification (PA 2019).

    Key words

    Political behavior, accountability, survey experiments, democratization



    Resercher ID

  • Pérez Castrillo, David UAB - 2008, 2014, 2019

    Pérez Castrillo, David

    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) · Departament d'Economia i Història Económica

    David Pérez-Castrillo earned a Ph.D. in Economics from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Science Sociales, Paris, in 1991. He had previously graduated in Mathematics from the UPV/EHU in Bilbao. He is a Professor of Economics at UAB and a Research Professor at Barcelona SE. He is a member of the editorial board of several international journals. He has served as President of the Association of Southern European Economic Theorists, as President of the Spanish Economic Association, and as Officer of the Executive Committee of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics. In addition to ICREA Academia chairs (2008, 2014, and 2019), he has been awarded the Distinció per a la Promoció de la Recerca Universitària of the Generalitat de Catalunya for Young Researchers (2001), the Prize Haralambos Simeonidis (2001), and the Arrow Price of the BE Journal (2006). In 2021, he was elected Fellow of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory.

    Research interest

    His research interests include the Economics of Innovation, theoretical and applied Game Theory, and Contract Theory. He is particularly interested in research that lies in the intersection between fields. For example, he uses matching market models to analyze the optimal incentive contracts in general equilibrium environments. He also builds new datasets to study from both empirical and theoretical points of view research questions such as the dynamics of start-ups, the funding process of researchers, and the influence of institutional investors on firms’ innovation.

    Key words

    Economics of Innovation, Matching, Game Theory, Economics of Information, Corporate Finance



    Resercher ID

  • Pons Fernández, Xavier UAB - 2010, 2015, 2022
    Xavier Pons

    Pons Fernández, Xavier

    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) · Geografia

    Xavier Pons is full Professor of Geography at UAB and leads the Grumets research group, devoted to Geographical Information Science. With also a background in Biology, his main work has been done in radiometric and geometric corrections of satellite and aerial and drone imagery, digital classification methods for cartography and dynamics of land cover and ecological parameters from solar spectrum, thermal, lidar and SAR data. He has dedicated important efforts to GIS development, both in terms of structures and standards for geoservices, and in terms of software writing (MiraMon, from 1994, +200000 users). He has also worked in climate modelling, forest fire and droughts from time series of satellite images. Dr. Pons has collaborated with different university departments, research centers and public administrations, has supervised 18 PhD theses and has received several research awards. 

    Research interest

    X. Pons is interested in Global Change analysis of the Iberian Peninsula, compiling Social, Climate and Remote Sensing (RS) data at detailed spatial and temporal resolution to understand the influences of human and physical drivers over land systems (role of topography, drought, rural abandonment, etc). And also in the quality of Geographic Information. He will address Land Cover Change studies through new paradigms of processing and analysis of RS data, focusing on: 1. Methods: synergy drone+satellite to improve radiometry, capture and processing of the later, solving the treatment in shadowed areas and exploring a new paradigm of data capture that could change nowadays sensors. 2. New paradigms for data analysis: Important inconsistencies appear when map time series are analyzed. Among other improvements, a time link could be used for better machine learning results. This will not only be an academic benefit but will also impact on policies and, ultimately, on the society.

    Key words

    Geographic Information Science, Earth Observation, Climatology, Geography, Environmental Sciences



    Resercher ID

  • Sebastián Gallés, Núria UPF - 2008, 2013, 2018

    Sebastián Gallés, Núria

    Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) · Departament de Teconologies de la Informació i les Comunicacions

    Núria Sebastián received her PhD in Experimental Psychology from the University of Barcelona in 1986. After Post-doctoral training at the Max Plank Institute and the CNRS in Paris, she was appointed Associate Professor of the Faculty of Psychology, University of Barcelona, in 1988, and then was promoted to Full Professor in 2002. In 2009, she moved to the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF). She was a Visiting Scholar at several research centers including the IRCS at the University of Pennsylvania, the ICN at University College (London) and the University of Chicago. She was coordinator of the Consolider-Ingenio 2010 research consortium (BRAINGLOT). From Jan. 2014 Dec. 2016 she was Vice-President of the ERC. In 2016 she was elected as a Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy. She leads the SAP Research Group (Speech Acquisition and Processing) at UPF’s Center for Brain and Cognition. She has authored over 150 publications in international journals.

    Research interest

    The scientific contributions by Dr. Sebastián Gallés cluster around the topic of language learning in bilingual contexts. She wants to understand the mechanisms that make possible that young infants acquire a language (or languages) in a short period of time. She also wants to understand the way adult brains get to learn new languages later in life. She is a firm supported of interdisciplinarity and her research is a clear example of it, as it combines fundadmental concepts of linguistics, psychology and neuroscience. 

    Her main goal is to understand how the human brain hosts language and how its acquisition and processing changes the brain. 

    Key words

    psychology, cognitive neuroscience, bilingualism, development



    Resercher ID

  • Torcal, Mariano UPF - 2014, 2019

    Torcal, Mariano

    Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) · Departamento de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales

    Full Professor in Political Science and ICREA Research Fellow (2014-2019, and 2020-2025) at the Department of Political and Social Science at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona and Director of the Research and Expertise Centre for Survey Methodology (RECSM). Ex-President of WAPOR Latinoamérica Association (2018-2020). Senior Adjunct Faculty at the Korbel Graduate School of International Studies at the University of Denver since 2006. He has published several articles on topics such as affective polarization, political disaffection, political trust and satisfaction with democracy, electoral behavior, political participation and party system institutionalization in major international journals. More recently, I got interested in the topic of effective polarization and support for right-wing parties. Member of The Editorial Boards of many International Journals. Current editor of Revista Latinoamericana de Opinión Pública. 

    Research interest

    Certainly, ideological and issue position differences between parties and their followers lie at the very core of democratic political life, but scholars in the United States have identified another important facet of this topic - citizens’ affective polarisation that arises between partisan and other identity groups and along policy lines. This process goes beyond the traditional ideological/issue based conflicts, emerging along lines drawn by partisan loyalties as well as existing or new emerging identities which increasingly divide the world into in-partisan and out-partisan groups. My research has centred on the study of the factors explaining the increase of this type of polarisation and its attitudinal and behavioral consequences.  Most recent book: De Votantes a Holigans. Polarización Política en España. Madrid, Catarata, 2023.

    Key words

    Public Opinion, Eleccions, Party Systems, Survey Methodology, Political Behavior



    Resercher ID

  • Torres Pérez, Aida UPF - 2019

    Torres Pérez, Aida

    Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) · Law

    Aida Torres Pérez is Associate Professor of Constitutional Law at Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona). She received her LL.M and JSD from the Yale Law School. She has been a visiting scholar at the European University Institute (Florence), the Universityof Trento, the University of Maastricht, the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (Heidelberg),the Court of Justice of the European Union (Luxembourg), and the Danish National Research Foundation’s Centre of Excellence for International Courts, iCourts (Copenhagen). Since 2011, she is an external legal expert of the Centre for Judicial Cooperation at the EUI (Florence) and has participated in several projects funded by the European Commission as the UPF coordinator. She is the IP of a project funded by the Spanish government (2018-2020) on the new challenges for the Rule of Law in the EU, which builds upon a previous research project on the constitutional impact of European economic governance. 

    Research interest

    Her research has primarily focused on the plurality of systems of rights protection in Europe and the interactions among the Court of Justice of the European Union, the European Court of Human Rights, and constitutional courts; and European constitutionalism and the impact of economic governance. At present, she is developing a line of research on the independence of the international judiciary. The increasing influence and power of international courts has raised concern regarding their legitimacy, which is premised to a large extent upon their independence. The diverse and partial approaches in examining specific courts hinders a meaningful understanding of what judicial independence means and requires in the international sphere. Her main goal is to provide an analytical framework to conceptualize judicial independence at the international level from which to assess, critically examine, and guide institutional design and practice.



    Key words

    Fundamental rights in Europe, judicial dialogue, European constitutionalism, international judicial independence



    Resercher ID

    Judit Vall

    Vall Castelló, Judit

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Department of Economics

    I am an applied economist specialized in health and labor economics. In my research projects, I have worked with large administrative datasets and existing survey data at the Spanish and European levels and I have also designed and run more specific surveys tailored to a particular group of the population.I have won prestigious individual scholarships such as the Marie Curie, the Fulbright-Schuman and the Robert Solow Post-doctoral fellowship, and important European projects as Principal Investigator for Spain: the H2020 project REMINDER (2016-2019) and the METADIS EURODIET (2019-2021). I also obtained research grants as Principal Investigator from AGAUR (Pandèmies 2020), the Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, the Ramon Areces Foundation, the BBVA Foundation and the Spanish Research Agency.

    Research interest

    In my work, I try to understand the impact of several policy interventions on health, the labour market and educational outcomes. I strongly believe that this type of applied research can provide useful tools for policy-makers when designing their interventions. My previous research has focused on the evaluation of policies aimed at promoting the labour market integration of disabled workers in order to provide guidance on the best strategies to foster the employment of this group of workers. My current research concentrates on the impact of the current COVID-19 pandemic on several health and population outcomes and on the evaluation of changes in the structure of the public health care system to enhance the efficiency and patient satisfaction levels. During the last years, I have also been working on a number of project to understand and document the size and origins of gender biases in medicine.

    Key words

    policy evaluation, health economics, labor economics, immigration, gender


  • Valverde, Olga UPF - 2021
    Picture of Olga Valverde

    Valverde, Olga

    Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) · Medicine and Health Sciences (MELIS)

    I received a PhD in the Neurosciences Program (1992) in the University of Cadiz. My doctoral thesis was focussed on the study of the mechanisms of action involved in the analgesic effects of antidepressants. In 1992, I started a postdoctoral stage at the René Descartes University with a fellowship of the EU “Human Capital and Mobility”. My postdoc stage lasted 6 years (1992-1998). I also defended a second doctoral Thesis at the René Descartes University, 1996 (Russell Award). I had the opportunity to work in various projects including the phenotyping of mice with mutations in the opioid, cannabinoid and dopaminergic system that allowed us to characterize functions of the opioid system. In 1998, I joined Pompeu Fabra University (UPF). Since 2007 I lead the Behavioural Neurobiology Research Group (GReNeC-NeuroBio) (https://www.upf.edu/web/grenec) and since 2008 I am a Full Professor at the UPF.

    Research interest

    My research interests are focused on the understanding of the neurobiology of several psychiatric disorders, in particular: i) I have contributed to the characterization of the delta opioid receptor and to the study of the function of cannabinoid receptors in various processes, such as depression, addictions and pain. ii) Neurobiological study of cocaine addiction and the possible therapeutic effects of phytocannabinoids. iii) Circadian rhythms and cognition . iv) Neurobiological study of fetal alcoholic syndrome in a mouse model. v) Comorbidity between drug addiction, depressive disorders and cognitive impairments, as well as the analysis of biomarkers for neuropsychiatric disorders.

    Key words

    Reward, motivation, cognition, behaviour, foetal alcohol spectrum disorders, cocaine, endocannabinoids.



    Resercher ID


    Verger Planells, Antoni

    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) · Department of Sociology

    Professor of Sociology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). Before joining UAB with a Ramon y Cajal grant in 2011, he was a researcher and lecturer in IDS at the University of Amsterdam. He has lead the ERC-funded project Reforming Schools Globally: A Multiscalar Analysis of Autonomy and Accountability Policies in the Education Sector (2016-2022), and is one of the directors of the Erasmus Plus-awarded GLOBED Master. With a cross-disciplinary training in sociology and education studies, Verger publishes in comparative education, sociology of education and development studies journals. He has edited several books on global education policy, and is one of the lead editors of the Journal of Education Policy and the World Yearbook of Education. Beyond academia, he regularly collaborates with international organisations, governmental agencies and international NGOs to inform their policies and strategies in education.

    Research interest

    Verger's research examines the relationship between globalization, governance institutions and education policy - i.e. how education policies are formulated, promoted and enacted in different institutional settings, and how these processes impact education quality and equity. In the last years, he has applied this research perspective to the study of public-private partnerships, market reforms and new public management policies in education. Methodologically, his research combines policy convergence analyses in a wide sample of countries with small-ne process-tracing and implementation studies. His work is unique in retriveing the mechansims connecting the logic of adoption of policy instruments at the governent level to the everyday performance of these instruments in different school settings. 

    Key words

    global education policy; educational reform; comparative education; multi-scalar governance; public-private partnerships; accountability in education; international organisations



    Resercher ID

  • VIDAL BARRANTES, Neus UAB - 2012, 2022
    Neus Vidal


    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) · Psicologia Clínica i de la Salut

    Neus Vidal-Barrantes combined research and clinical training. She obtained a PhD (Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award) in Psychology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and a MSc at the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, becoming a Licensed Specialist in Clinical Psychology. She was a visiting predoctoral researcher in the University of Oxford and held an Adjunct Associate Professorship at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (USA). She is Professor at the Department of Clinical Psychology of UAB, where she coordinates the Research Group “Person-Environment Interaction in Risk and Resilience in Mental Health” (SGR). She has been a member of the Advisory Board of the Spanish Agency for the Assessment of Scientific Research and has served as a research consultant for mental health centers. Her interests are the nature and origins of mental disorders as well as positive and adaptive psychological features such as psychological sensitivity and creativity.

    Research interest

    Her research focuses on how the interaction of genes, person, and environmental factors shape risk and resilience in mental health. This approach challenges the dogma that mental disorders are genetic-based brain illnesses and tests the hypothesis that the genetics of mental disorders are largely the genetics of sensitivity to the psychosocial environment. She examines whether the interaction of psychological sensitivity with both adverse and positive environments impacts negative (psychopathology) and positive (wellbeing, creativity) outcomes, respectively, and its moderation by genetic factors. We use mobile technologies to map real-life person-context interactions and their impact on the dynamic expression of symptoms and wellbeing, which informs clinical diagnoses and helps tailoring individualized treatments. Validation of this framework would challenge our current concept of mental disorders, the pessimistic view of ‘vulnerability’, and their associated stigma.

    Key words

    Clinical Psychology, Psychosis, Continuum, Gene-person-enviroment interaction



    Resercher ID

  • Vidal Torre, Sergi UAB - 2022
    Sergi Vidal Torre

    Vidal Torre, Sergi

    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) · Dpt. de Sociologia

    I am a social demographer (PhD, Universitat Pompeu Fabra). Currently appointed as an Associate Professor (Professor Agregat) at the Department of Sociology of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, and as a researcher at the Centre for Demographic Studies, where I act as a head of the Generations and Life Course research group. Before, I have worked at Universität Bremen and The University of Queensland.

    Currently, I am an ERC Grant holder leading the LIFELONGMOVE project funded by the European Research Council (Consolidator Grant, 2023-2027). Relatedly, I (co-)chair the IUSSP Scientific Panel on Lifetime Migration of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (2023-2025). I am also a Life Course Centre affiliate of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Children and Families over the Life Course, and a BiB fellow of the German Federal Institute for Population Research.


    Research interest

    My work is situated in the related fields of demography, sociology, and life course research. In my research, I address how demographic and social change relates to and impacts individual life courses in different national contexts, and the consequences of demographic behaviour for social inequality. In particular, I have established myself as a key researcher in family and spatial mobility research adopting comparative and life course approaches. I have innovated in these fields by deploying advanced quantitative methods on large longitudinal datasets, including surveys and administrative registers. My research leadership in this field is evidenced in my engagement in several research projects as a principal investigator, including an ERC Consolidator Grant. My contributions to the field are numerous, including manyfold publications in top-rated journals (e.g. Demography, European Journal of Population,etc.).

    Key words

    family dynamics, social inequality, spatial mobility, longitudinal analysis, life course



    Viladecans Marsal, Elisabet

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Economics

    I am a Full Professor of Economics at the University of Barcelona, as well as an associate researcher at both the CEPR (Center for Economic Policy Research) and the CEMFI (Center for Monetary and Financial Studies). I currently serve as the director of the Chair in Urban Economics and the Cities research program at the Institut d’Economia de Barcelona. I was a pre-doctoral researcher at the University of Birmingham in the UK and have since conducted regular research visits to the Department of Economics at the University of California, Irvine in the US. Throughout my career, I have been the principal investigator of several national and international research projects. In addition to my academic work, I also regularly provide guidance and advice to local governments and public institutions on issues related to the economy of cities and the design of local public policies.

    Research interest

    My research focuses on various aspects of Urban Economics, ranging from land use regulation and housing markets to transportation in cities, neighborhoods' dynamics, the quality of the urban environment, and the urban political economy. Additionally, I evaluate policies aimed at addressing emerging urban problems. The recently improved geographic detailed data has allowed for more precise geolocation of agents within cities, resulting in more robust analyses. My current research agenda includes investigating the impact of land-use policies on cities' growth, examining the effects of newly implemented urban mobility policies that discourage the use of cars within cities, studying the configuration of cities and their impact on air pollution levels, analyzing the positioning of consumption amenities and their influence on the well-being of city residents, and studying the electoral impact of anti-car policies.

    Key words

    Urban Economics; Economic Geography; Public Economics



    Resercher ID

    Picture of Carolina Villacampa Estiarte

    Villacampa Estiarte, Carolina

    Universitat de Lleida (UdL) · Department of Law

    Full Professor of Criminal Law and Victimology, coordinator of the research group Sustainable society and law and director of the MA in criminal justice system at UdL. President of the Law area, Spanish State Agency of Research. Coordinator of the Victimology Group, Spanish Society of Criminology. Postdoctoral research fellowship at Albert Ludwigs Univ. (Germany, 2002). Visiting professor at Univ. of Florence (2005), City Univ. of New York (2009) and Univ. of Cambridge (UK, 2010, 2011). One of the most cited Spanish academics in her field (Dialnet metrics). Ranked amongst the most cited female researchers in Spain (CSIC, 2022). Coordinator of 10 competitive research projects. Author of 21 books, 82 articles in major indexed journals and 75 book chapters. Supervisor of 6 Ph D. completed theses and 6 in progress. Member of the editorial board of International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice and International Review of Victimology; life member of Clare Hall College-Univ. Cambridge.

    Research interest

    As a criminal lawyer, my research was originally mostly theoretical and focused on different aspects related with the general and the special parts of Criminal Law, particularly the attribution of criminal liability in organized structures, economic crimes, and crimes against human rights. The study of criminal conducts against fundamental rights made me change my approach to these phenomena, from a crime-centric to a victim-centric perspective. As a consequence, during almost two decades my research has been focusing on the theoretical and empirical analysis of processes of victimisation and de-victimisation related to different manifestations of gender-based violence, human trafficking and exploitation of human beings, sex work and online sexual violence. The study of these processes is also oriented towards the legal analysis leading to the formulation of a legal status for victims of crime.

    Key words

    Criminal law, victimology, criminology, victimization processes, gender based violence, human trafficking



    Resercher ID


    Cabré Ollé, Miriam

    Universitat de Girona (UdG) · Institut de Llengua i Cultura Catalanes

    Associate professor of Romance Philology (Univ. Girona-ILCC). PhD (Univ. Cambridge, 1994, with La Caixa-British Council, Batista i Roca Awards). She is vicepresident of the Association Internationale d'Études Occitanes, has been visiting fellow at the Univ. Warwick and enjoyed research stays at Montréal, Paris and Oxford (Salvador de Madariaga award), has given invited papers in France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, UK, US, Czech Republic and Switzerland, and has organized 9 international conferences (including an ESF workshop). Has participated in competitively funded projects since 1998, some international (Italy, UK), and has been PI of several projects, including Trob-Eu (Recercaixa) and now SGR Cultura i literatura a la Baixa Edat Mitjana. She serves in the advisory board of international journals and as international evaluator. Editor of the journal Mot So Razo and contributing editor of the Year's Work in Modern Language Studies. She co-coordinates the Espai Narpan and Cançoners DB.

    Research interest

    Troubadour culture, a pillar of European identity, still presents major unexplored issues. After extensive inroads interpreting Cerverí de Girona, the most prolific troubadour, and the Catalan deluxe songbook Sg, literary and historical analysis joined to pioneering digital tools resulted in the Trob-Eu map of troubadour courts linked to a DB, and an exhibition (BdC) that furthered my research scope. Currently I am reassessing three chief issues about troubadour heritage in the Crown of Aragon: the role of non-Catalan troubadours, the impact of verse-narrative and the way songbooks shaped cultural circulation. The discovery of a new songbook is a clear example of the impact of research on Catalan troubadour reception on decoding the entire pan-European tradition. Further leads involve insights on courts as places of power and culture, or troubadour accounts of court experience, cultural routes, power imagery, and social mobility. 

    Key words

    Medieval Literature, Troubadour Studies, Medieval Courtly Culture, Manuscript Studies, Political Background of Literary Creation, Cultural Heritage, Digital Mapping


    Roger Canals

    Canals Vilageliu, Roger

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Social Anthropology

    Roger Canals works as associate professor at the Department of Social Anthropology at the University of Barcelona. Specialist in Visual Anthropology and Anthropology of Religion, he holds a Phd from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales de Paris and from the University of Barcelona. He is the author of several documentary films, internationally awarded. He has also published numerous articles on cinema, visual studies, religion and anthropology as well as the book "A Goddess in Motion. Visual Creativity in the Cult of María Lionza" (2017, Berghahn Books), among other co-authored books. He has been the curator of exhibitions and film festivals. He currently collaborates with different media and with cultural institutions from Barcelona. In 2020, he was awarded an ERC-Consolidator Grant (2021-2026) for the project VISUAL TRUST. Reliability, accountability and forgery in scientific, religious and social images.

    Research interest

    My major field of interest is the Anthropology of Images and, more precisely, the intersection between visual culture, ethics, and culture. This interest is both theorethical and practical: I do not only study how individuals from different socio-cultural milieu interact with and through images but I also experiment with modes of doing research through visual methodologies (and namely through cinema).

    Part of my career has been devouted to the study of religion and ritual, especifically within the context of afro-american religions (on-line and off-line). I have consacreted several film to this topic, shot in Venezuela, Puerto Rico, and Catalonia.

    Currently I am the PI of the ERC-Consolidator Grant (2021-2026) VISUAL TRUST. Reliability, accountability and forgery in scientific, religious and social images. This multi-modal and experimental project analyzes how visual reliability and forgery is crafted, experienced and assessed in different contexts of the world.

    Key words

    Visual Anthropology, Ethics, Religion, STS Studies, Digital Culture,Trust-making, Fake Images, Post-truth, Multi-modal Anthropology



    Coello de la Rosa, Alexandre

    Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) · Humanitats

    Senior professor of history and researcher at the UPF/CSIC. He has published numerous books and articles on Latin American history and the Philippines, particularly on church history, chronicles of the Indies and the history of the Marianas (16th to 18th centuries). His latest books are: (with J.L. Mateo), In Praise of Historical Anthropology: Perspectives, Methods, and Applications to the Study of Power and Colonialism (London & New York: Routledge, 2020); (with L. G. Jones), Striving for Remembrance: Saints and Sanctity in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (London & New York: Routledge, 2020); (with D. Atienza), Scars of Faith: Letters and Documents of the Mariana Islands’ Jesuit Missionaries (Chestnut Hill: Institute of Jesuit Sources, 2021). He is also coeditor of the journal Illes i Imperis and coordinator of the Master in Asian-Pacific Studies in a Global Context (UPF).

    Research interest

    The PI’s expertise includes Latin American History and the Philippines, with an emphasis on ecclesiastical and early modern history. His education involved the study of Colonial Latin American History and Cultural Anthropology for more than ten years. As a historian, he was trained in history at SUNY at Stony Brook, where he earned his PhD in Latin American History (2001). Afterwards, he deepened this interdisciplinary perspective by collaborating (and publishing) with prestigious anthropologists at the UAB on issues related to ambivalent identities, hibridity, and comparative systems of social classification. He has been visiting professor and researcher in Brasil (Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados, UFGD), Mexico (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM), and Peru (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, PUCP).

    Key words

    Ecclesiastical History, Philippines, Jesuits, Colonial History



    Resercher ID

  • Da Riva Muñoz, María del Rocío UB - 2014, 2008, 2022
    Rocío Da Riva

    Da Riva Muñoz, María del Rocío

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · History and Archaeology

    Born in Madrid, Da Riva studied in Ghent, Erlangen and Würzburg. She obtained her PhD at the University of Würzburg. She has worked on cuneiform collections from several museums and has edited Babylonian texts. Main research interests: administrative and historical texts, political history of Babylonia, religious and literary texts from Babylonia, cuneiform epigraphy. Da Riva has been visiting professor at the Venice International University and at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, etc. She has been visiting researcher and has taught courses in several international institutions during stays of various lengths. Da Riva is currently fellow of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Kolleg-Forschungsgruppe 2615 “Rethinking Oriental Despotism”, Freie Universität Berlin and has been Professeur Invité at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (2022). Da Riva is Senior Board member of the Melammu Project and member of the Board of the Dan David Prize.

    Research interest

    1. Study of cuneiform temple rituals from Babylonia at the British Museum, London and at the Vorderasiatisches Museum, Berlin. Analysis of ritual procedures, spatial dimension of temple ceremonies, cultic itineraries, sacred landscapes and gendered aspects of religion.

    2. Study and edition of the Divine Lovel Lyrics, a corpus of cuneiform erotico-religious poetry, research at the Hebrew University Jerusalem (with Nathan Wasserman, HUJ): conceptualization of emotions in the later phase of Mesopotamian culture, their ceremonial actualization, and their literary expression.

    3. Research in Neo-Babylonian inscriptions, RIBo Series (http://oracc.museum.upenn.edu/ribo/babylon7/abouttheproject/index.html) as member of OIMEA, Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Germany.

    4. Application of Geometric Morphometrics to the study of cuneiform documents (new research line in development!).

    Key words

    Assyriology, Ancient Near East, Mesopotamia, Cuneiform Palaeography, Iron Age



    Resercher ID

  • Font Paz, Carme UAB - 2021
    Carme Font

    Font Paz, Carme

    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) · Departament de Filologia Anglesa i de Germanística

    Carme Font-Paz is Associate Professor of English Literature at UAB, and PI of the ERC StG WINK: Women’s Invisible Ink: Trans-Genre Writing and the Gendering of Intellectual Value in Early Modernity. She is director of the GRC research group Cos i Textualitats. She has held postdoctoral and associate research positions at UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, at Harvard University as a Houghton Fellow and at Johns Hopkins as a fellow of the Stern Center for the History of the Book in the Renaissance. She has published widely on early modern women’s writing and reception. Her latest books are Women’s Prophetic Writings in Seventeenth-Century Britain (Routledge), Economic Imperatives for Women’s Writing in Early Modern Europe (Brill), and Women Writing on Social Change in Early Modern Europe (Brepols). She has edited the special issue Early Modern Textual Misogynies for the journal Women’s Writing (2023) and serves on the editorial board of Prose Studies.

    Research interest

    Integrating gender studies, intellectual history, value theory and social history, Dr Font’s research examines the marginalization of women’s writing in the early modern period. She studies the ingrained cultural and social dynamics of debasing women’s work that led to a non-assimilation of its value, a process she defines as “textual misogyny”. Envisaging epistemic equality in the short and long term, Font effects a transformative and synergic action across disciplines and practices of feminist criticism that is changing the way we count knowledge-ordering systems and women as equal intellectual partners. Her work provides a model for content-based intellectual recovery in extant, neglected and lost textualities through a qualitative trans-genre methodology in several linguistic contexts, modifying androcentric and binary dynamics of representing valuable thinking. This research seeks the full integration of women in the systems of knowledge production and transmission.

    Key words

    History of ideas, gender and genre, women's writing, early modern history, print and manuscript culture



    Resercher ID

  • Fort Viader, Joaquim UdG - 2014, 2021
    Joaquim Fort

    Fort Viader, Joaquim

    Universitat de Girona (UdG) · Departament de Física

    Joaquim Fort (1966) graduated in Physics at the Universitat de Barcelona (1989). Master in Cosmology at Tufts University (USA, 1991) with a Fulbright fellowship. Master in Physics (1993) and PhD in Physics (1997) at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Since 1998 he has specialized in applying reaction-diffusion-interaction equations to prehistoric phenomena. Associate professor (since 1999) and full professor (since 2009) of Physics at the University of Girona. Author of over 120 research papers in scientific journals, including Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S. (PNAS) and Physical Review Letters. He has directed large research projects on prehistoric simulation, funded by the European Commission (2006-2010) and the Spanish Consolider program (2011-2017). Double ICREA Academia Award in Humanities (2014 and 2021). 

    Research interest

    We have performed statistical analyses of early Neolithic dates in several regions:

    1. The western Mediterranean,

    2. Scandinavia,

    3. The spread of rice in eastern Asia,

    4. Bantu expansions in eastern Africa.

    My theory (Fort, PNAS 21012) unifies mathematically demic diffusion (spread of farming populations) and cultural diffusion (conversion of hunter-gatherers into farmers). We have applied it and found that demic diffusion was more important than cultural diffusion in case studies 2-4 above, as well as for the LBK, ELP, PP and TRBK cultures in Europe.

    My theory (Fort, PNAS 21012) has made it possible to understand a genetic spatial pattern (cline) of Neolithic individuals (Isern, Fort & de Rioja, Sci. Rep. 2017).

    I have found a strong effect of non-isotropic dispersal on the rate of human geographical expansions (Fort, Sci. Rep. 2020). This is also important in the context of Paleolithic populations (Fort, Pujol & Cavalli-Sforza 2005).

    Key words

    Neolithic transitions, demic and cultural diffusion



    Resercher ID


    González Ricoy, Iñigo

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Department of Philosophy

    I am an associate professor of political philosophy at the University of Barcelona. I am also a member of the Barcelona Institute of Analytic Philosophy, which has been recently acknowledged as a María de Maeztu unit of excellence, and an external member of the Chaire Hoover d'éthique économique et sociale at the Université de Louvain and the Law and Philosophy group at Pompeu Fabra University, where I held postdoctoral positions in the past. I have also been a visiting fellow at the University of Oxford, Goethe Universität Frankfurt, and Columbia University, a visiting professor at UPF, and during my doctorate, which I obtained in 2012 at UB, a visiting student at University College London, New York University, and the Universidade do Minho. 

    Research interest

    My research is in political philosophy and revolves around four areas. The first focuses on the changing nature and significance of work and labor relations, including nonstandard employment relations. Another is the political theory of the firm, which inspects the organization and governance of business firms from a normative perspective. The third asks which duties, if any, we have toward future generations and which institutions may realize them best. Finally, I am also interested in foundational issues in democratic theory, including the relationship between constitutionalism and democracy and that between economic and political disparities. My recent work in these areas has appeared in journals including Philosophy and Public Affairs, the European Journal of Philosophy, and WIREs Climate Change, and I am completing a monograph, Labor in the Boardroom, under contract with Oxford University Press.

    Key words

    Democratic theory, intergenerational justice, work.



    Resercher ID

    Maria del Mar Griera Llonch

    Griera Llonch, Maria del Mar

    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) · Sociologia

    Mar Griera is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Director of the ISOR research centre. She has been visiting fellow at Boston University (2009), Universiteit Van Amsterdam (2008), Exeter University (2006), Université de Lausanne (2016), and l'École Pratique des Hautes Études (2022).

    Her research expertise lies at the intersection of religion, spirituality, politics and heritage regimes in contemporary Europe. She has coordinated several competitive projects in this area, has edited five high-quality journal special issues, published several books and authored a high number of articles. She is currently the vice-president of the RC22 committee on Sociology of Religion of the International Sociological Association (ISA) and member of the Board of the IESR (Institut Européen en Sciences des Religions– Paris). 

    Research interest

    The global resurgence of religious identities and the reconfiguration of political landscapes has a large impact upon European societies. Griera’s research agenda departs from this scenario and focuses on two lines of inquiry.

    First, she examines public controversies at the intersection of religion, science and health through a mix-methods research design combining ethnographic work and big data analysis. More specifically, she is interested in exploring trust (and distrust) towards biomedical technologies, and to understand how religious discourses are mobilized to frame, shape and inform political and personal positions.

    Second, she focuses on religious diversity and heritage by promoting a reflection around the Mediterranean, and its multi-religious past. She develops empirical research on multi-religious heritage sites as an entry point to analyze how ideas about Europe’s religious past and collective religious memories are mobilized in contemporary political narratives.

    Key words

    Religious diversity, Interreligious relations, Europe, Religious Heritage, Science & Religion


  • Joosten, Joost J. UB - 2022
    Joost Joosten

    Joosten, Joost J.

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Departament de Filosofia

    I studied mathematics at the University of Amsterdam where I did my master in Logic at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation. I pursued a PhD at the Philosophy Faculty of Utrecht University. After various post-doc positions and two years at Risk Management in banking, I accepted a Ramón y Cajal position in Seville and later moved to Barcelona at the Faculty of Philosophy.

    Currently I lead a group on Proof Theory and on Zero Error Software Generation. The latter is developed in a consortium with industrial partners. Our current research group works among others in Modal Logic, Proof Theory and Formal Mathematical Theories. Since we also work on zero-error legal error software, we have close ties with various Law Departments, in particular that of the University of Barcelona.

    In 2012 we founded the conference series Wormshop: the Workshop on Modal Logics, Proof Theory and Reflection Principles which is by now a landmark in our field.

    Research interest

    Logic is everywhere. From the most profane circuit design of a computer chip to the most esoteric considerations on the foundations of our thought and of mathematics.

    One of my interests concerns the Foundations of Mathematics and its special status among the deductive sciences. I engage in philosophical considerations and at the end of the day I do want theorems about formal systems that describe the foundational considerations. The resulting framework of formal logic is beautiful and the deep results there are interesting in their own right but also because of the foundational relations.

    Another line of research applies logical techniques to the field of Artificial Intelligence and Legal Automated Decision making. Here we aim at proper applications of logic and zero-error legal software that respect fundamental civil rights. As soon as software is applied in law, we cannot ask for less than formally verified software.

    Surprisingly: both research lines interact intensely!

    Key words

    Logic and Foundations, Pure and Applied Proof Theory, Software Verification, Formal Methods



    Resercher ID


    Lorenzo Merino, Carlos

    Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) · Dep. d'Història i Història de l'Art

    Carlos Lorenzo (1969) is Associate Professor at Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona, Spain) and Researcher at the Institute of Human Paleoecology and Social Evolution (IPHES), coordinator of the Master in Archeology of the Quaternary and Human Evolution (Erasmus Mundus) and coordinator of the Doctoral Program in Quaternary and Prehistory at the same university. He obtained the Doctorate at Universidad Complutense de Madrid in 2007 and he was collaborator of the Dep. of Paleontology at UCM, fellow at the "Residencia de Estudiantes" and has made research stays at the Cleveland Natural History Museum and the American Museum of Natural History of New York. He is invited professor at Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle and Universita de Ferrara.

    Author of 150 publications, including 70 scientific articles in journals such as Nature, Science, PNAS, Nature Ecology and Evolution, Science Advances, Journal of Human Evolution, American Journal of Biological Anthropology.

    Research interest

    Specialist in Human Evolution studies, since 1989, Carlos Lorenzo has been part of the research team of the sites of the Sierra de Atapuerca and I have participated continuously in the excavation and research works of their fossil record, especially in the Sima de los Huesos site. His research focus on the anatomical and evolutionary study of human fossils, mainly the remains of the postcranial skeleton. Several scientific contributions refers to the evolution of the hand in hominids, which includes the hand remains found in the Sierra de Atapuerca. These hand fossils are the most numerous record of all human evolution. Other topics developed in his research are the evolution of the sexual dimorphism of hominids, their ethological and sociobiological implications, the neandertalization evolutionary process and the three-dimensional analysis from CT scans and surface scans of human fossils.

    Key words

    Prehistory; Human Evolution, Palaeoanthropology, Physical Anthropology



    Resercher ID

  • Lubbers, Miranda J. UAB - 2020
    Miranda Lubbers

    Lubbers, Miranda J.

    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) · Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology

    Miranda Lubbers is Professor in Social and Cultural Anthropology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and Director of the COALESCE Lab. She received her PhD from the University of Groningen, The Netherlands, in 2004. She is a former Ramón y Cajal fellow and invited visiting fellow at the Universities of Oxford and Bielefeld. In 2021, she was awarded the ERC Advanced Grant and a Volkswagen Foundation Grant (the latter in international consortium) to study the network foundations of cohesion and polarization. Her work has been published in Global Networks, Social Networks, Network Science, Human Nature, the International Migration Review, and the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, among other journals. She serves on the editorial boards of Social Networks and Social Inclusion and is an elected fellow of the European Academy of Sociology

    Research interest

    Fostering cohesive and inclusive societies is a vitally important challenge in light of growing inequality, diversity, and polarization. And yet, most research overlooks the inherently relational nature of social cohesion and inclusion, resulting in significant blind spots. Dr. Lubbers advances knowledge in these areas by studying how individuals' webs of personal relationships create society-wide networks that mitigate, sustain, or exacerbate segregation, polarization, and exclusion. She collects new empirical evidence to estimate the properties of these processes in various European societies and studies people's agency in networks. An expert in personal network analysis (e.g., coauthor of the book Conducting Personal Network Analysis: A Practical Guide, 2019; Guilford Press), she also contributes to the development of innovative methods for exploring the micro-level bases of these fundamentally societal processes and connecting them to macro-level outcomes.

    Key words

    Social Cohesion, Social Inclusion, Polarization, Social Networks, Poverty, Migration, Transnationalism, Network Science, Mixed Methods


    0000 0001 8398 6044

    Resercher ID

  • Marre, Diana UAB - 2019
    Diana Marre

    Marre, Diana

    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) · Social and Cultural Anthropology Department

    Social Anthropology PhD, Professor and Director of the AFIN Research Group and Outreach Centre at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and Visiting Professor at the University of the West of England. Her research focuses on human reproduction and how reproductive medicine contribute to new domestic and global reproductive politics and governance, practices and subjectivities, for people becoming parents and for their healthcare professionals. 2022 contributions: Double Special Issue: Demographic Anxieties in the Age of ‘Fertility Decline’, Medical Anthropology 41(6-7), ed. with SDe Zordo, MSmietana; Solidarity Exclusion: The Problem of Solidaridad in Spanish Transnational Adoption. American Anthropologist https://doi-org.are.uab.cat/10.1111/aman.13794, with JLeinaweaver; “I Want to Bury It, Will You Join Me?”: The Use of Ritual in Prenatal Loss among Women in Catalonia, Spain in the Early 21st Century. Religions 13: 336 https://doi.org/10.3390/rel13040336 with LMcIntyre, MB Alvarez

    Research interest

    Over the last years, many regions in the world have experienced dramatic demographic changes, involving decreasing fertility rates and increasing use of reproductive technologies. Barcelona, one of the world’s health hubs, offers a dramatic case study with implications for the public understanding of reproductive politics, governance, and practices, the self and the family. Ongoing research projects: Reproductive governance and mobilities in Europe, North Africa and Latin America, MICINN/EU PID2020112692RB-C21, 223.850€ 2021-25; Austerity and Altered Life-Courses: Socio-Political Ruptures to Family, Employment and Housing Biographies Across Europe, UKRI United Kingdom MR/T043261/1, 1.500.000 pounds, 2021-25; Primary care interventions to prevent maternal and child perinatal heatlh Network's Wp12 Promoting a personalised and family-centred maternal and infant primary health care (RD21/0012/0018), MICINN/EU 124,080€, 2022-24.

    Key words

    reproductive health, motherhood, Spain, childhood, origins, reproductive governance & mobilities



    Resercher ID


    Martínez Hernáez, Ángel

    Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) · Anthropology, Philosophy and Social Work/Medical Anthropology Research Centre

    Distinguished Professor and Head of the Medical Anthropology Research Centre (MARC) at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili. I received my PhD from the Universitat de Barcelona with a thesis that was later published (2000) by Routledge with a foreword by Arthur Kleinman (Harvard University). I have been visiting scholar at the University of California at Berkeley, the Universitá degli Studi di Perugia, and the University of California San Diego (Fulbright), among others. Since 2017 I am an international affiliate at the Center for Global Mental Health (UC San Diego). I am the author or co-author of more than 30 books and reports and 120 book chapters and articles in main journals such as American Anthropologist, Social Science & Medicine, Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, BMJ Global Health, and Medical Anthropology. I have served as an expert and evaluator for a variety of institutions, such as the World Health Organization and the European Commission's Framework Programmes.

    Research interest

    I am a medical anthropologist working in global mental health and social participation in health. My early work developed a model for the hermeneutic analysis of illness narratives. Later, I have worked on the intersection of illness narratives, local worlds, and health policies in Catalonia and Brazil, as well as on the therapeutic itineraries of young adolescents with emotional distress. My most recent interests are on “structural competency” and on “healthcare cultures”; the latter being understood as the intangible aspects manifested in patterns of care, such as values and representations. Healthcare cultures can be analysed in terms of how receptive they are to narratives of suffering (patients, users) and community and individual self-care actions. My purpose is to build a theory of healthcare cultures that can also be applied to the analysis, evaluation and design of health policies and global health initiatives.

    Key words

    Medical Anthropology; Social and Cultural Studies of Biomedicine; Global Mental Health; Psychological Anthropology; Anthropological Theory; Urban Brazil; Indigenous Ontologies (Amazonian Cultures); Mental Health Policies in Europe and Latin America.



    Resercher ID

    Picture of Maria Teresa Matos Ferreira Marques

    Matos Ferreira Marques, Maria Teresa

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Philosophy Department

    Teresa Marques is an Associate Professor (Profesora Agregada) at the University of Barcelona. She's a researcher with the LOGOS Group and BIAP - Barcelona Institute for Analytic Philosophy, a María de Maeztu unit of excellence.Teresa joined the UB in 2017 as the PI of a ‘Retos’ project of the Spanish Science Ministry. In 2020, she was awarded a Beatriz Galindo Distinguished Fellowship.

    Before joining the UB, Teresa held a Marie Curie fellowship with the Law & Philosophy research group in University Pompeu Fabra, and a 5-year Ciência 2008 Fellowship at the University of Lisbon.

    Teresa was editor of Disputatio (2008-2017), and is currently Philosophy of Language Area Subject editor for Thought.

    Teresa Marques received her PhD in Philosophy from the University of Stirling, the M.Litt from the University of St. Andrews, both under the St. Andrews Stirling Postgraduate programme in Philosophy. She studied philosophy as an undergraduate at the University of Lisbon.

    Research interest

    Teresa Marques's work specializes on philosophy of language. She also has interests in metaethics, epistemology, feminist philosophy, and legal and social philosophy.

    Her recent work focuses on disagreement and conflicts, evaluative and normative discourse, including pejoratives, hate speech, misogyny, conceptual engineering, propaganda, free speech, and the interaction between language and social reality.

    With Manuel García-Carpintero, she coordinates a  project on the philosophy of hybrid representations (2021-2024), funded by the Spanish Ministry for Science, Innovation and Universities.

    Key words

    Conflict, disagreement, derogatory language, hate speech, emotion expression, conceptual variability, collective attitudes, social kinds



    Resercher ID

  • McNally Seifert, Louise Elizabeth UPF - 2008, 2013, 2018
    Louise McNally

    McNally Seifert, Louise Elizabeth

    Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) · Traducció i Ciències del Llenguatge

    Louise McNally holds a BA in Modern Languages and Linguistics from the University of Delaware (1987) and a PhD in Linguistics (1992) from the University of California, Santa Cruz. She taught at Indiana University, The Ohio State University and the University of California, San Diego before joining Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona) in 1995, where she is Professor of Linguistics in the Department of Translation and Language Sciences and a member of the Formal Linguistics Group (GLiF). She was awarded an Alexander von Humboldt-J.C. Mutis Research Award in 2017, and has been a Mercator Fellow. She is co-editor of the journal Semantics and Pragmatics and on the editorial committee of the Annual Review of Linguistics. She was an evaluation area president for the Agencia Estatal de Investigación, has served on various ERC panels, and is currently on the Committee of Experts for the German Excellence Strategy.

    Research interest

    My research is concerned with how we convey meaning through language. A successful theory of meaning should account for our ability to construct and interpret an infinite variety of complex utterances; it should also explain how we integrate general knowledge, information about the specific individuals and situations we refer to, and information about the structure of the discourses in which we participate. I aim to develop a general theory of meaning that makes testable predictions about the similarities and differences between languages, about human language processing and acquisition, and about language change; one that, eventually, might be computationally implemented. Traditionally, theories of meaning have differed according to whether they take language to signal something in the world versus some sort of conceptual representation. In contrast, the model I am developing explicitly integrates these two approaches to meaning.

    Key words

    linguistics, semantics, pragmatics, computational semantics



    Resercher ID


    Morrás Ruiz-Falcó, María

    Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) · Humanitats

    María Morrás is Senior Lecturer of Spanish Literature at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, accredited in 2017 as Full Professor. She got a  PhD at Univ California Berkeley and at the Univ Autónoma of Barcelona. She has enjoyed libraries, colleagues and students at UC, Berkeley, and the universities of Pavia, Ferrara, Pennsylvania, Chicago, Cambridge, Nottingham and Queen Mary (UL), and has been Special Lecturer and College Tutor at Oxford, where she has been elected Honorary Research Fellow. Her publications deal on Spanish Humanism, Medieval translations, Women's history, Golden Age Theater, Textual Criticism and Digital Humanities.  She has been IP of several research projects funded by the Spanish Ministry, IP of the SGR Group (Nexus-LaiRem), and member of El libro Medieval de la Edad Media a Intert. At the institutional level has served at UPF as Dept. Director, Vicerector, director for International Programs, and evaluator of Research Agencies.

    Research interest

    Her main interest is related to the role of literature in shaping and responding to intellectual and historical contexts. Her current research focuses on the conflicting literary traditions in Iberia during the 15th century, with special attention to the transitions, interfaces and interactions between Latin and the vernacular, between local traditions and humanism and between the communities involved in literary production at court.

    The experimental nature of this period is manifested in the new genres and "newcomers" (converts, "lawyers"(letrados) and women) as active agents in the literary field, which led to its containment as symbolic capital and influence. social. Cancionero's poetry, religious discourse, translations, patronage, and reading have been the subject of her interest; a gender perspective has been incorporated to better understand the role of women and the role of religion in literary circles and in shaping the public sphere.

    Key words

    Conflicts, humanism, literacy, fifteenth-century literature, courtly culture, women, power, public sphere in the Middle Ages



    Resercher ID

  • Narotzky Molleda, Susana UB - 2010, 2016, 2021
    Susana Narotzky

    Narotzky Molleda, Susana

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Antropologia Social

    Susana Narotzky is Professor of Social Anthropology, University of Barcelona. She was honoured with the National Award for Research in the Humanities “Ramón Menéndez Pidal” by the Spanish Research Ministry in 2020. From 2013-2019 she conducted a European Research Council Advanced Grant “Grassroots Economics: Meaning, Project and Practice in the Pursuit of Livelihood” [GRECO] to study the effects of austerity on Southern European livelihoods. Her work is inspired by theories of critical political economy, moral economies, feminist economics, and value regimes. She has received a number of grants and fellowships and was invited to be a member of the Institute for Advanced Study (School of Social Science), Princeton (2019-2020). She is former President of the European Association of Social Anthropology (EASA) and has served as Secretary of the American Anthropological Association.

    Research interest

    I explore economic practices by focusing on (1) the meanings that produce what is considered valuable, (2) people's understanding of livelihood crises, and (3) comparing expert and folk concepts used to explain economic processes. My research uses an anthropological method stressing ethnographic field work and comparison. Historical path-dependency, forms of institutionalization, and cultural frameworks co-produce differentiation patterns (spatial, social, cultural) that help us understand the economy in a globalized system. The objective of my work is to produce a grounded model of social reproduction processes. Socioecological inequality is my present concern. I investigate valuation processes and valorization practices that affect social, economic, and environmental sustainability. I focus on food systems and compare conventional, organic and agroecological production as they interlock with struggles around socioecological valuation and economic valorization circuits.

    Key words

    Economic Anthropology, Food production, Social Reproduction, Crisis, Gender relations, Racism, Valuation, Sustainability


  • Nieto-Galan, Agustí UAB - 2009, 2018
    Agustí Nieto-Galan

    Nieto-Galan, Agustí

    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) · Institut d'Història de la Ciència

    Agustí Nieto-Galan is Full Professor of History of Science at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), ICREA Acadèmia Fellow (2009 & 2018), and director of the Institute d'Història de la Ciència (iHC) at the UAB. Following degrees in both chemistry (URL) and history (UB), he took his PhD in the History of Science at the Universitat de Barcelona (UB) and held postdoctoral positions in the Modern History Faculty, University of Oxford, and the Centre de Recherche en Histoire des Sciences et des Techniques at the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie/ CNRS, Paris. He has written widely on the history of chemistry and natural dyestuffs, the history of the popularization of science (18th-20th centuries), and the relation between science and power in the twentieth century. Among his last books it is worth mentioning: The Politics of Chemistry (Cambridge, 2019), Tóxicos invisibles (Icaria, 2020) and The Land of the Hunger Artists (Cambridge, 2023, forthcoming).

    Research interest

    Dr. Nieto-Galan analyses several historical cases in which science played a key role in the public sphere. As a continuation of his work on science popularization, he develops the "hunger artists" project as an example of intersection between science and spectacle in the late nineteenth century at a global scale.

    He also explores the role of science popularization in non-democratic societies such as Franco's dictatorship and its funtction as diplomatic tool in international organizations. He is now editing a collective volume on the role of science popularization at UNESCO in the 1950s.

    His analysis of the relation of science and power in the 20th century - in particular, chemistry- has led him to work on toxic products as relevant sociotechnical agents, and on the experts' practices of invisibilization of pollution and risk (agnotology) from a political perspective. He is also working on a biography of chemist and science popularizer Miquel Masriera.


    Key words

    History of Science, History of Chemistry, Science Popularization, Urban History of Science, Science and Power, Science Diplomacy



    Resercher ID

    Civil servant number: 3503259424A0504
  • Piqué Huerta, Raquel UAB - 2016, 2022

    Piqué Huerta, Raquel

    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) · Departament of Prehistory

    PhD in History by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (1997). Full Professor at the Department of Prehistory, UAB (Spain). Responsible of the Laboratory of Archaeobotany since 1993. She has conducted research projects in the Northeast of Spain, Argentina, Chile and Senegal. She is co-director of the research project at the early Neolithic site of La Draga (Spain). She is author of 103 papers in journals (45 JCR last 10 years), 140 book chapters and 6 books and have been the principal investigator of 14 projects funded by European, national and regional research programs. She have leaded the AGREST research group, integrated by researchers of the High Council of Scientific Research (CSIC) of Spain and the UAB and is member of the research group TEDAS  (2021 SGR 00190), funded by the Generalitat de Catalunya. She was awarded with Narcís Monturiol Medal of the Generalitat de Catalunya for her scientific merit in 2022.

    Research interest

    My first interest has been focused on human-environment interactions and economic practices in past societies. My research during the last five years has provided outstanding data on plant raw materials used, woodworking techniques, and crafts in prehistoric times in Western Mediterranean during the early Holocene, contributing to widener our knowledge of environmental, economic and social changes. My second focus of interest has been the end of hunter-gatherer societies and the impact of agricultural societies on the environment. I conducted this research primarily at the sites of La Draga (Banyoles, Girona, Spain) (5300-4900 cal BC) and Coves del Fem (Ulldemolins, Tarragona, Spain) (6000-4500 cal BC). The research has demonstrated the importance of these archaeological sites for explaining the Neolithization process in northeastern Iberia and has provided outstanding data on the landscape, technology, and resource management.

    Key words

    Prehistory, Archaeobotany, Early Farming, Hunter-gatherers



    Resercher ID

  • Risch, Roberto UAB - 2019
    Roberto Risch

    Risch, Roberto

    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) · Prehistòria

    Roberto Risch studied History, Archaeology and Anthropology at the Universities of Freiburg, Autònoma de Barcelona, and Cambridge. He obtained his Ph.D. in 1995 at the UAB. He has been a visiting scholar at numerous institutions including U. di Padova, U. Freiburg and the Max Planck Institute (Jena & Leipzig). His research is mainly concerned with the economy and ecology of Prehistoric societies of the Mediterranean and central Europe during Later Prehistory. He has participated in and coordinated several European projects on environmental and technological changes during Prehistory. Together with Cristina Rihuete, Vicente Lull and Rafael Micó, he is currently one of the co-directors of the "La Bastida Project" which has seen excavations at La Bastida and La Almoloya (SE Iberia). In his more than 25 years of experience, he also excavated other sites in Europe and India and has undertaken ethnoarchaeological fieldwork in Western Africa.

    Research interest

    My main scientific activity is focused on the emergence and decline of new forms of political and economic domination during Later Prehistory, following five lines of research:

    1.  Investigation of disrutpive societies and economies during later Prehistory.

    2. The projection of historical questions arising from research on the first state and proto-state societies, seeking to account for observable socioeconomic convergences and divergences in Europe and the Mediterranean.

    3. The development of an interdisciplinary methodology for macrolithic tool analysis, as an essential tool towards a better understanding of prehistoric economies.

    4. The advance of a general theory of political economy that accounts for the different strategies to produce and circulate economic surplus, as an indispensable element in the rise of social exploitation. 

    5. The effects of migratory movements and integration mechanisms on social and political change.

    Key words

    Prehistory, Geoarchaeology, Archaeometallurgy, aDNA, Paleoecology, Paleoeconomy



    Resercher ID

  • Sabaté Curull, Flocel UdL - 2015, 2020
    Flocel Sabaté

    Sabaté Curull, Flocel

    Universitat de Lleida (UdL) · Historia

    Professor of Medieval History (s. 2002) at the Universitat de Lleida and Doctor Honoris Causa by the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, (Mendoza, 2014), he served as visiting professor (Cambridge, Concepción, CONICET-Buenos Aires, ENS-Lyon, JSPS-Tokyo, Lisbon, Paris-1, Poitiers, Tashkent, Yale), and has been member of research trust boards (California, Latvia, Lisbon, Leeds, Nova de Lisboa, Porto, CNRS-Paris, CNR-Rome). He is a member of the Governing Board of the Catalan University Quality Assurace Agency (AQU). He is member of Academies in France, Spain and USA and leads the Association of Historians of the Crown of Aragon.He  was awarded with the Distinction of the Generalitat de Catalunya for University Research (2000) and the ICREA Academia (2015, 2020). He leads the journal Imago Temporis. Medium Aevum and his publications included books as The Death Penalty in Late-Medieval Catalonia (2020) and the edition of The Crown of Aragon, a singular medieval empire (2017).

    Research interest

    I have studied the axes of cohesion in late-medieval European society, analysing the levels of shared identity with a common memory orientated by dominant ideology, looking for the expressiveness and emotiveness of the experienced power. I stated that the values assumed by the society in search of its own cohesion based on different levels of collective identity (municipal, estate, guild, national) but provoked the rejection of diverse people, as Jews and Muslims. From a methodological point of view I have focussed on archive sources, especially from the Crown of Aragon. I have contrasted the data obtained with diverse places and international research groups, sharing research projects from competitive calls and seminars, scientific meetings and congresses (Paris, 2022;  Bordeaux, 2022, Saint-Etienne, 2020; Fortaleza, Warsaw, 2019; Vicenza, 2018; Wroclaw, Alexandria, 2017). The results of the research have been published in highly valued journals and in well recognized publishers.

    Key words

    Medieval history, Power, Institutions, Territory, Society



    Resercher ID

  • Saña Seguí, Maria UAB - 2021
    Maria Saña Seguí

    Saña Seguí, Maria

    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) · Prehistory Department

    Maria Saña graduated in History at the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona in 1991. She obtained the PhD in History at the UAB in 1997. Since 2002 she has been a full-time lecturer in Prehistory Department (UAB) and lead the Archaeozoology Laboratory. Since 2005 she has formed part of the SAPPO/GRAMPO (Seminar on Near East Prehistoric Archaeology) research group. Since 2007she has led the Spanish research team in the European network BIOARCH (Bioarchaeological Investigations of the Interactions between Holocene Human Societies and their Environments). She has played an active role in multiple National and International Research Projects and has been the main research in 33 of them. Since 2003 she has supervised theses and research connected with Bioarchaeology and Biogeochemistry. She has headed the archaeozoological study of over 87 archaeological sites in the Iberian Peninsula, France, Italy, Algeria, Syria, Turkey, Jordan and Iraq and she has published more than 175 scientific works.

    Research interest

    Maria Saña’s research focuses on the origins and changing nature of animal domestication. Recent research dealt with the study of the origins of the Neolithic, working in Southeast Asia, Europe and Africa. Interested in archaeozoology, she directs her research towards the adaptation of new analytical procedures based on biogeochemistry and bone biomechanics to the study of the archaeological record. Current research is focused on two areas, exploring diverse converging lines linked to the study of first farming societies. In the first area, research has concentrated on the origins of Neolithic societies, by obtaining the data needed to attain a global perspective of the environmental, economic, social, and political changes during the early Holocene. Research in methodology has focused on the integration in archaeozoological studies of stable isotopes and palaeoproteomics-based analyses with the aim of achieving greater temporal and historical resolution of bioarchaeological samples.

    Key words

    Bioarchaeology, Neolithic, Mediterranean, Animal domestication, stable isotopes, palaeoproteomics



    Resercher ID

  • Schulte, Lothar UB - 2011, 2019
    Lothar Schulte

    Schulte, Lothar

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Department of Geography

    Lothar Schulte studied Geography, Geology and Economic History at the Univ. Düsseldorf and Univ. Cologne, and obtained his Ph.D. in 2000 at the Univ. of Barcelona. His thesis on Quaternary landscape evolution received the national award on Quaternary Science and Geomorphology. In 2000 he was contracted by the University of Barcelona as Assistant Professor giving lectures in Natural Hazards, Geomorphology, Global change, etc. Between 2001 and 2002, he was Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Postdoc fellow and Lecturer at the University of Bern. In 2006, he was appointed Associate Professor and, in 2017, Full-Professor. Since 2006, he has acted as Principal Investigator of the PaleoRisk Research Group. In 2011 and 2019, he received the ICREA Academy Award. Since 2008, he has participated in the evaluation processes of the DFG 806 CRC, DFG SPP 2361, DFG, AEI, AQU, and FWO. Since 2018, he is coordinator of the Floods Working Group of the international network Past Global Changes (PAGES).

    Research interest

    L.S. has developed a multidisciplinary approach integrating multi-archive datasets into a 4-D time-space model of past floods, environments and societal impacts in mountain landscapes. In generating centennial-long reference flood records for the Alps, New Zealand’s Alps and the Iberian Peninsula, documentary sources, floodplain and lake sediments and their geochemical variability were analysed; floods levels were reconstructed from tree rings, lichens, historical buildings, hydraulic infrastructure, and archaeological sites; and, this evidence was calibrated for a given reference period in relation to climatological and hydrological data. Analyses of atmospheric variability, reconstruction of the paleoclimate and deciphering of the historical interactions between society and river environments, shed light on the forcing of floods. Preindustrial climate periods were also examined to understand changes in environmental systems and flood dynamics under the effects of Global Warming.

    Key words

    Geography, Global Change, natural hazards and societal impact, floods, human-environment interaction, Climate Change, mountain environments, geoarchaeology



    Resercher ID

    Scopus Author ID: 7003971543
    Jordi Vallverdú Segura

    Vallverdú Segura, Jordi

    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) · Philosophy Department

    Prof. Dr. Jordi Vallverdú is a Catalan researcher whose scholarly pursuits span the cognitive and epistemic dimensions of Philosophy of Computing, Philosophy of Sciences, Cognition, and Philosophy of AI. 

    He has authored over 150 academic publications, including 19 books, more than 47 book chapters, and over 106 peer-reviewed papers. 

    As a professor, Dr. Vallverdú has developed three widely enrolled massive open online courses (MOOCs) on COURSERA, collectively attracting over 250,000 students from around the globe.

    Research interest

    Professor Vallverdú's research spans two primary areas: computational epistemology and cognition. In the last years of this research, his attention has turned to the causal challenges posed by machine learning techniques, particularly within Deep Learning. He recently authored the book "Causality for Artificial Intelligence" (Springer, 2024, ISBN: 978-981-97-3186-2) and is nearing completion of another titled "Prompting Causal Events" (Springer, 2024). These publications signal a new analysis, emphasizing the transition from prompting techniques to Large Language Model (LLM) training methodologies.

    Key words

    Causality, Generative AI, LLM, Epistemology, Deep Learning, Statistics, Cognition, Counterfactual Reasoning.



    Resercher ID

  • Vega Ramos, María José UAB - 2008, 2014, 2019

    Vega Ramos, María José

    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) · Literary Theory and Comparative Literature

    M. J. Vega has a Ph. D. in Philology and a Ph. D. in History. She is founder-director of the Seminario de Poética del Renacimiento (UAB), a research team on Early Modern literary theory and criticism working on the impact of confessionalization in writing and reading practices in the long 16th century.  She has been PI of several national and international funded projects, and has established an interdisciplinary European network of specialists in Early Modern Literature and Intellectual History. In 2012 she was awarded the Humboldt Research Award, and, in 2011, she received the Mercator Professorship.

    Research interest

    My project seeks to understand the categories of dissent in the 16th and 17th centuries (1540-1620) through the study of theological notes and the theory of error. In early modern Europe, the ‘notes’ served to identify and diagnose doctrinal error, and to qualify propositions and texts (propositiones damnabiles) according to their distance from theological certainties or from social consensus. Notes theory laid down the language, metaphors, and principles that guided the intellectual, political, and inquisitorial management of dissent in Catholic countries, and played a constitutive role in setting the conceptual and practical limits of freedom of conscience and expression in early modern Europe.

    Key words

    dissent, censure, censorship, expurgation, early modern textual legacy


  • Arenas, Alex URV - 2011, 2016, 2022
    Alex Arenas

    Arenas, Alex

    Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) · Enginyeria Informàtica i Matemàtiques

    Doctor in Physical Sciences from Universitat de Barcelona, he is Professor at Dept. of Computer Science and Mathematics of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili since 2010. Alongside this, he holds the position of External Faculty of the Complexity Science Hub in Vienna since 2017 and Chief Scientist of Complex Systems Science at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (USA) since 2023. He has contributed significantly to the field of complex systems, publishing more than 255 articles in international journals, including Nature, The Lancet, and PNAS USA. As recognition of his scientific contributions, he has been awarded prestigious accolades such as Fellow of the American Physical Society and the Network Science Society, and awarded the Mathematics and Society Award of the Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer Foundation, ICREA Academia, Scientific Award Recognition “Ciutat de Tarragona,” and Narcís Monturiol Medal for scientific merit.

    Research interest

    Professor Àlex Arenas is a pioneer in the field of complex systems, which involves the study of emergent phenomena that arise from the interconnection of simple elements in complex networks, with particular focus on epidemic spreading, synchronization and congestion processes. His research, which stems from the school of Professor Giorgio Parisi, has led to important scientific discoveries and the development of advanced techniques for the analysis of complex networks. Professor Arenas has made significant contributions to the understanding of explosive synchronization phenomena, the mathematical formulation of complex multilayer networks, and the modeling of various dynamics. His work has been cited thousands of times in literature and presented at workshops and conferences around the world. The scientific community recognizes his contributions to the advancement of basic science with wide-ranging applications.

    Key words

    complex networks, epidemic spreading, multiplex networks, modular structure, synchronisation, game theory, personalised medicine



    Resercher ID

  • Aromí Bedmar, Guillem UB - 2008, 2013, 2018

    Aromí Bedmar, Guillem

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Facultat de Química

    Dr. Guillem Aromí graduated in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at the University of Barcelona (UB) and EHICS (Strasbourg, France), both in 1993. He earned a Chemistry PhD at Indiana University (1999, USA) and did posdocts at Leiden University (2002, Holland) with a Marie Curie Fellowship and at Manchester University (2003, UK). He became in 2003 a “Ramon y Cajal” Fellow at the UB, then Associate Professor in 2007 and Full Professor in 2018. He received the distinction of Research by the Generalitat de Catalunya and the prize ICREA Academia 2008, 2013 and 2018. He received, in 2011, an ERC Starting Grant and in 2012 he chaired the Vth International Conference on Molecular Materials. In 2018 he became Director of the Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology of the UB (IN2UB). He is the coordinator of Sciences of AGAUR (Catalan Agency of University and Research Grants). He represents the Catalan Chemical Society at the Inorganic Division of EuChemS.

    Research interest

    My main research lines are the following:
    A) Design and preparation of molecules for Quantum Computing (QC) through the coherent manipulation of spins. This is pursued by preparing molecules that incorporate the spin carriers leading to the appropriate energy spectrum and quantum dynamic properties. The goal is to use them for the construction of hybrid quantum devices.
    B) Preparation and study of switchable materials based on spin crossover (SCO). We develop new SCO materials for exploiting their potential in nanotechnology, by studying and enhancing their dynamic properties in relation to intermolecular interactions. The switching properties upon exchange of small molecules with the environment are studied.
    C) Preparation of magnetic photoswitchable molecules. We design photomagnetic molecules by the synthesis of ligands with photoactive moieties and their magnetic complexes.

    D) Preparation Functional Supramolecular Assemblies. By ligand design and coordination chemistry.

    Key words

    Coordination Chemistry, Molecular Magnetism, Single Molecule Magnets, Quantum Computing, Functional Molecules



    Resercher ID

  • Boguñá Espinal, Marián UB - 2010, 2015, 2020
    Marián Boguñá Espinal

    Boguñá Espinal, Marián


    M. Boguñá is a full professor at the Departament de Condensed Matter Physics, University of Barcelona. He graduated in Physics in 1994 and obtained his PhD in 1998. In 1999, he moved to the US to do a postdoctoral stay with Prof. G. H. Weiss at the National Institutes of Health, Washington DC. After this period, in 2003, he was awarded a Ramón y Cajal fellowship. He got the tenure position in 2008. During this period, he has also spent several months in the US as invited guest scientist at Indiana University. M. Boguñá has written over 90 publications in major peer reviewed international scientific journals: Nature, Nature Physics, Nature Communications, Nature Reviews Physics, PNAS, Phys. Rev. Letters, and Phys. Rev. X. In January 2008, he obtained the Outstanding Referee award of the American Physical Society. He was awarded as ICREA Academia researcher in 2010, 2015, and 2020. Since January 2013, he serves as an editorial board member for Scientific Reports.

    Research interest

    His research interests are focused on the study of complex systems. In particular, those systems made up of a large number of units that interact through complex topologies and, therefore, are suitable to be studied using statistical physics tools. Such systems are ubiquitous and can be found in very diverse fields: societies at the large scale, cellular networks, or communication networks like the Internet, to name just a few. One of the major challenges in this field is the understanding of the coupling between the complex topologies shown by these type of systems and the functions they perform. M. Boguñá is one of the major proponents of the new field of Network Geometry, a theory aiming at finding the geometric origin of the discrete structures underlying complex systems.

    Key words

    Complex Systems, Complex Networks, Network Geometry, Statistical Physics



    Resercher ID

  • Bonada, Núria UB - 2021
    Núria Bonada

    Bonada, Núria

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Departament de Biologia Evolutiva, Ecologia i Ciències Ambientals / Institut de Recerca de la Biodiversitat

    I am a Serra Húnter Associate Professor at the University of Barcelona and the head of the FEHM research group (Freshwater Ecology, Hydrology and Management) (2021SGR00692). I am also the President of the Iberian Limnological Society (AIL), board member of the Freshwater Biological Association (UK), scientific board member of the Natural Park of Collserola (Barcelona), management board member of the IRBio (Institute of Biodiversity at the University of Barcelona), and research manager of the area CTM-BDV of the "Agencia Estatal de Investigación". I have published 170+ publications and have been the principal investigator of 20+ projects and contracts with the administration. I have been associate editor of Hydrobiologia, Aquatic Sciences and Biology Letters, and I am currently the associate editor of Freshwater Science and Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems. I have a network of active collaborators that include 40+ national and international researchers.


    Research interest

    I have focused my research on the ecology of river ecosystems, combining fundamental, applied, and social aspects. I have been interested in understanding the effects of natural and anthropogenic disturbances on freshwater biodiversity to improve river conservation and management worldwide, and how citizens can contribute to this research and benefit from it. My studies have been conducted in different river ecosystems of the world and at different scales (continental, regional, local) but, in particular, on temporary rivers and in Mediterranean regions. For Mediterranean rivers, where drying has triggered many evolutionary adaptations and are especially biodiverse, I have shed light on: 1) how this biodiversity is organised in space and time to cope with drying, 2) how human activities are jeopardizing Mediterranean rivers, 3) how these should be managed to halt biodiversity loss and ensure healthy ecosystems, and 4) how we can effectively engage citizens in research and management.

    Key words

    Community ecology, Freshwater ecosystems, Freshwater biodiversity, Rivers and Streams, Disturbance ecology, Macroinvertebrates,, Management and Conservation



    Resercher ID

  • Cacho, Isabel UB - 2012, 2018
    Isabel Cacho

    Cacho, Isabel

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Dept. de Dinàmica de la Terra i de l'Oceà

    Isabel Cacho has a degree and a doctorate in geology from the University of Barcelona where she is currently full professor. Part of her scientific carrier was developed at the Universities of Cambridge (Great Britain), Kiel, (Germany) and Columbia (USA). Author of more than a hundred scientific articles that have accumulated thousands of citations. Leader of several research projects including a prestigious ERC-Consolidator grant devoted to the study of past changes in Mediterranean circulation. In 2022 she received the Narcis Monturiol Award in recognition to her contribution to the scientific and technologic development in Catalonia. Since 2023 she is coordinator of the research group on Marine Geosciences from the UB.

    Research interest

    She is specialist in the reconstruction of past climatic variability and its relation to oceanographic changes. Her research is based on the application of several geochemical tools on deep marine sediments and cave speleothems. She has a long experience studding the impact of past rapid climate variability in the Mediterranean region, being pioneer in stablishing its connection with North Atlantic circulation. Currently, she is very much focused in analyzing the sensitivity of the Mediterranean circulation system to different climate forcings in base to innovative geochemical tracers that had led her to the implementation new analytical infrastructures in the UB.

    Key words

    Paleoclimatology, paleoceanography, deep sea sediments, speleothems, global change, radiogenic isotopes



    Resercher ID

    John Calsamiglia Costa

    Calsamiglia Costa, John

    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) · Física

    John Calsamiglia (Minneapolis, 1974) obtained the Licentiate in Physics degree from the Univesitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). After his postgraduate studies in theoretical physics at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), he joined the Helsinki Institute of Physics to carry out his PhD. He held postdoctoral positions in Harvard-Smithsonian Center of Astrophysics (CFA) & University of Connecticut (UCONN), Ludwig Maximilians Universität München (LMU) and Universität Innsbruck. He returned to UAB with a Ramón y Cajal fellowship, where he is a professor with tenure since 2010.  

    He currently coordinates the QuantEra project C’MON-QSENS! a European research effort to develop continuously monitored quantum sensors, He is one of the promotors and coordinators of the new Master in Quantum Science & Technology @Barcelona. He engages with several outreach activities promoting Physics and Quantum Information to high-school students and the general public.

    Research interest

    My expertise is on Quantum Information and my research interest revolve around two main areas.

    Non-classicality: I made contributions in characterizing and quantifying non-classical resources such as  entanglement, coherence and non-classicality of light. Of particular interest are those traits that bring about a quantum advantage in performing particular tasks. Examples of such tasks that I have contributed to are blind purification, direction hiding and entanglement percolation in complex networks.

    Quantum Statistical Inference, or how to interpret and process acquired quantum measurement data to infer some property of the system. This research has generated results in quantum sequential analysis, quantum learning,  quantum metrology, and quantum hypothesis testing. 

    I am also proud to see myself taking part in training the next generation of quantum physicists who will help to understand and transform the world through quantum sciences.

    Key words

    Quantum Information, Quantum optics, Machine Learning and Statistical Inference, Complex Systems



    Resercher ID

    Jaume Casademunt Viader

    Casademunt Viader, Jaume

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Dept. de Física de la Matèria Condensada - Facultat de Física

    Jaume Casademunt (1962) got a degree in Physics in 1985 with honors, and a PhD in Physics in 1988, as MEC fellow, at the University of Barcelona. In 1989-91 got a Fulbright fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh, and in 1991-93 was a research associate at Supercomputer C. Res. I. (Tallahassee). He became associate professor at the UB in 1993, and full professor in 2017. He has been invited as visitor at I. Curie (Paris), Max Planck PKS I. (Dresden), and PBT/TU Berlin. In 2016 he was appointed International Visiting Chair at the Lab of Excellence CelTisPhyBio (I. Curie/ESPCI). His contributions span the area of nonequilibrium physics, recently focused in biophysics. He is recognized for pioneering a nonlinear physics approach to biological problems. He has led international projects and served in international funding agencies and top journals (APS outstanding referee). Member of the Editorial Board of the new open access journal 'Biophysica'.

    Research interest

    Our research is rooted in the areas of Statistical and Nonlinear Physics. Within the study of nonequilibrium phenomena, our current focus is mostly in biophysics. We pursue a physical approach to selected biological problems, from molecular to cellular and multicellular scales. Our approach emphasizes collective and emerging phenomena, while exploiting the tools of nonlinear physics. The aim is to search for generic mechanisms and general principles that underlie living matter, at the higher levels of biological organization. This includes for instance the study of cell mechanics, collective cell migration, or neuronal networks.  By pursuing the ultimate nonequilibrium phenomenon, life itself, we also expect to unveil new fundamental physics concealed by biological complexity. Our insights may also be relevant to biomedical applications. Finally, we are interested in fundamental aspects of ‘active matter’, such as the search for universality in active turbulence.

    Key words

    cell biophysics, tissue mechanics, neuronal cultures, active matter, nonlinear physics, nonequilibrium physics, fluid dynamics, turbulence



    Resercher ID

  • Cascante Serratosa, Marta UB - 2010, 2015, 2021
    Marta Cascante

    Cascante Serratosa, Marta

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Bioquimica i Biologia Molecular and Institut de Biomedicina de la Universitat de Barcelona (IBUB), Facultat de Biologia

    Marta Cascante holds a chemistry degree and PhD in Biochemistry. From 2003 she is full Prof. of Biochemistry and Director of the research team “Integrative Systems Biology, Metabolomics & Cancer” at Barcelona University-IBUB and at CIBEREHD-ISCIII. She has been granted three times with the ICREA  Academia award, the Antoni Caparros (2016) award, and the Narcis Monturiol Medal (2015). She has published over 300 articles and supervised over 35 PhD students. Her research focusses on studying the metabolism and its alterations associated with pathologies such as metastatic cancer, neurodegenerative diseases and Covid19, in order to contribute to the development of new personalized therapies. She has also contributed to the development of metabolomics, fluxomics and systems medicine as co-founder of the European Society of Systems Medicine and the Spanish Society of Metabolomics. Her group participates in various international consortiums and Marie Curie training networks.

    Research interest

    My research is on the field of Integrative Biochemistry with a focus on systems biology, metabolomics, and fluxomics. We have been performing cutting-edge interdisciplinary research in the field of metabolic alterations associated with multifactorial diseases and drug discovery. The main goal has been to contribute to the understanding of the complete breadth of metabolic abnormalities in multifactorial diseases and to identify novel therapeutic targets and predictive biomarkers. We identified and validated targetable metabolic vulnerabilities for metastatic colon cancer (Càncers 2022) and we demonstrated a key role of PDK1 in AML, unveiling that lactate-fuelled respiration is a vulnerable metabolic flexibility in FLT3-ITD+ subtype (Nature Communications 2022). We patented a pharmaceutical combination targeting CDK4/6 and glutaminase -PCT/EP2016/067524 and a Transcriptomic Signature (IMMETCOLS) to stratify solid tumors and predict response to immune checkpoint inhibitors-EP21382772.

    Key words

    Metabolism, Fluxomics, Metabolic modelling, Systems Medicine



    Resercher ID


    Company Casadevall, Anna

    Universitat de Girona (UdG) · Departament de Química & Institut de Química Computacional i Catàlisi (IQCC)

    Anna Company (Cornellà del Terri, 1982) obtained her B.Sc. Chemistry degree in 2004 at the University of Girona (UdG) and her PhD in Chemistry in 2008 at UdG. She then joined the group of Prof. Driess at the TU Berlin (Germany) as a 2-year postdoctoral researcher with a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship. She returned to the UdG in 2012 as a “Ramón y Cajal” fellow and in 2013 she started her independent research career thanks to the funding from a Career Integration Grant from the EU. Since April 2018 she is appointed as an Associate Professor.

    Anna currently leads a research team at IQCC-UdG working on the activation of small molecules and the characterization of high-valent species relevant in biology and catalysis. Among other awards, she was the recipient of the 2010 Dalton Young Researchers Award from the RSC, the 2015 Clara Immerwahr Award granted by the German Cluster of Excellence UniCat and the 2016 Lilly Award for Young Researchers.

    Research interest

    My research is focused on the activation of small molecules using first row transition metals for the transformation of C−H bonds into C−C, C−O, C−N or C−Cl bonds, which are processes of fundamental importance in organic synthesis. Traditional methods rely on the use of stoichiometric reagents that generate high amounts of waste and require relatively harsh reaction conditions. The use of metal catalysts can overcome these limitations affording the activation of C−H bonds under mild reaction conditions and with improved selectivities. In my group we pay special attention at the characterization of the elusive active species involved in these transformations, that is high-valent metal-oxygen, metal-nitrogen or metal-carbon species, by means of several spectroscopic techniques. A profound undertanding of their structures and reactivities will ultimately lead to the design of synthetic catalysts with improved performance for the functionalization of C−H bonds.

    Key words

    Bioinorganic chemistry, catalysis, organometallic chemistry, first-row transition metals, reaction intermediates



    Resercher ID

    Martí Duocastella Solà

    Duocastella Solà, Martí

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Física Aplicada

    Marti Duocastella is a professor in the Department of Applied Physics at Universitat de Barcelona and a member of the In2UB institute. 

    Marti completed his PhD in Physics at Universitat de Barcelona in 2010. He then moved to Princeton University as a postdoctoral research associate, where he also became the vice-president of Research and Development of the startup company TAG Optics. In 2014 he joined Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia as a researcher, until returning to Barcelona as a faculty member in 2019.

    Marti has published peer-review papers in journals such as Nature Photonics, Advanced Optical Materials, Optica, and ACS Photonics, and has given over 30 invited talks at international conferences and workshops. He is the co-inventor of 4 patents. As a Principal Investigator, he has attracted competitive funding exceeding 2.5 million euros, including a FET-Open project funded by the European Commission and, in 2020, an ERC Consolidator Grant.

    Research interest


    My research focuses on novel optical methods for three-dimensional (3D) light engineering, with applications in materials science, sensing, and biology. Key examples of my work in this area include:

    - The development of laser catapulting for additive manufacturing, capable of the on-demand, targetted, and high-throughput fabrication of micro-lens arrays directly on top of functional devices.

    - The design of acousto-optofluidic systems for shaping the light at sub-microsecond time scales, enabling the on-the-fly control of light for large-area additive as well as subtractive processing.

    - The implementation of fast inertia-free optical microscopes that lack any mechanical moving parts. They provide an unprecedented volumetric imaging speed, allowing to characterize the dynamics of fast processes such as molecular diffusion and neuronal signaling.

    We are currently working on using ultrasound for focusing light deep inside scattering media.


    Key words

    light engineering, acousto-optics, optical microscopy, laser materials processing



    Resercher ID

    Núria Fegella

    Fagella Rabionet, Núria

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Matemàtiques i Informàtica

    Núria Fagella received her Ph.D. in 1995 at Boston University under the supervision of Robert. L. Devaney. She is now a Full professor at Universitat de Barcelona and the leader of the research group in Holomorphic Dynamics at UB, working in complex dynamical systems and fractals. She was a Chern Professor at MSRI (Berkeley) during .

    She supervised 5 Ph.D. students and several postdoctoral fellows. She was a plenary speaker at more than 70 international conferences and organized several of them. She was invited to give courses and seminars at leading institutions. 

    Jointly with Bodil Branner (DTU, Denmark) she is the author of the book  "Quasiconformal surgery in holomorphic dynamics", Cambridge University Press (2014). She has published over 50 research papers in leading journals including Invetiones Mathematicae., Advances in Mathematics, Transactions of the AMS, Proceedings of the LMS or Communications in Mathematical Physics.


    Research interest

    I work in Dynamical Systems, a wide field which connects different areas of mathematics but it also links mathematics to real life problems in many areas of science and technology . 

    My expertise resides in studying dynamical systems from a complex (as opsosed to real) point of view, an area known as complex dynamics, at the intersection between dynamics, complex analysis and topology. Locating an analyzing different types of invariant objects like stable equilibria of these systems (attracting fixed or periodic obits) and the boundaries of their basins of attraction (often fractals known as Julia sets) is a central problem in dynamics, and is at the core of my research. These fractals present many challenges to researchers in complex analysis, topology, geometry and even number theory.

    In recent years, my focus has been on the global dynamics of Newton's method, the general theory of meromorphic maps and  applications to mathematical biology. 

    Key words

    Dynamical systems, iteration, complex variable, Julia set, Fatou set, fractal geometry, bifurcations, chaos



    Resercher ID

  • Garcia-Ojalvo, Jordi UPF - 2009, 2014, 2019

    Garcia-Ojalvo, Jordi

    Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) · Department of Experimental and Health Sciences

    Jordi Garcia-Ojalvo obtained his PhD in statistical physics at the University of Barcelona in 1995. He did postdoctoral work at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta in 1996, working on laser dynamics, and at the Humboldt University of Berlin in 1998 as an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, studying noise effects in excitable media and neuronal systems. In 2003 he was IGERT Visiting Professor at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, at which time he began working in the field of systems biology. In 2008 he became Full Professor at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, where he had been teaching applied physics since 1991. He is Visiting Research Associate in Biology at the California Institute of Technology since 2006, and joined the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) as Full Professor in October 2012, where he leads the laboratory of Dynamical Systems Biology at the Department of Experimental and Health Sciences.

    Research interest

    The long-term goal of my lab is to understand how the behavior of living systems (specifically cells and tissues) emerges from the interactions among their components (genes and proteins within cells, and cells within tissues). To pursue that goal, we use the inherently nonlinear and dynamical character of biological systems, both deterministic and stochastic, as a constraint to identify the operating principles through which living matter self-organizes in space and time. Our work involves a close interplay between experimental observations and theoretical/computational approaches coming from statistical and nonlinear physics. The phenomena that we study include the coordination of dynamical processes in single cells, the origins and effects of randomness and heterogeneity in cellular behavior, and the response of cells and organs (such as the brain) to time-varying environments. The organisms studied range from bacteria to humans.

    Key words

    Nonlinear and statistical physics, systems biology, systems neuroscience, complex systems



    Resercher ID


    Linares Prats, Cristina

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Dept of Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences

    Cristina Linares (Eivissa, 1976) is Full professor at the Department of Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences  at the University of Barcelona since 2020 and Researcher at the Institut de Recerca de la Biodiversitat (IRBio). After earned her PhD in 2006 at the UB, she carried out research stays at several renowned international centres in France, USA and Australia. Finally, in 2012 with Ramon y Cajal fellow and since 2017 as Associate Professor, she set up her own research group working on the ecology and conservation of marine ecosystems, where she has supervised 7 PhD students. Her research group at the UB is composed by 5 postdocs, 3 PhD students, 3 technicians and a number of MSc and undergraduate students (http://cristinalinares.info/). Currently, she is the head of the MedRecover group (2021 SGR 01073, https://medrecover.org/) composed by researchers from the UB, UdG, CEAB and ICM from CSIC.

    Research interest

    Her research interests mainly focused on understanding the responses of marine benthic ecosystems to global change. Her research is highly collaborative and combines long-term series data, experimental studies using in situ and aquaria experiments as well as modeling tools through demographic and spatial models.  Most of the results derived from hre research activity intended to contribute to the conservation of marine ecosystems and this is reflected in several activities of knowledge transfer to national and international entities and public administrations.

    Key words

    Marine Ecology, Conservation Biology, Global Change, Marine Protected Areas, Restoration



    Resercher ID

  • Martinez Vilalta, Jordi UAB - 2014, 2020
    Jordi Martínez Vilalta

    Martinez Vilalta, Jordi

    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) · Dpt. Biologia Animal, Biologia Vegetal i Ecologia / CREAF

    Jordi Martínez Vilalta is professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and researcher at CREAF. He graduated in Environmental Sciences at UAB in 1997 and obtained his PhD (2001) at the same university. He then moved to the University of Edinburgh (UK) as a postdoctoral researcher and became an Honorary Research Fellow at this university in 2005, when he took a lecturer position at UAB. He has supervised 11 PhD theses, has published more than 150 scientific publications, most of them in international peer-reviewed journals, and has coauthored two books (‘Ecología con números’ (2006), a textbook; and ‘Un planeta a la deriva’ (2011), a popular science book). He is considered ‘highly cited’ in plant and animal sciences since 2018 (Clarivate Analytics), and obtained ICREA Academia awards in 2014 and 2020.

    Research interest

    His main area of research is forest functional ecology, at the interface between plant biology and Earth sciences. His work combines different scales and approaches (observational, experimental, modelling, big data approaches using large datasets) to understand how forests function and how they, and the ecosystem services they provide, are affected by environmental changes. In particular, his current research focuses on (1) understanding fundamental aspects of the water and carbon economy of plants, with a focus on long-distance water transport; (2) characterizing how plant functional traits vary and coordinate in space and time and how they can be integrated to define synthetic axes of plant resource use; and (3) improving our capacity to predict how warmer and drier climates will change forest function and dynamics.

    Key words

    drought, forest ecology, functional traits, global change, long-distance transport in plants



    Resercher ID

  • Massignan, Pietro UPC - 2021
    Picture of Pietro Massignan

    Massignan, Pietro

    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) · Dept. of Physics

    After studying physics in Milan and Florence, Pietro Massignan graduated with a Ph.D. in Quantum Physics at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen in 2006, with a thesis on the theory of quantum gases. During this period, he also spent nine months at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris.

    Upon graduation, he moved as a postodctoral reasercher to the Institute for Theoretical Physics in Utrecht, where he specialized in ultracold Fermi gases and few-body physics.

    In 2008 he came to Barcelona, where he held postdoctoral positions at both ICFO and the UAB, focusing mostly on strongly-interacting, disordered and topological systems, in both cold atoms and photonic setups. He was awarded a Ramón y Cajal grant in 2014, and he received the I3 accreditation in 2019.

    Since 2020, Pietro Massignan is an Associate Professor at the Physics Department of UPC.


    Research interest

     Pietro Massignan is a theoretical condensed matter physicist dealing with problems at the intersection of atomic physics, quantum optics, photonics, and solid state physics.

     His main field of interest is the theory of ultracold quantum gases. His current research aims at studying static and out-of-equilibrium properties of magnetic, superfluid, and strongly-interacting phases from both the few-body and the many-body sides.

     Most recently, he focused specifically on models with non-trivial topology implemented in ultracold atoms, as well as in photonic and polaritonic setups. He is also actively investigating quasiparticle physics, superfluid vortex dynamics, periodic driving, strong losses and disorder.

     He particularly enjoys the stimulating contact with experimental colleagues, and with students. He has by now acquired a solid teaching experience at both under-graduate and post-graduate levels, and he supervised various Master and PhD students.

    Key words

    many-body properties of quantum mixtures; superfluid phenomena; synthetic gauge fields; topological order; open quantum systems; interplay between interactions, topology and disorder; scattering theory; few-body systems; reduced dimensions



    Resercher ID

  • Miranda, Eva UPC - 2016, 2021
    Picture of Eva Miranda

    Miranda, Eva

    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) · Matemàtiques

    Eva Miranda is a Full Professor at UPC and a member of CRM. She is the director of the Lab of Geometry and Dynamical Systems and group leader of the Geometry group at UPC. Distinguished with two ICREA Academia Prizes in 2016 and 2021, she was awarded a Chaire d'Excellence de la Fondation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris in 2017 and a Bessel Prize in 2022. She has also been the recipient of the 29 François Deruyts Prize, a quadrennial prize conferred by the Royal Academy of Belgium, in 2022. She has been recently named the 2023 Hardy Lecturer by the London Mathematical Society.

    Miranda has been speaker at top international conferences like the European Congress of Mathematicians. She created an important school by supervising 9 PhD theses.  She has been chercheur affiliée at Observatoire de Paris and honorary doctor at CSIC. She is member of the scientific committee at the RSME and a member of the Conseil d'Administration de l'Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris.

    Research interest

    Miranda's research is at the crossroad of Differential Geometry, Mathematical Physics and Dynamical Systems. More recently, she added to her research agenda some mathematical aspects of theoretical computer science in connection to Fluid Dynamics.

    Almost a decade ago she pioneered the investigation of b-Poisson manifolds. These structures appear naturally in physical systems on manifolds with boundary and on problems on Celestial mechanics such as the 3-body problem.

    In 2021 she constructed a Turing complete 3D Euler flow. This result not only proves the existence of undecidable paths in hydrodynamics but also closes an open question in the field of computer science (the existence of "fluid computers").

    Miranda's research strives to decipher the several levels of complexity in Geometry and Fluid Dynamics. She endeavours to extend Floer homology and the singular Weinstein conjecture to the singular set-up motivated by the search of periodic orbits in Celestial Mechanics.


    Key words

    Differential Geometry, Symplectic Geometry, Poisson Geometry, Hamiltonian Dynamics, Contact Geometry, Fluid Dynamics



    Resercher ID

    Santi Nonell Marrugat

    Nonell Marrugat, Santiago

    Universitat Ramon Llull (URL) · IQS School of Engineering

    Santi Nonell is ICREA Professor of Physical Chemistry at the IQS School of Engineering (Ramon Llull University, Barcelona). He obtained a Ph.D. in Photochemistry for work carried out at the Max-Planck-Institut für Strahlenchemie in Mülheim an der Ruhr (Germany, 1988) and was a postdoctoral researcher at the Arizona State University and the University of California Los Angele (1991-1992).

    He served as President of the European Society of Photobiology, as Editor-in-Chief of the journal Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, and as Chair of the Spanish Network of Biological Photochemistry. He is currently the Director of the Photobiology School of the European Society for Photobiology.

    His honours include the Otto Hahn Medal of the Max Planck Society and the appointment as a Fellow by the Royal Society of Chemistry.

    Research interest

    His core research interests lie in the area of biological photochemistry, with a focus on singlet oxygen, the photochemical aspects of anti-cancer and anti-microbial photodynamic therapy, and photoprotection. He has contributed more than 200 research articles, 21 books and book chapters, 13 patents, and 23 Ph.D. graduates to the field of biological photochemistry, and has established a strong network of international collaborators.

    He has been the principal investigator of 22 research projects funded competitively and is currently the coordinator of an H2020 European project (Inhalable Aerosol Light Source for Controlling Drug-Resistant Bacterial Lung Infection; www.light4lungs.eu).

    He is the founder and first director of the Applied Photobiological Chemistry research group (AppLightChem) and participates assiduously in technology transfer and R&D contracts with the industry, particularly in the area of photoprotection.

    Key words

    biological photochemistry, singlet oxygen, photodynamic therapy, photosensitisers



    Resercher ID

    Picture of Ignacio Pagonabarraga Mora

    Pagonabarraga Mora, Ignacio

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Condensed Matter Physics

    Ignacio Pagonabarraga is a full professor of Condensed Matter Physics at the University  of Barcelona since  2011. He graduated in Physics in 1989 and obtained his PhD in nonequilibrium statistical physics in 1995. He has performed postdoctoral stays at Instituut Amolf (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) and University of Edinburgh (Scotland, UK), and has been visiting professor at different European academic institutions. He is member of UBICS. He has been the Director of  CECAM (2017-2022). I. Pagonabarraga has written over 235 publications in major peer reviewed international scientific journals. He was awarded with the Catalan Distinction for the Promotion of University Research for Young Scientists (2004) and ICREA Academia in 2013.  He has served in the scientific committee of numerous international conferences and is currently member of the Editorial Board of EPJE. In 2011 he obtained the Outstanding Referee award of the American Physical Sociey.

    Research interest

    His research interests cus in the physics of soft matter and the understanding of emerging structures and phases in these sytems, both in and out of equilibrium. His research aims at the theoretical knowledge of the collective behaviour of complex physico-chemical systems. He has studied the mechanical properties of granular materials, the electrokinetics of complex and confined systems, the stability of capillary and confined fluid mixtures, and the physics of microswimmers. He has developed and exploited novel mesosocopic methods to analyze the dynamics of soft materials and has benefited from supercoputing facilities, such as MareNostrum. Currently he is also interested in the study of biologically inspired systems, such as active matter or the physics of molecular motors. He has been invited professor at Paris-Sud University (2002), Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (2003), University of Edinburgh (2005) and TU Berlin (2010). He has supervised 8 PhD theses.

    Key words

    Soft matter, active fluids, colloidal systems, capillarity, granular materials



    Resercher ID

    Francesca Peiró

    Peiro Martinez, Francesca

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Dept. Electronics and Biomedical Engineering

    Prof. Francesca Peiró, PhD in Physics (1993) and Master in Academic University Policies (2011) at the University of Barcelona (UB) is Full Professor in the Dept. of Electronics and Biomedical Engineering at UB. She coordinates the SRG Micronanotechnologies and Nanoscopies for Electronic and Photonic Devices (MIND), is member of the Steering Committee of the Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (IN2UB) and leads the Laboratory of Electron Nanoscopies (LENS, https://lensgroupub.wordpress.com/) focused on innovative(S)TEM instrumental methods, machine learning algorithms for spectroscopic data mining, ab-initio simulation for energy loss analysis and application of advanced TEM tools in nanotechnology, opotoelectronics and energy fields. She is vice-president of the Spanish Society of Microscopy and the scientific coordinator of the Barcelona node of the ICTS ELECMI, Electron Microscopy for Materials Science. Prof. Peiró was awarded the distinction Jaume Vicens Vives in 2022.

    Research interest

    Prof. Peiró promoted the development of transmission electron microscopy with aberration correction in the UB context by fostering and leading the project MERIT, Advanced electron microscopy for research, innovation and knowledge transfer (Ref. IU16-015923), Generalitat de Catalunya – UE FEDER. The main research interests are:

    - In situ TEM techniques for electrical measurements

    - Beam precession techniques and 4D scanning-transmission electron diffraction with beam precession to map stress distribution in III-V semiconducting optoelectronic materials

    - Electron tomography for the 3D reconstruction of nanostructures.

    - Understanding magnetic behavior of magnetic nanoparticles, nanowires and complex 3D architectures through electron holography and electron magnetic circular dichroism (EMCD).

    - Artificial intelligence algorithms for EELS data analysis.

    - TEM techniques and EELS spectroscopy applied to materials for fuel cells and all-solid-state batteries.

    Key words

    Transmission Electron Microscopy,Nanotechnology, Nanostructured Materials,Optoelectronics,Spintronics, Energy



    Resercher ID


    Poater Teixidor, Albert

    Universitat de Girona (UdG) · Institut de Química Computacional i Catàlisi/Departament de Química

    Dr. Albert Poater studied chemistry at the University of Girona (UdG), where he graduated in 2001. After experimental work with Prof. Antoni Llobet, the computational PhD thesis was defended in 2006, supervised by Profs. Miquel Duran and Miquel Solà, being focused on the Ru-compounds, and activation of O2 and CH/CC bonds.

    In 2007 a postdoc started with Prof. Luigi Cavallo at the Università di Salerno deepened into the olefin metathesis. In 2010 he joined the ICRA as Ramón y Cajal, and 2 years later transferred to UdG, in parallel with stays at KAUST of Saudi Arabia (over 8 years abroad). Since 2019, he holds a permanent position as Serra Húnter Associate Professor in UdG, and serves as director of the Master MACMoM. He was awarded with the ICREA Academia Prize 2019.

    Dr. Poater is co-author of over 270 papers, highlighting 1 Nat. Chem., 14 J. Am. Chem. Soc., 9 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 8 ACS Catal. In total (WoS), counting with over 10000 citations, with h = 55.

    Research interest

    My research interests have been focused on two main topics: understanding the mechanism involving mainly organometallic steps; and study of new tools that might rationalize or put in order by means of descriptors the catalytic performance.

    The computational research has been carried out by DFT. The main topics where I have centered my efforts include olefin metathesis by Ru-based catalysts or gold chemistry to undertake organometallic reactions, and currently switching to green chemistry to remove and/or not generate CO2: either water oxidation catalysis or alcohol transformation to aldehydes with generation of H2 as energy source.

    Although more than half of my computational projects tried to give insight to experimental issues, another precious part tries to make a step forward, in terms of prediction of reactivity, generating computational tools that are user friendly for experimentalists, like web servers to define sterics of ligands.


    Key words

    catalysis, organometallic chemistry, DFT calculations, pharmaceutical industry, green chemistry



    Resercher ID

  • Ribas Salamaña, Xavi UdG - 2010, 2015, 2020

    Ribas Salamaña, Xavi

    Universitat de Girona (UdG) · Institut de Química Computacional i Catàlisi (IQCC) i Departament de Química

    I graduated in Chemistry at the University of Girona in 1996. Then I started my PhD studies at UdG on bioinorganic and organometallic redox chemistry of copper and I obtained my PhD in 2001. I performed two pre-doctoral research-stays at Univ. Basel with Prof. Zuberbühler and at Stanford Univ. with Prof. Stack. Then, I performed my Post-doctoral studies (2002-2004) at the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (CSIC-Spain). I returned to UdG in 2005 with a Juan de la Cierva contract and became an independent group leader in 2006. I’ve been awarded with an ERC-Starting Grant in 2011 and an ERC-Proof of Concept Grant in 2015. Moreover, I obtained three consecutive projects from MINECO in 2013, 2016 and 2019. I’ve been awarded with three ICREA-Acadèmia prizes in 2010, 2015 and 2020. In 2018 I was awarded with the Premio a la Excelencia Investigadora RSEQ 2018. I was promoted to Full Professor in 2022. My work has been published in 141 articles (H = 49).


    Research interest

    Research in the PI’s group swings among three main projects; a) Strong bond activation (C-H, C-F and C-OMe) and functionalization of arenes through organometallic species, b) Supramolecular nanocapsules for the regioselective functionalization of fullerenes and c) (Enantio)selective catalysis at the confined space. 

    a) C-H, C-F and C-OMe activation and functionalization of arenes through organometallic species have resulted in a number of studies involving fundamental comprehension of these reactions, involving aryl-Fe(II), aryl-Co(III), aryl-Ni(II), aryl-Cu(III), aryl-Ag(III) and aryl-Au(III) species in model platforms

    b) In the supramolecular chemistry project, cutting-edge advances have been done by the PI research team in fullerene recognition and purification, as well as in fullerene regio-functionalization using self-assembled nanocapsules as supramolecular masks

    c) Development of enantioselective catalysis at the confined space of nanocapsules


    Key words

    Supramolecular self-assembled nanocapsules, Supramolecular purification of fullerenes and endohedral metallofullerenes (EMF), Regioselective functionalization of confined fullerenes, Earth-abundant Metal C-H, C-F and C-OMe functionalization catalysis



    Resercher ID

  • Ritort, Fèlix UB - 2008, 2013, 2018
    Fèlix Ritort

    Ritort, Fèlix

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Fisica de la Materia Condensada

    Dr. Felix Ritort got his Ph.D. in spin glasses in 1991 under the supervision of G. Parisi (Nobel Prize in Physics, 2021). He has contributed to disordered systems and nonequilibrium physics, and single-molecule biophysics to investigate energy processes in the molecular world. Ritort’s group is recognized worldwide as a leader in applying the finest and most powerful methods to extract accurate quantitative information about the thermodynamics and kinetics of molecular interactions in nucleic acids and proteins. He has been awarded several prizes for his research: Distinció de la Generalitat de Catalunya in 2001 for his research during the years 1991-2000; ICREA Academia Awards 2008,2013,2018 for his research as a scholar at the University of Barcelona; Premio Bruker 2013 from the Sociedad de Biofísica de España for his contributions to molecular biophysics research in Spain. He is chair of the Division of Physics for Life Sciences of the European Physical Society.

    Research interest

    Dr. Ritort’s scientific research is multidisciplinary at the frontiers of physics, chemistry, and biology. Small Biosystems lab is a reference worldwide in merging theory and experiments to investigate the thermodynamics and nonequilibrium behavior of small systems using single-molecule methods. He applies the finest concepts and tools from statistical physics to extract valuable information about a wide range of molecular processes: from the folding of nucleic acids and proteins to binding kinetics in proteins, peptides, and other macromolecular complexes. A recurring theme in his research is understanding how molecular systems embedded in noisy thermal environments outperform the efficiency of macroscopic systems: being small has advantages that nature has exploited. He has recently directed his interest to study energy and information and search for principles that govern the emergent complexity of evolutionary ensembles in the molecular and cellular world.

    Key words

    Statistical physics, Molecular biophysics


  • Rotger, Victor UPC - 2019

    Rotger, Victor

    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) · Matematiques

    Ph.D obtained in 2003 at Universitat de Barcelona under the supervision of prof. Pilar Bayer. Associate professor at UPC since 2005; full professor since 2018. Long research stays at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (Bombay), McGill University (Montréal), Humboldt University (Berlin), Aristotle University (Salonika). ERC Consolidator Grant 2016-2022.

    Research interest

    In 2000, the Clay Mathematics Institute established seven Prize Problems, conceived to record some of the most important problems with which mathematicians were grappling at the turn of the second millennium. One of these problems is the conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer (BSD) on the arithmetic of elliptic curves. My research is devoted to this question and generalizations of it within the scenario provided by the Langlands program, due to Stark for Artin representations and to Beilinson, Bloch and Kato for arbitrary motives.

    I have been working on proving new cases of the BSD Conjecture (posed in 1965), the Bloch-Kato conjecture (1990), Darmon’s conjecture on Stark-Heegner points (1999), the elliptic Stark conjecture (2015), Venkatesh’s conjecture (2018) among other outstanding problems. I have also built new research directions on  Euler systems and the p-adic Kudla program.

    Key words

    Shimura varieties, Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture, Elliptic curves, L-functions, Motivic Cohomology



    Resercher ID

  • Ruiz Sabín, Eliseo UB - 2013, 2021
    Eliseo Ruiz Sabín

    Ruiz Sabín, Eliseo

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Inorganic and Organic Chemistry

    He achieved at UB his degrees in Chemistry (1988) and Physics (1991) and PhD in Chemistry in 1993. Postdoctoral stays at the Université de Montréal (Prof. Dennis. R. Salahub 1994) and in the Université Louis Pasteur (Prof. Jean-Marie Lehn 2000). Stays University of Cambridge (Prof. Mike Payne 1996) and in Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Prof. Michel Verdaguer 1997). In 2001 he became Associate Professor at the UB and Full Professor in 2011. In 2003 he was awarded the Catalan Distinction for the Promotion of University Research for Young Scientists, the ICREA Academia in 2013 and 2021 and the prize “Excelencia Investigadora” of the Real Sociedad Española de Química in 2017. Since April 2018, he is the head of Institute of Computational and Theoretical Chemistry (Maria de Maeztu Excellence in 2018 and 2022). In 2019, a sabbatical stay at TU Delft (Prof. Herre van der Zant). In 2020, he was elected as member of the Academia Europeaa. Co-author of more than 270 papers and h-index of 70.

    Research interest

    My research focused on two main topics, Molecular Magnetism and Molecular Electronics (Spintronics):

    Regarding my expertise in Molecular Magnetism, my theoretical studies are benchmark results in such field. Now, my group also performs the synthesis and structural-magnetic characterization, triggering my independence on the choice of systems and speeding up outcomes. Such research is mainly devoted to finding molecules with long coherence times that can act as spin qubits.

    In Molecular Electronics, I mainly focus on single-molecule junctions with magnetic molecules. One of my breakthroughs is single-molecule devices showing magnetoresistance behavior at room temperature. In this research topic, I perform the theoretical analysis using DFT calculations as well as the conductance measurements with scanning tunneling microscopes.

    In both research topics, I have many collaborations with world-leading experimental groups to complete the understanding through theoretical studies.

    Key words

    molecular magnetism, theoretical chemistry, molecular spintronics, density functional theory



    Resercher ID

  • Sala Román, Xavier UAB - 2020
    Xavier Sala

    Sala Román, Xavier

    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) · Chemistry

    Xavier Sala (Sant Feliu de Guíxols, 1979) graduated in chemistry at UdG and obtained his PhD degree in 2007. He then moved to the Catalan Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ) for post-doctoral research under the supervision of Prof. P. W. N. M. van Leeuwen and in 2008 was appointed scientific group coordinator in Prof. A. Llobet’s group at ICIQ. After a third post-doctoral stay at IRTA he was appointed lecturer in chemistry at UAB in 2010 where he became associate professor in 2018. Since 2011, he leads the Selective RedOx Catalysis (SelOxCat) research group. He obtained 4 consecutive projects from MINECO and MICINN in 2011, 2015 and 2019, 2021. He has co-authored over 90 research papers (h-index 33) and has been visiting professor at the University of California Berkeley and Invited Professor at the LCC-CNRS and University of Rome, Tor Vergata. He was awarded the ICREA Academia Prize 2020.

    Research interest

    Energy, catalyis and environment are related issues with important socio-economic output. My reserach in artificial photosynthesis is focused on the study, comprehension and development of the key reactions involved in the cost-efficient renewable production of H2 and liquid carbon-neutral fuels from CO2. The SelOxCat group tackles this major issue from two different perspectives:  

    - Nanoscaled molecular-material hybrid (photo)electrocatalysts: tailored  design of tunable metal/metal-oxide based molecular-material hybrids to understand the fundamental principles that dictate selectivity, efficiency and durability.

    - Molecular-based (photo)electrodes: novel catalyst-electrode interfaces to boost current densities and long-term stabilities enabling their inclusion in practical photoelectrochemical (PEC) devices. 


    Key words

    Redox Catalysis, Energy, Artificial Photosynthesis, Water Splitting, Hydrogen, Nanocatalysis, Homogeneous Catalysis



    Resercher ID

  • Sales Pardo, Marta URV - 2012, 2021
    Marta Sales Pardo

    Sales Pardo, Marta

    Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) · Dept Chemical Engineering

    I am currently a Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Universitat Rovira i Virgili and the co-director of the science and engineering of emergent systems lab (sees lab). I studied and obtained a PhD in physics in Univeristat de Barclona (2002). I preformed my postdoctoral work at Nortwhestern University with Luis Amaral. In 2008, I became a Research Assistant Professor in the same university, within the Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems, the NU Center for Clinical and Translational Science and the School of Engineering. In 2010, I became an Associate Professor at universitat Rovira i Virgili. Since 2019, I am in the advisory committee of the James McDonnell Foundation and. Since 2020, I am the Responsible for Equality of the School of Chemical Engineering. In 2021, I was named Fellow of the Network Science Society. Since July 2022 I am the president of Complexitat, the Catalan Association for the Study of complex Systems.

    Research interest

    Since 2009, we have lead the development of generative group-based models for complex networks amenable to Bayesian inference. Recently, we have developed Bayesian methods for model selection in a wide array of network types and contexts including: bioinformatics, molecular biology and physiology, ecology,  human decision-making, and science of science.

    We have recently developed what we call a Bayesian machine scientist, an algorithm that can automatically obtain mathematical expressions from data by assessing their plausibility. The BMS solves caveats from current approaches to the symbolic regression problem and, by exploiting the deep connection between probability theory and statistical physics, can perform proper model averaging, thus opening another chapter in the ability of symbolic regression approaches to rival 'black box' methods in predicting unobserved data.

    Key words

    complex networks; complex systems; statistical inference



    Resercher ID

    Picture of Anna Sanchez Vidal

    Sanchez Vidal, Anna

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Earth and Ocean Science Dynamics

    Anna Sanchez Vidal (Banyoles, 1977) earned a BSc in Environmental Sciences (1999, University of Girona) and a PhD in Oceanography (2005, University of Barcelona). She is a former Marie Curie fellow at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France), with research stays at the Oregon State University (United States), the Dalhousie University (Canada) and the Plymouth University (United Kingdom). She was granted a Ramon y Cajal contract in 2012, and since 2017 she is associate professor at the Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences at the University of Barcelona and member of the Consolidated Research Group in Marine Geosciences. She is author of >100 publications with h=34 and >4,000 citations (Scopus). She has supervised 8 PhD students, 1 postdoc, and several MSc and BSc students.

    Research interest

    Her research focuses on the environmental drivers of marine ecosystems. Based on a detailed geochemical characterisation of marine snow falling from upper waters and seafloor sediments (bulk composition and stable isotopes, biomarkers, major and trace elements, organic pollutants, and plastic), and the understanding of the external (climatic/meteorologic) and internal (oceanographic) forcing conditions, she aims at unravelling deep water formation and thermohaline circulation, biogeochemical cycles and ecosystem functioning, and changes in the marine system resulting from anthropogenic drivers. She has significant interests in issues of direct societal concern, such as plastic pollution, deep sea mining and the removal of carbon from the atmosphere. Most of the results derived from her research activities have attracted the attention of the media, and now she is leading a new research line based on citizen science to engage the general public in scientific research activities.

    Key words

    microplastics, marine pollution, oceanography, dense water formation



    Resercher ID

    Francesc Viñes Solana

    Viñes Solana, Francesc

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Materials Science and Physical Chemistry & Institute of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry of the University of Barcelona (IQTCUB)

    Prof. Francesc Viñes was born (1981) and raised in Barcelona, and got his degree in Chemistry in 2003 at the Universitat de Barcelona (UB). He got a PhD in Chemistry at the Physical Chemistry Department of UB in 2008 under the supervision of Profs. Drs. Carme Sousa and Francesc Illas. Afterwards, he spent three years as a postdoc at the Friedrich-Alexander Universität (FAU) Erlangen-Nürnberg hosted by Prof. Dr. Andreas Görling in the Chair of Theoretical Chemistry as an Alexander von Humboldt (AvH) fellow, later hired by the cluster of Excellence for Advanced Materials (EAM). In 2011 he returned to the department of Materials Science and Physical Chemistry of UB as a Juan de la Cierva fellow, and became Ramón y Cajal researcher in 2014. In 2019 he won a Professor Agregat permanent position. He is member and secretary of the Institute of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (IQTC) of UB. He published over 155 peer reviewed scientific papers and has an h-index of 42.

    Research interest

    The core of my research aims at solving current environmental and energetic issues by means of computational chemistry simulations, often explaining or guiding experiments, focused on developing or improving thermo-, electro, or photocatalysts. The emphasis is put on reusing greenhouse gas CO2 and generating H2 in a green and sustainable fashion by using. e.g., solar light and H2O as chemical feedstock. The research mainly focuses on studying two-dimensional materials, either C-based (graphene, graphynes, grazynes, COFs) or layered transition metal carbides and nitrides (called MXenes) for such reactions, but also other high-surface area transition metals, alloys, and metal oxides and carbides, including single-, few-atoms-, cluster- and nanoparticle model catalysts. Biomass related compound treatments are also investigated on such materials, including biogas upgrading and biofuel deoxygenation processes.

    Key words

    Heterogeneous Catalysis, Electrocatalysis, Photocatalysis, Nanotechnology, Metal Carbides, MXenes, Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Carbon Allotropes



    Resercher ID

  • Alarcon, Eduard UPC - 2018
    Eduard Alarcón

    Alarcon, Eduard

    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) · Department of Electronic Engineering

    Eduard Alarcón is a professor, research scientist and student mentor at UPC BarcelonaTech, his alma mater, where he graduated MSc -national award-, and PhD in 1999. He is faculty of Telecommunication Engineering at UPC, where he was Associate Dean of International Affairs and is CFIS adjunct. Invited professor at KTH and CU Boulder. His cooperative research has resulted in 500 co-authored scientific publications, 35 international invited lectures, 7 books and 12 patents in the scientific fields of on-chip energy management, nanosatellites and satellite architectures for EO, nanotechnology-enabled graphene wireless communications, and AI and Quantum processor architectures, areas in which he has participated in EU FET Open (3), H2020 Space, DARPA, NSF, NASA and ESA projects and awards with companies as Intel, Samsung and Google. Service includes EiC of IEEE JETCAS, General Chair of IEEE ISCAS 2020, Vice President IEEE CAS, and Vice President of Quantum Computing ThinkTank

    Research interest

    The overarching research vision can be synthesized as "Designing Complexity in Systems Interplaying Communications and Computing”. The pursuit is to crystallize a design methodology for systems with extreme complexity, including communication and computing functions with limited energy resources, of large scale, distributed architectures, heterogeneous components and strict system-wide performance attributes, through emergent technologies of communications, computing and processing. The need of structured design methodologies for systems of increasing complexity requires vertical crosslayer model-based approaches including AI surrogates. The aim is to instantiate this methodology of complex system design with resilient, evolvable and robust attributes to both future spacecraft architectures, and to future domain-specific computing platforms with built-in advanced wireless communications, encompassing Graph Neural Networks co-processors and Quantum Computing architectures.

    Key words

    Wireless on-chip. Artificial Intelligence co-processors chips: Graph Neural Networks and In-memory computing. Quantum computing architectures. Nanosatellite constellation design. Energy-constrained design.



    Resercher ID

    Eduard Alarcon
  • Alemán Llansó, Carles UPC - 2008, 2015, 2022
    Carles Alemán Llansó

    Alemán Llansó, Carles

    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) · Chemical Engineering

    Carlos Alemán graduated in Chemistry from the University of Barcelona (Spain). He received the Ph.D. from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) in 1994, where he was promoted to the position of Full Professor. He was postdoctoral researcher at the ETH and visiting professor at the Università di Napoli Federico II and University of Twente. Since 2003 he leads the Biomaterials, IMEM-BRT group (Innovation in Materials and Molecular Engineering – Biomaterials for Regenerative Therapies). He is also a research associate at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) and director of the IMEM-CIEFMA Tecnio group. His research focuses on the development of: smart biomedical devices for detection, controlled drug delivery, and tissue regeneration; metal-free electronic devices; and electrothermal catalysts based on bioceramics.

    Research interest

    - Biomedical devices. Multi-responsive hybrid systems for the development of multi-tasking biomedical devices, as for example: scaffolds for simultaneous drug release and real-time monitoring; smart devices responsive to chemical and physical (temperature and/or pressure) stimuli; implants with sensors for monitoring bacterial infections; nanomembranes for the selective transport of metabolites while promote preferential cell migration.

    - Metal-Free Electronic Devices. Rechargeable, flexible and compressible supercapacitors with electrodes constructed using plasma-treated polymers and/or conducting biohydrogels; soft and self-healable pressure sensors; 2D-organic Faradaic motors.

    - Electrothermal catalysis using polarized bioceramics. Permanently polarized bioceramics, especially hydroxyapatite, for their application as catalyst in sustainable processes (fixation of N2, CO2 and other greenhouses gases under mild reaction conditions). Production of ethanol, ammonium or urea.

    Key words

    Conducting polymers, Bioactive platforms, Biointerfaces, Detection, Controlled release, Polarized hydroxyapatite, Catalysis, Nanotechnology



    Resercher ID

  • Arroyo Balaguer, Marino UPC - 2008, 2015, 2020
    Marino Arroyo Balaguer

    Arroyo Balaguer, Marino

    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) · Dept. Enginyeria Civil i Ambiental

    Marino Arroyo obtained a BS/MS in Civil Engineering at UPC and a PhD in Mechanical Engineering at Northwestern University in 2003. After a postdoctoral stay at Caltech, he joined the UPC in 2005, where he is full professor since June 2017. He is also associated to the Institute of Bioengineering of Catalunya (IBEC) and the International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE). He has published over 85 papers in diverse fields such as mathematical and computational modeling, solid mechanics, soft matter, biophysics or mechanobiology. He has received the ASME/BOEING Structures and Materials Award, the Zienkiewicz Young Scientist Award by ECCOMAS, the 2020 Fellows Award by IACM, he was the Timoshenko Visiting Scholar at Stanford, and was a visiting professor at UPMC in Paris. He obtained an ERC Starting grant and a Consolidator grant. He has advised 10 completed PhD theses and 13 postdoctoral researchers.

    Research interest

    Dr Arroyo’s research aims to develop theoretical and computational models for the mechanobiology biological interfaces, cells and tissues, with the goal of quantitatively understanding these systems, rationally manipulating active living materials and engineering new bionic materials. Together with an interdisciplinary group, he combines mathematical and physical modeling, mechanics and computations in tight interaction with quantitative observation to understand out-of-equilibrium chemo-mechanical phenomena associated with mechanical biological functions, including motility, morphogenesis and homeostasis. He is also interested in distilling the engineering principles underlying biological system to conceive and build bio-inspired devices and materials.


    Key words

    Computational mechanics, theoretical and applied mechanics, 2D materials, mechanobiology, biophysics, biomembranes, multiscale modeling



    Resercher ID

  • Atserias, Albert UPC - 2022
    Picture of Albert Atserias

    Atserias, Albert

    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) · Computer Science

    Albert Atserias is a Professor of Computer Science at UPC, Barcelona. His research interests include mathematical logic, computational complexity, algorithms, and combinatorics. He received a Ph.D. from UPC in 2002, and another one from UC Santa Cruz also in 2002. In 2006 he was a visiting researcher at Charles University in Prague, in 2008 at the UC Berkeley, in 2006 and 2012 at the Isaac Newton Institute for the Mathematical Science in Cambridge, and in 2016 at the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing in Berkeley. From 2015 to 2020 he was the PI of an ERC Consolidator Grant (AUTAR). He was invited as plenary speaker of ASL Logic Colloquium (2007 and 2018), CSL (2004), LICS (2011), SAT (2013 and 2023), FSTTCS (2020), ICALP (2022), as well as Oberwolfach, BIRS, Simons Institute at Berkeley, and Dagstuhl, several times. He is in the editorial board of the J.ACM, TheoretiCS, ACM TOCT, and has served on the editorial board of ACM TOCL and Information and Computation.

    Research interest

    Albert Atserias' research interests are in the theory of computation, logic, and combinatorics. He specializes in computational complexity theory, the field that studies the limitations of algorithms and of computing devices. The ultimate goal of his research is to understand the nature of computation to be able to classify all computational problems as efficiently solvable or intrinsically intractable, and to leverage this understanding to discover new algorithmic methods to tackle current boundary problems. As long-term research project, he has the goal of establishing certain forms of the leading conjectures in the area, such as a weak form of Millenium Problem P vs NP, by focussing on non-standard models of computation that arise from the study of weak formal systems. The hope is that these weak forms of the conjectures could suffice to produce some of their consequences, such as the existence of pseudorandom generators for algorithms and cryptography, with provable guarantees.

    Key words

    theory of computation, computational complexity theory, mathematical logic, combinatorics, probability theory



    Resercher ID

    Albert Atserias
  • Barlet Ros, Pere UPC - 2022
    Picture of Pere Barlet-Ros

    Barlet Ros, Pere

    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) · Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors

    Pere Barlet-Ros is a Full Professor with the Computer Architecture Department of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). He received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from UPC in 2003 and 2008, respectively. From 2013 to 2018, he was co-founder and chairman of the machine learning startup Talaia Networks. In 2018, the company was acquired by Auvik Networks. For this activity, he was awarded the best entrepreneur of the UPC School of Informatics (FIB) in 2015. His recent research at UPC has focused on the design of innovative AI-based solutions to network modeling, network optimization, network monitoring and network security. Some of his work has been integrated in several open-source and commercial products, including Network Polygraph, Auvik Traffic Insights, Intel CoMo and SMARTxAC. Previously, he was also visiting researcher at Endace (New Zealand), Intel Research Cambridge (UK) and Intel Labs Berkeley (USA).

    Research interest

    Prof. Barlet-Ros investigates how the latest developments in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be leveraged to improve the management, supervision and optimization of computer networks. His research interests also include cybersecurity and online privacy. In particular, he will use the ICREA Academia award to intensify the development of an AI-based Network Digital Twin (NDT). A NDT is a virtual representation of the network that will allow network practitioners and researchers to model the intricacies of real-world networks in a faster, cheaper and more secure way. This technology will represent a significant breakthrough in how networks are currently operated and managed at multiple levels (e.g., network planning, troubleshooting, optimization, performance evaluation or what-if analysis). The NDT paradigm has recently raised major interest in both the industry and SDOs (IETF, ITU).

    Key words

    computer networks, machine learning, cybersecurity, online privacy, network monitoring



    Resercher ID

  • Cabellos Aparicio, Albert UPC - 2016, 2021
    Albert Cabellos

    Cabellos Aparicio, Albert

    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) · Department of Computer Architecture

    Albert Cabellos (PhD 2008) is a full professor since 2020 at the Computer Architecture Department (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya). He is the co-founder of the Barcelona Neural Networking (https://bnn.upc.edu/) and the NaNoNetworking Center in Catalunya (https://www.n3cat.upc.edu/) . He has also founded the Open Overlay Router (http://openoverlayrouter.org) along with Cisco. He has been a visiting researcher at Cisco Systems and Agilent Technologies and a visiting professor at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and UC Berkeley. He has participated in several national (Cicyt), EU (H2020), USA (NSF) and industrial projects. He is the organizer of the Graph Neural Networking Challenge (https://bnn.upc.edu/challenge/). He has co-authored over 200 papers and participated in several IETF RFCs. 

    Research interest

    Graph Neural Network (GNN) is a new family of neural nets that have been proposed with the aim of learning graphs. GNNs facilitate the learning of relations between entities and show outstanding generalization capabilities. GNNs are not a black-box that simply map input to output labels from the dataset, as a consequence novel GNN architectures are required to tackle different problems. The introduction of Convolutional Neural Networks radically changed the field of computer vision. We argue that Graph Neural Networks will have a similar impact and represent a breakthrough for many fields that fundamentally operate with graphs. We plan to push progress on the theoretical foundations of Graph Neural Networks driven by relevant industrial use-cases.

    Key words

    Computer Networks, Graph Neural Networks, Deep-Reinforcement Learning, Graphene, Nanotechnology
  • Cabeza Fabra, Luisa Fernanda UdL - 2012, 2018
    Luisa Cabeza

    Cabeza Fabra, Luisa Fernanda


    Luisa F. Cabeza (Barcelona, 1967) is Full Professor of the program Serra Húnter at the University of Lleida. She graduated at Institut Químic de Sarrià (Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona) on Chemical Engineering in 1992 and on Industrial Engineering in 1993, obtained the Master on Industrial Management in 1995, and her PhD on Industrial Engineering in 1996. She was a post-doctoral researcher at the USDA, ERRC in Philadelphia from 1996 to 1998, and in 1999 she joined the University of Lleida were she created the research group GREA. She has authored more than 350 peer reviewed publications and several book chapters. She is very active in different international forums such as the International Energy Agency (IEA), the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the RHC Renewable Heating & Cooling - European Technology Platform, and the PPP SPIRE.

    Research interest

    The period 2013-2017 I enjoyed an ICREA Academia grant, giving me more time to devote to research and supervising researchers (master students, PhD students and post-doctoral fellows). Following my research plans, I started to work on thermochemical energy storage, not leaving at all also the research with sensible heat storage and latent heat storage. In the area of thermochemical energy storage, I have worked on the development of the technology of sorption for heating and cooling of buildings. In this area, I have co-authored different journal papers, I am co-supervising a PhD student, and I participate in three H2020 projects, showing the success in being recognized as expert on the topic already today.


    Key words

    energy, heat transfer, solar energy, thermodynamics, thermal energy storage, energy efficiency



    Resercher ID

    Cristina Canal Barnils

    Canal Barnils, Cristina

    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) · Departament de Ciència i Enginyeria de Materials, Escola d'Enginyeria de Barcelona Est

    Cristina Canal is Associate Professor in the Materials Science and Engineering Dpt. at UPC, where she heads the PlasmaMedLab -Biomedical Applications of Cold Plasmas, which is part of the Biomaterials, Biomechanics and Tissue Engineering (BBT) group. She is Research Deputy Director at the Center for Research in Biomedical Engineering (CREB|UPC). She has published around 90 papers in diverse fields related to Plasma Medicine, surface modification of textiles and biomaterials with cold plasmas, bone tissue regeneration and drug delivery. In these fields she has advised 8 PhD Thesis & 7 postdoctoral researchers, and has . Among others, she has received the 2018 Early Career Award in Plasma Medicine and the L’Oreal-Unesco for Young women in science (2011) awards. She has been PI in different competitive projects, among them an ERC Starting Grant. 

    Research interest

    Dr. Cristina Canal’s research aims at investigating cold atmospheric pressure plasmas and their interactions with liquids and biomaterials for therapeutic applications. Together with an interdisciplinary team, she aims at understanding the interactions and mechanisms beyond the interactions of reactive species from the gas phase with biomaterials in the liquid phase, and their biological outcomes, especially with regard to cancer therapies. The challenges they face are related to describing the role of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species generated by plasmas with biopolymers in solution, and their effects on biological response as well as on the functionality of the biomaterials.

    Key words

    cold plasma; biomaterials; drug delivery; tissue regeneration; bone cancer ;


  • Codina Rovira, Ramon UPC - 2011, 2016, 2021
    Picture of Ramon Codina Rovira

    Codina Rovira, Ramon

    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) · Departament d'enginyeria civil i ambiental

    I am Professor of Continuum Mechanics and Structural Analysis at the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), where I began my academic career in 1990 and I where am full professor since 2001. I teach courses on continuum mechanics, mechanics of structures and computational mechanics.

    My research is concerned with the development, implementation and numerical analysis of finite element methods applied to physical problems in engineering, mainly in fluid mechanics. I have directed 22 doctoral theses and I have published over 177 articles in indexed scientific journals. Much of my research is motivated by technology transfer projects.

    I have received several awards, among which the Prandtl Medal (2018), the ICREA Academia Award (2011, 2016 and 2021), the IACM Young Investigator Award (2004), the JL Lions Award to Young Scientists in Computational Mathematics (2000) and the Distinció de la Generalitat de Catalunya per a la Recerca  Universitˆària (2000).

    Research interest

    Design of numerical algorithms. Stabilized finite element schemes, approximate imposition of boundary conditions, fractional step schemes in time, eigen-problems, adaptivity, domain decomposition, coupling of multi-physics, and reduced order models.  My work ranges from the design of the numerical methods to their mathematical analysis. Reduced order models have been my most active area of research since 2017. Topology optimization and the application of artificial intelligence to computational mechanics are new research lines.

    Physical applications and turbulence.  Numerical modeling of fluid-structure coupling, nonlinear solid mechanics, wave propagation phenomena, viscoelastic flows, shallow water flows, aero-acoustics, and radiation. The tools used are those mentioned in the first block. Viscoelastic and compressible flows have been my most active area of research since 2017 in this block.

    Key words

    finite element methods, stabilization, fractional step schemes, multi-physics problems, AI in computational mechanics



    Resercher ID

    Jose Luis Cortina Pallás

    Cortina Pallás, Jose Luis

    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) · Chemical Engineering

    José Luis Cortina, born in Ligüerre de Cinca (Huesca) in 1964, received the PhD (1992) in Chemical Sciences from the University of Barcelona (Spain). He was promoted to the position of Full Professor in Chemical Engineering at BarcelonaTech UPC in 2001. He was NATO Visiting Researcher at the Process Analysis and Control Center at the University of Washington (USA) and visiting researcher at the Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel) and at the Mineral Processing Laboratory at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil). Since 2017 he leads the Resource Recovery and Environmental Management research group (R2EM) at the Multiscale Science and Engineering Research Center. From 2007, he has been research director and scientific technical advisor at the Water Technology Center (Cetaqua). He received the Ion Exchange Award of the Society of Chemical Industry (UK) in 2012. Along this time, he has published over 250 scholarly articles and co-authored 8 patents.

    Research interest

    His research is focused on the conceptualization, development and implementation of separation processes devoted to promote circularity solutions in the urban and industrial cycles. He is promoting the development of new processes and technical solutions by integration of treatment and separation technologies, especially membranes based (chemically, pressure and/or electrically driven). The main resource recovery domains cover solutions for industrial, agri-food and mining waste process streams where research covers technology readiness levels from 2-7. Nowadays, his research interest is focussed to: i) ensure a safe, circular and sustainable supply of critical raw materials (e.g. metals for electrical vehicle batteries or electronic components) through primary and secondary resources, and ii) develop technological solutions that facilitate industrial and urban symbiosis as a way to promote decarbonization solutions.

    Key words

    Separation Processes and Technologies, Membrane based Processes, Resource Recovery, Urban and Industrial Water Treatment Technologies, Mass Transport Phenomena, Nutrients and Critical Raw Material Recovery



    Resercher ID

  • Domingo Ferrer, Josep URV - 2008, 2013, 2018
    Josep Domingo-Ferrer

    Domingo Ferrer, Josep

    Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) · Computer Engineering and Mathematics

    Josep Domingo-Ferrer is a Distinguished Full Professor of Computer Science at Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona.  UNESCO Chair in Data Privacy. M. Sc. (1988) and Ph. D. (1991) in Computer Science from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. M. Sc. in Mathematics.

    In 2018 he founded CYBERCAT-Center for Cybersecurity Research of Catalonia. ICREA Acadèmia Prize (2008, 2013 and 2018).  ACM Distinguished Scientist (2016). Fellow, Institut d'Estudis Catalans (2016). Google Faculty Research Award (2014). "Narcís Monturiol" Medal  (2012). Elected Member, Academia Europaea (2012) and International Statistical Institute (2012). Fellow of IEEE (2012).

    He has co-authored 5 patents and over 483 publications (H-index=69, Mar. 8, 2023). In 2022, he served as the Chair of the ERC Starting Grants Panel PE6 (Computer Science and Informatics).

    Full CV at http://crises-deim.urv.cat/jdomingo

    Research interest

    His primary research interests are in information security and privacy-enhancing technologies, in particular anonymization and statistical disclosure control. Furthermore, he also works on ethics-by-design cybersecurity and artificial intelligence. His work revolves around technologies to reconcile efficiency, security, privacy, transparency, explainability and other ethical values in the information society. He is the world's top cited researcher in data protection.

    He has chaired 22 international conferences. He is a co-editor-in chief of "Transactions on Data Privacy" and an associate editor of several journals. He has co-ordinated the H2020 project "CLARUS", the CONSOLIDER "ARES team on security and privacy, the EU FP5 project "CO-ORTHOGONAL", the "CO-UTILITY" project (Templeton  Foundation), as well as several Spanish funded and U.S. funded research projects. He regularly engages in technology transfer to the IT industry.

    Key words

    Data security, Data privacy, Cryptography, Official statistics


  • Engel, Elisabeth UPC - 2022

    Engel, Elisabeth

    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) · Materials Science and Engineering

    I got a PhD in Medicine in Bone Metabolic diseases in Hospital del Mar, Barcelona. I won a post doc grant (Juan de la Cierva) from the Spanish ministry of Science to start a laboratory of tissue engineering at the Technical University of Catalunya, at the group of Biomaterials. I became full professor at the department of Materials science and engineering at UPC on 2018. I became Group Leader of the group Biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia in 2012. I have published more than 100 papers in JRC and actively participated in European Projects, as well as transference projects with national and international companies. I am also leader of a group at the CIBER-BBN (Spanish center of excellence of research in Biomaterials, bioengineering and nanotechnology) since 2013 collaborating with clinicians.

    Research interest

    My research is devoted to the development of innovative biomaterials and scaffolds for tissue regeneration. Bioactive and biodegradable materials development and their interactions with biological entities are investigated both from their fundamental aspects and their specific applications for tissue engineering purposes, the aim of which is the repair and the functional restoration of tissues or organs by means of 3D scaffolds, cells and signals. The group has been working in endogenous tissue engineering by understanding the effect of the scaffold’s fabrication methods, the chosen materials, the architecture and the effect of degradation products to modify tissue microenvironment leading to pro regenerative processes.


    Key words

    Biomaterials, 3D printing, stem cells, regenerative medicine, angiogenesis, reprogramming



    Resercher ID

    Joan García

    García Serrano, Joan

    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) · Civil and Environmental Engineering

    Joan Garcia was born in Barcelona in 1966. He obtained his degree in Biology in 1990 from the Universitat de Barcelona (UB), and in 1991 started to work as Assistant Professor in Environmental Engineering at the Civil Engineering School of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC). Joan defended his doctoral PhD on wastewater treatment engineering in 1996 at the UB. From 2008 he is Full Professor of Environmental Engineering at UPC. He has worked as postdoc research visitor at the University of California at Berkeley (2001), the University of Ghent, Belgium (2005) and Florida Gulf Coast University (2018, awarded with a Fulbright Commission mobility grant). In 2005 he founded the Group of Environmental Engineering and Microbiology (GEMMA).

    Research interest

    I carry out interdisciplinary research coupling Environmental Engineering and Biotechnology. In last years, my focus was on the treatment of polluted water streams such as urban wastewaters, agricultural drainage and aquaculture discharges with microalgae cultures. These microorganisms grow using nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen) contained in polluted waters while removing emerging organic contaminants as pharmaceutical drugs. Microalgae biomass produced in these cultures can be a source of bioproducts, so the interest in these systems goes beyond bioremediation itself. Note that this is a very novel approach which aims at contributing to transform bioremediation processes (e.g. wastewater treatment) into a productive industry within the context of circular economy

    Key words

    Environmental engineering, Environmental biotechnology, Wastewater treatment, Nature-Based Solutions, Cyanobacteria



    Resercher ID

    55955646800 (Scopus)
  • Ginebra Molins, Maria Pau UPC - 2008, 2013, 2018
    Maria Pau Ginebra

    Ginebra Molins, Maria Pau

    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) · Materials Science and Engineering

    Maria Pau Ginebra is full professor at the Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering of UPC, as well as Director of the Biomaterials Biomechanics and Tissue Engineering Group. She is Associated Researcher at the Institute of Bioengineering of Catalunya (IBEC). She has been PI in numerous national and international projects and is currently leading an ERC Advanced Grant. She has published more than 260 scientific articles an supervised 21 PhD Theses. She aims at translating her results to the clinics and industry, being the inventor of 10 patents. In 2013 she co-founded the spin-off company Mimetis Biomaterials, and in 2018 she was a finalist of the EU Prize for Women Innovators. She received the Narcís Monturiol Medal from the Generalitat de Catalunya in 2012, the Racquel LeGeros Award by the International Society for Ceramics in Medicine in 2013, and the Klaas de Groot Award by the European Society for Biomaterials in 2019. 

    Research interest

    Her research is focused on the development of new biomaterials for tissue engineering and controlled drug release, with special emphasis in the musculoskeletal system. Her main goal is to exploit biomimetic strategies for the design of biomaterials for bone tissue engineering, inspired in the features of both the inorganic and the organic components of bone extracellular matrix. Specifically, her main challenges include: i) the development of biomaterial-based antimicrobial strategies, in view of overcoming the challenge of antibiotic resistance; ii) understanding the role of the different material features in the cellular events leading to osteoinduction and biomaterial-assisted bone regeneration. Furthermore, she explores new strategies of biofabrication, including injectable cements and foams, surface biofunctionalisation with multifunctional peptides and protein fragments and 3D printing of scaffolds for tissue engineering and personalized regenerative medicine.

    Key words

    Biomaterials for tissue engineering, biofunctional materials, drug delivery, bone regeneration, biomimetic materials, 3D printing of biomaterials, bioprinting, cell-material interactions, preclinical studies of biomaterials



    Resercher ID

  • Gomila Lluch, Gabriel UB - 2014, 2022
    Gabriel Gomila Lluch

    Gomila Lluch, Gabriel

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Departament d'Enginyeria Electrònica i Biomèdica

    Gabriel Gomila has got a PhD in Physics from the University of Barcelona in 1997 on the theoretical modelling of electron transport at semiconductor interfaces. From 1998 to 2001 he was post-doctoral researcher and specialized in the theoretical modelling of nanoescale electronic devices. In 2001 he won a Ramon y Cajal fellowship at the Department of Electronics of the University of Barcelona, where he expanded his research interests towards the merge of electronics and biological fields, focusing on microsystems for biological applications on-a-chip and on Atomic Force Microscopy for the electrical study of biological samples. He became Associate Professor in 2005 and Full Professor in 2017. Since 2008 he is also Group Leader at the Institut for Bioengineering of Cataluny (IBEC). In 2014 and 2022 he was awarded with the ICREA  Academia prize. He currently lectures on Scanning Probe Microscopy, Bioelectricity and Nanomedicine.

    Research interest

    The main goal of the Nanoscale Bioelectrical Characterization group is to develop a multiscale approach to Bioelectricity, covering from the nano- to the microscale. To this end the group develop methods and techniques based on Scanning Probe Microscopy, Organic Electronics and Machine Learning. In the next years, the group will focus in the development of Autonomous Electrical Scanning Probe Microscopes for Biomedical applications enhanced by Artificial Intelligence. The new microscope will provide simultaneous nanoscale structural, mechanical and electrical information on single living cells, and will be able to be operated by non-skilled personnel. In the long-term we expect the system to become a significant clinical tool to address pathological processes tightly associated with the electrical and mechanical properties of cells.

    Key words

    Scanning Probe Microscopy, Autonomous Instruments, Machine Learning, Electrical properties, Mechanical properties, Single cells, Biomedicine, Nanomedicine



    Resercher ID

    Oril Gomis

    Gomis Bellmunt, Oriol

    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) · Electrical Engineering

    Professor Oriol Gomis-Bellmunt received the degree in industrial engineering from the School of Industrial Engineering of Barcelona (ETSEIB), Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), Barcelona, Spain, in 2001 and the doctoral degree in electrical engineering from the UPC in 2007. In 1999 he joined Engitrol where he worked as project engineer in the automation and control industry. In 2003 he developed part of his doctoral thesis in the DLR (German Aerospace center) in Braunschweig (Germany). Since 2004 he is with the Electrical Engineering Department of the UPC where he is Professor and participates in the CITCEA-UPC research group. He has been involved in numerous industrial and research projects related to grid integration of renewables and power systems. Since 2021, he is a Fellow of IEEE. In 2022, he co-founded the start-up eROOTS Analytics focused on the analysis of modern power systems. 

    Research interest

    The research we are doing is focused on understanding modern power systems dominated by power electronics converters, including renewables (mainly onshore and offshore wind and solar PV), HVDC, FACTS, energy storage, electrical vehicle and industrial loads. The activities we are developing are related to developing modeling approaches, control design tools and analysis methodologies to be able to analyze in a systematic way power systems dominated by converters. Power converters are programmable devices which cannot be significantly overloaded. This implies that they behave in a different way compared to traditional synchronous generators, and therefore exisitng approaches and tools which are used to analyze power systems have important limitations. Our work combines the detailed converter and the overall system analysis and has application to multiple fields, ranging from high voltage transmission networks to low voltage distribution systems. 


    Key words

    Renewable energy, wind power, offshore wind, power systems, power electronics, electrical machines, supergrids, HVDC grids



    Resercher ID

  • González, Antonio UPC - 2014, 2019
    Antonio González

    González, Antonio

    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) · Computer Architecture Department

    Antonio González (PhD 1989) is a Full Professor at the Computer Architecture Department of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, and the director of the ARCO research group. He was the founding director of the Intel Barcelona Research Center from 2002 to 2014.

    He has published 380+ papers, has given 130+ invited talks and holds 53 patents in the area of computer architecture. He has served as associate editor for five IEEE and ACM journals, program chair and general chair for the most prestigious symposia in his area, and member of the program committee for 130+ symposia. He has a long track record of innovations in commercial products, especially microprocessors.

    Antonio’s awards include the best student in computer engineering in Spain, the Rosina Ribalta award, the Duran Farell award, the Aritmel National Award of Informatics, the King Jaime I award and the ICREA Academia award. He is recipient of an ERC Advanced Grant and is a Fellow of IEEE and ACM.

    Research interest

    Antonio’s research has focused on computer architecture, compilers and parallel processing, with special emphasis on microarchitecture and code generation techniques for the design of power efficient and reliable computing systems.

    His latest research activities focus on the area of domain-specific architectures, with special emphasis on Cognitive Computing and Graphics domains. Regarding Cognitive Computing architectures, his goal is to devise new “intelligent” devices that will help people in their daily routines at work, home or for entertainment. In particular, he is investigating novel architectures for computer vision, language processing and autonomous driving systems. In the area of Graphics, his work focuses on energy-efficient graphics processors that can provide reach user experiences for animated applications running in extremely power constrained devices such as smartphones or other portable devices.

    Key words

    computer architecture, processor microarchitecture, power-efficiency, memory architecture, graphics processors, cognitive computing systems.



    Hernández Leo, Davinia

    Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) · Department of Information and Communication Technologies

    Professor at the Department of Information and Communications Technologies Department and Head of the TIDE research group and TESI research unit at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. Ph.D by the University of Valladolid, Spain; Fulbright Scholar at Virginia Tech; visiting researcher at the OUNL and the U. of Sydney. She has published extensively and has received several awards, including best paper and best demo awards in conferences in her domain and the European award for excellence in the field of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning technology. She is a former Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions of Learning Technologies and former Vice-President of the European Association for Technology-Enhanced Learning, and is currently member of the CSCL Committee within the International Society of the Learning Sciences, member of the ijCSCL editorial board and UPF Commissioner for research in educational innovation.


    Research interest

    Prof. Hernández-Leo's research activity lies at the intersection of Network and Computer Applications, Human-Computer Interaction and Learning Sciences, being broadly centered on the domain of Learning Technologies, and spanning fields such as learning design technology, computer-supported collaborative learning, community platforms, learning analytics, and architectures and devices for learning. Her main objective is to contribute to improve Information and Communications Technologies to empower teachers and to enable potentially effective learning experiences that are not possible (or very demanding) without technologies. Her research group (TIDE, Interactive and Distributed Technologies for Education, https://www.upf.edu/web/tide) is currently focused on human-centered trustworthy data-driven services in Learning Design tooling, Classroom Orchestration technologies and Distributed Learning Environments. 

    Key words

    social technologies, standards and interoperability, devices for learning, computer-supported collaborative learning, technologies for learning design


  • Ivanova Radeva, Petia UB - 2014, 2022
    Picture of Petia Ivanova Radeva

    Ivanova Radeva, Petia

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Mathematics and Computer Science

    Full professor at the Universitat de Barcelona (UB), Head of the Consolidated Research Group “Artificial Intelligence and Biomedical Applications” (www.ub.edu/cvmlub) and Senior researcher in Computer Vision Center. 

    Associate editor in Chief of Pattern Recognition journal (Q1, IP=7.196) and International Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (Q2, IP=3.13).

    Research Manager of the State Agency of Research (Agencia Estatal de Investigación, AEI) of the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain.

    Belonging to the top 2% of the World ranking of scientists - ranking of Stanford.  In the first 6% of the ranking of most cited female researchers: https://lnkd.in/djx2Yz5p.

    Awarded IAPR Fellow since 2015, ICREA Academia 2014 and 2022, “Aurora Pons Porrata” of CIARP, Prize “Antonio Caparrós” of UB.

    Supervised 22 PhD students and published more than 100 SCI journal publications and 250 international chapters.

    Research interest

    My main research interests lie in:

    1. Food images analysis is a real CV and ML challenge due to the high ambiguity of food appearance, big inter-class variety (different food presentations of the same dish) and inter-class similarity, huge number of dishes (acc. Wikipedia there are >200.000 basic dishes), as well as lack of well-established food concepts semantics. 8 sci-indexed journals, 18 intern. peer-reviewed conferences,  6 PhD theses, 6 EU and 4 national projects and >40 invited keynote talks.

    2. Uncertainty-based medical image segmentation [Pezzano'21,Pezzanob'21,Kushibar'22,etc](1206 cites): PhD thesis, MICCAI paper, 2 Q1 journals, etc.

    3. Novel explainibility methods for clinical data [Boscolo'22, Salih'2021](5cites, papers since 2021): 2 journals, 3 int. conferences, 1 thesis (A. Salih). 


    Key words

    Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Deep learning, Medical Imaging, Health applications



    Resercher ID

  • Ivorra Cano, Antoni UPF - 2018
    Antoni Ivorra

    Ivorra Cano, Antoni

    Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) · Department of Information and Communication Technologies

    Antoni Ivorra is a Full Professor at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) in Barcelona, Spain, where he leads the Biomedical Electronics Research Group (BERG). Prior to joining the UPF in 2010, he enjoyed a four-year postdoctoral stay at the University of California at Berkeley (2005-2009) followed by an eight-month postdoctoral position at the CNRS- Institut Gustave Roussy (Villejuif, France). During 1998-2005, he was with the Biomedical Applications Group of the Centre Nacional de Microelectrònica, Bellaterra, Spain. He received a PhD in Electronics Engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, in 2005.

    He is author or coauthor of 70 publications in peer-reviewed journals, 4 book chapters and more than 35 conference contributions. He has been inventor or co-inventor of 12 families of patent applications. In 2016 he was awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant for his research on microstimulators for neuroprosthetics.

    Research interest

    His research is focused on bioelectrical phenomena and, in particular, on exploring the use of these phenomena for implementing new methods and devices for biomedical applications. Specifically, his main research topics are electroporation, particularly for tissue ablation, electrical bioimpedance for diagnostic purposes and injectable electronics for neuroprosthetics.


    Key words

    biomedical engineering; bioelectrical phenomena; neuroprosthetics; electroporation; electrical bioimpedance



    Resercher ID

    Picture of Xavier Lladó Bardera

    Lladó Bardera, Xavier

    Universitat de Girona (UdG) · Dept. Arquitectura i Tecnologia de Computadors

    Xavier Lladó received the B.S. degree in Computer Science (1999) and the PhD in Computer Engineering (2004) from the University of Girona. From 2004 to 2006, he was working as a Postdoctoral Research Assistant in the Department of Computer Science at Queen Mary, University of London. In 2006 he moved to a Lecturer position in the Department of Computer Architecture and Technology of the University of Girona, where he is currently a Full Professor. He is also a member of the Computer Vision and Robotics (VICOROB) Institute, where he is leading the NeuroImage Computing grup. He is a senior member of the IEEE. He has published more than 280 papers in journals and conferences. He has supervised 14 PhD theses (2 of them receiving the best PhD award from the University of Girona). He is also cofounder and CSO of the spin-off Tensormedical of the University of Girona and Hospital Vall d’Hebron of Barcelona created in 2020.

    Research interest

    My main research interests are in the field of Image Processing, Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision, with especial focus on Medical Image Analysis and specifically on the Neuroimaging field, where I’m leading several research projects and participating in transferring the developed technologies. This reseach combines knowledge from computing, artificial intelligence and machine learning, with the development of novel computerised tools mainly based on deep learning models. As a result, he created pioneer models that allow to extract precise biomarkers from magnetic resonance and computed tomography images of the brain, helping in the diagnosis, assessment and follow-up of brain diseases. Current research tackles the goal of developing new tools to build predictive models for neurological diseases. This will help on the stratification of patients, the diagnosis and prognosis, and the inclusion of personalised treatments in hospitals.

    Key words

    Biomedical Engineering, Medical Imaging, Neuroimaging, Computer Science, Computer Vision, Image Processing



    Resercher ID

  • Llobet Valero, Eduard URV - 2012, 2018

    Llobet Valero, Eduard

    Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) · Electronic, Electrical Engineering and Automation

    I got a PhD from the UPC (1997) and then completed a one-year postdoc at the University of Warwick (UK). Since 2006, I have been the Head of the MINOS Research Group at Universitat Rovira i Virgili, working on nanomaterials and microsystems for gas sensing. In 2009 I became full Professor. From 2010 to 2014 I was the Director of the Centre for Research in Materials Engineering and Micro / Nano Systems. I am President of the Spanish Network of Microsystems and Nanotechnology (IBERNAM). I have co-authored over 250 peer-reviewed journal papers, given some 40 invited lectures at international conferences and lead over 40 regional, national and international projects. Have been invited regularly to conduct research in France and Japan. Founder of the spinoffs Green Smart Data and NanoChronia. In 2012 I received the URV’s RQR award and the ICREA Academia award (in 2012 and 2018). In 2019 I became distinguished Professor at the URV.

    Research interest

    Growth of crystalline metal oxide nanomaterials employing bottom-up approaches. Specifically, self-catalysed growth of n-type semiconductor nanowires onto ceramic, silicon, MEMS or polymeric substrates. Nanowires are grown and loaded with p-type nanoparticles, achieving functional nanomaterials with heterojunctions at the nanoscale, with superior performance for gas sensing. CVD growth of 2D and 3D assemblies of transition metal dichalcogenides. Gaining insight in the surface chemistry, nature of defects and the specific mechanisms of interaction with target gases, unveiling gas-sensing mechanisms and structure-performance relationships. Functionalisation of carbon nanomaterials, grafting metal nanoparticles, complex molecules, perovskites, metal clusters achieving highly sensitive and selective sensors. Nanomaterial-based flexible gas sensors a with a performance that matches the one of conventional rigid devices. Development of unattended, wireless gas sensing networks.

    Key words

    gas sensor microsystems; carbon nanomaterials, metal oxide nanowires; transition metal dichalcogenides; nanoporous alumina; hybrid functional nanomaterials, signal processing



    Resercher ID

  • Llorca Piqué, Jordi UPC - 2009, 2014, 2019

    Llorca Piqué, Jordi

    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) · Institute of Energy Technologies

    Born in Barcelona in 1966, Jordi Llorca graduated and earned his PhD in Chemistry at the University of Barcelona, where he was later appointed Associate Professor and Ramón y Cajal Fellow. In 2005, he joined the Technical University of Catalonia as Professor and in 2014 he became Full Professor as Serra Húnter Fellow. He has been visiting professor at several universities. He has received the Distinction of Generalitat de Catalunya to the Promotion of the University Research in 2003, the Humbert Torres Prize in 2003 and the ICREA Academia in 2009, 2014 and in 2019. He has been Director of the Institute of Energy Technologies, Director of the Center for Research in NanoEngineering and Director of the Barcelona Research Center in Multiscale Science and Engineering. In 2017 he became Academic member of the Institute for Catalan Studies, Division of Science and Technology. He has published over 450 scholarly articles and authored 10 patents. He is the Vice-rector for Research at UPC.

    Research interest

    Prof. Jordi Llorca is working on the development of highly efficient catalysts based on in situ and operando spectroscopy and microscopy methods at the atomic level addressed to unravel the nature of the catalytic active sites. He is involved in the design and manufacture of fuel reformers, catalytic membrane reactors and microreactors for conducting chemical reactions aimed at the generation, purification and separation of hydrogen for fuel cells as well as other processes related to energy and environmental applications, such as the abatement or atmospheric pollutants from combustion engines. Another research line conducted by Prof. Jordi Llorca is the direct production of hydrogen from water and sunlight, which includes the synthesis and study of novel photocatalysts with semiconductors, metal nanoparticles and photonic crystals. He is also interested in cosmochemistry and meteoritics. The International Astronomical Union has named asteroid 2013 WD1 after him.

    Key words

    Heterogeneous Catalysis, Microreactors, Reaction Engineering, Environment, Operando Characterization



    Resercher ID


    López Peña, Antonio M.

    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) · Computer Vision Center

    Antonio M. López Peña is an Associate Professor (Tenure) at the Computer Science Dpt. of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), where he teaches since 1992, and where he received his Ph.D. degree in 2000. In 2003, Antonio founded the group on Assisted/Autonomous Driving at the Computer Vision Center (CVC) of the UAB, which is an SGR consolidated group with him as Principal Investigator. Antonio participated in the foundation of the CVC itself, where he has held different responsibilities.

    Antonio has a long trajectory carrying research at the intersection of Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Simulation, and Autonomous Driving. He has been deeply involved in the creation of the SYNTHIA dataset and the CARLA open-source simulator. He has led numerous competitive and industry research projects for more than 20 years. CARLA has been awarded by the Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació with the Premi Nacional de Recerca al Partenariat Publicoprivat en R+I.

    Research interest

    In the context of deep learning for perception-based autonomous driving, Antonio is focusing on several topics of high interest:

    1. Modular and sensorimotor paradigms for developing AI drivers.
    2. Semi-supervised learning and domain adaptation to develop AI drivers in simulation for their posterior deployment in the real world.
    3. Anomaly detection, lifelong learning, and active learning for developing adaptable AI drivers. 
    4. Intention recognition of vulnerable road users (pedestrians and cyclists).
    5. Multimodal perception for developing AI drivers.

    Publications can be seen in my Google Scholar.

    Key words

    Autonomous Driving, Simulation, Multimodal Perception, Domain Adaptation, Deep Learning.



    Resercher ID

  • Lozano, Angel UPF - 2010, 2015, 2020
    Angel Lozano

    Lozano, Angel

    Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) · Information and Communication Technologies

    Prof. Lozano received the MSc and Ph.D. degrees from Stanford University in 1994 and 1998, respectively. From 1999 to 2008, he was with Bell Labs (Lucent Technologies, now Nokia) in Holmdel, NJ. Between 2005 and 2008 he was also an Adj. Associate Professor at Columbia University. Prof. Lozano is a Fellow of the IEEE, an editor for the IEEE ComSoc Technology News, an area editor for the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, and a former editor for various other journals. He holds 16 patents and is the coauthor of the textbook “Foundations of MIMO Communication” released by Cambridge University Press in 2019. His papers have received several awards, including the 2009 Stephen O. Rice prize, the 2016 Fred W. Ellersick prize, and the 2016 Communications Society & Information Theory Society joint award. He also received the ICREA Academia Award for 2011-2015, 2016-2020, 2021-2025, and an ERC Advanced Grant for 2016-2021. He was a 2017 Highly Cited Researcher.

    Research interest

    My research focus is on wireless communications, precisely on the design and analysis of advanced techniques to increase bit rates, to reduce the consumption of resources (chiefly bandwidth and power), to minimize latency, and to contain complexity in wireless networks. Over the last several years, with the support of an Advanced Grant from the European Research Council, I have been exploring designs for cloud-based 6G wireless networks, to be deployed circa 2030.

    Key words

    Wireless Communications, Wireless Networks, Information Theory, Signal Processing, Machine Learning



    Resercher ID

  • Marsal, Lluis URV - 2014, 2021
    Picture of Lluis F. Marsal

    Marsal, Lluis

    Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) · of Electronic, Electric and Automatic Engineering

    Lluís F. Marsal is a Distinguished University Professor at the Department of Electronic, Electrical and Automatic Engineering of the Universitat Rovira I Virgili. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Physics in 1997 from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. He was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada (1998-1999). He is a Fellow of the Optical Society of America  and Distinguished Lecturer of the Electron Devices Society. He received the ICREA Academia Award in 2014 and 2021 and he is a recipient of the 2014 UniSA Distinguished Researcher Award from the University of South Australia.  
    He is co-Founder of the Spin-Off Company MATCH BioSystems SL and chair of the COST Action CA20126 - Network for research, innovation and product development on porous semiconductors and oxides. He has co-authored more than 250 publications in international refereed journals, two books, five book chapters and holds 4 patents.

    Research interest

    His current research interests mainly focus on the engineering of nanophotonic structures based on micro- and nanoporous silicon and nanoporous alumina for photonic biosensing platforms and biomedical and energy applications. He is also interested in the fabrication, characterization and modeling of organic and hybrid nanostructured materials to enhance light-matter interactions and electro-optical properties in photonic and optoelectronic devices such as photovoltaic solar cells, detectors, and sensors

    Key words

    Nanoporous, Biosensors, Nanophotonics, Nanostructured systems, Biomedicine, Nanotechnology, Organic Solar cells



    Resercher ID

  • Masoller, Cristina UPC - 2009, 2015, 2020

    Masoller, Cristina

    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) · Departament de Física

    Cristina Masoller is a Professor in the Physics Department at the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC). Prior to joining UPC in 2004, she spent 18 years at the Physics Department, Faculty of Sciences, University of the Republic, Uruguay, where she was Assistant and Associated Professor. She has 190 peer-reviewed publications, 1 book, 1 issued EU/US patent, 12 PhD supervised thesis and 45 invited talks. She regularly serves on the program committee of international conferences, including CLEO-Europe, Nonlinear Optics, NetSci, CCS, Complex Networks, among others. She is a section editor of Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, topical editor of Optics Letters and editor of Scientific Reports. She is a fellow of Optica, the leading professional society in optics and photonics and a founding member of the Catalan complexity network, complexitat.cat. She received three ICREA Academia Awards (2010, 2016 and 2021). She holds a Ph. D. in physics from Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania, USA.

    Research interest

    Prof. Masoller's research lines are nonlinear dynamics, complex systems, and data analysis. Specifically, Masoller and her collaborators conduct experimental and numerical research on semiconductor laser dynamics, neural dynamics, and data analysis tools to characterize, forecast and control the behavior of complex systems, including extreme events, rogue waves, and tipping points in climate and biomedical signals. She and her collaborators have discovered remarkable similarities (but also differences) between the behavior of excitable lasers and neurons. Her team also developed new analysis tools to extract information from complex signals in fields as diverse as biomedicine and climate. Her research has focused on identifying early warning signs of critical transitions and extreme events. Masoller and colleagues have used symbolic analysis to differentiate brain states and network tools to analyze retina fundus images for early diagnosis of diseases.

    Key words

    Photonics, semiconductor lasers, complex systems, nonlinear dynamics, neuronal models, time series analysis, complex networks, extreme events



    Resercher ID

  • Perez Neira, Ana UPC - 2020
    Ana Pérez Neira

    Perez Neira, Ana

    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) · Teoria del Senyal i Comunicacions

    She is full professor at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in the Signal Theory and Communication department since 2006 and was Vice rector for Research (2010-14). Currently, she is the Director of Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya, Spain. She has been associate editor of the IEEE TSPEUR, ASIP SP, ASP and IEEE OJSP. She is member of the BoG of the IEEE SPS and Vice-President for conferences (2021-23). She is IEEE Fellow, EURASIP Fellow, and member of the Real Academy of Science and Arts of Barcelona (RACAB). She is recipient for the 2018 EURASIP Society Award and she has been the general chair of IEEE ICASSP’20 (the first big IEEE virtual conference held by IEEE with more than 15.000 attendees). In 2020, she has been awarded the ICREA Academia distinction by the Catalan government.

    Research interest

    Her interests are wireless communications and her contributions play a seminal advance in the state of the art of signal processing for high speed satellite communications. In 2007, for the first time, she considered the benefits of MIMO processing for satellite communications, both fixed and mobile, either broadcast services or multimedia. She developed the first MIMO satellite channel model and patent on satellite beamforming. Her research is in signal processing for communications, focused on satellite communications. She has more than 60 journal papers and 300 conference papers. She is co-author of 7 books. She has leaded more than 20 projects and holds 8 patents. She is the coordinator of the Networks of Excellence on satellite communications, financed by the European Space Agency: SatnexIV-V. 

    Key words

    satellite communications, Signal Processing, Communication transceivers, wireless communications, array processing



    Resercher ID

  • Piella, Gemma UPF - 2021
    Photograph of Gemma Piella

    Piella, Gemma

    Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) · Dept. of Information and Communication Technologies

    Gemma Piella is Full Professor at University of Pompeu Fabra (UPF). She obtained her degree in Telecommunication Engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) and a PhD in Applied Sciences from the Universiteit van Amsterdam, The
    Netherlands. From 2003 to 2004, she was at UPC as a visiting professor. She then stayed at Télécom Paris, as a postdoctoral Marie Curie fellowship until 2005. Since then, she has been at UPF, first as a visiting professor, then as a Ramón y Cajal researcher, and currently as a Full Professor.

    She is the coordinator of BCN-MedTech at UPF. Her research work has led to >200 publications. She has participated in several national and international research projects, some of them as IP. She received the DonaTIC (academic category) award in 2022. Since 2023, she is the co-chair of the Artificial Intelligence Task Force in Avicenna Alliance and full member of Sigma Xi, the Scientific Honor Research Society.


    Research interest

    My expertise lies in signal/image processing, information integration, and machine learning, with main application to computational anatomy. My research interests are Medical image analysis and machine learning for personalised medicine, which are the main lines on which her research focuses. Her strong theoretical background contributes to solving biomedical engineering problems from rigorous mathematical foundations, making theoretical insights and practical relevance complementary.

    Key words

    medical image analysis, integration of information, machine learning



    Resercher ID

    Sebastià Puig

    Puig Broch, Sebastià

    Universitat de Girona (UdG) · Institute of Environment

    Sebastià Puig is an Associate Professor at the Universitat de Girona (UdGHe has held positions as a postdoctoral researcher at TUDelft (The Netherlands) and the Catalan Institute for Water Research (Spain). He has received several awards, including the "Young Talented Researcher in Sustainable Water Management" award from Fundación Botin in 2014 and the ICREA Academia award from the Catalan government in 2019. He has actively participated in over 45 research projects and development contracts, and he is currently involved in  four EU projects, one Swedish project, three national projects and one industrial national project. He has authored 127 peer-reviewed publications and three European patents. He has also supervised 6 postdoctoral researchers and 11 doctoral theses. He conducted research stays at Ghent University (Belgium) and Sapienza University of Rome (Italy).  From 2022, he is an Associate Editor of Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology.

    Research interest

    Climate change and depletion of natural resources are critical global environmental challenges. To address these issues, my research aims to explore innovative approaches for the remediation of contaminated water and recalcitrant carbon dioxide (CO2) streams.

    In the upcoming years, I intend to focus on two primary research areas. Firstly, I will emphasize the fundamental importance of water recovery as a necessity for sustainable development. I will investigate the bio-electrochemical interactions between microorganisms to remediate polluted water.

    Secondly, I am interested in exploring BioElectroCarbon recycling as a sustainable and resilient solution. This approach involves developing a biorefinery that uses electron-driven microbial reactions to convert recalcitrant CO2 into biobased products, such as biofuels, building blocks and food ingredients. This research will contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and supporting a circular economy.

    Key words

    bioelectroCO2 recycling, biofuels, electro bioremediation, environmental biotechnology, microbial electrosynthesis, water recovery



    Resercher ID

    David Sánchez Ruenes

    Sánchez Ruenes, David

    Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) · Department of Computer Engineering and Mathematics

    David Sánchez Ruenes is a Full Professor at Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona. He obtained his Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2008 from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.

    He has participated in 11 European projects (one as Principal Investigator and one H2020 project as coordinator), 10 Spanish projects (2 as a PI) and 15 Catalan projects (4 as a PI). He has also co-leaded 5 international technology transfer contracts with the Templeton World Charity Foundation and Huawei. He has published 85 papers in journals indexed in the JCR (58 in the first quartile), including one paper in Science. He has also contributed to 80 conferences. He has authored 12 book chapters and 3 books. His publications have received 7,178 citations (h-index=47, March 2023). He has received 3 research awards in international events and 6 best paper awards. He ranks among the world’s top 2% most cited researchers (2022 Stanford University’s ranking).

    Research interest

    My research focuses on the study of knowledge and data semantics under an Artificial Intelligence perspective. I work on the development of computational and machine learning methods to understand, manage and transform textual data in analytical algorithms. By means of these methods it is possible to automatize data analyses on (big) textual data and to improve the accuracy of such analyses.

    In the last years, I have worked on the application of these semantic methods to the protection of sensitive data, specifically, to anonymize textual data in privacy-challenging scenarios such as document declassification, social media publication or statistical data releases. My contributions resulted in algorithms that preserve the privacy of the subjects while ensuring that the anonymized data are still useful for research. This makes the data protection required by legal frameworks compatible with data analyses that employ personal data.

    Key words

    Semantics, Data Analysis, Machine learning, Data privacy



    Resercher ID

    Edgardo Saucedo

    Saucedo Silva, Edgardo Ademar

    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) · Electronic Engineering

    Dr. Edgardo Saucedo received his PhD in Materials Physic at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, in 2007, and currently he is Associated Professor and Researcher at the Electronic Engineering Department of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC).

    He holds 5 patents, he has co-authored more than 248 papers (h-index = 42 and over 6600 citations) and he has more than 60 invited talks in the most important International Conferences. He has been involved in more than 40 Research Projects, and he has coordinated 4 European Projects (KESTCELLS, STARCELL, INFINITE-CELL, CUSTOM-ART). In 2019 he was granted with an ERC-Consolidator Grant by the European Research Council (SENSATE, 866018, 2020-2025), for the development of low dimensional materials for solar harvesting applications.

    He has supervised 13 PhD Thesis. In 2020 he has been awarded with the ASEVA-Toyota Award for his contribution to the development of sustainable photovoltaic technologies using vacuum techniques.

    Research interest

    In the last 12 years my research has been focused in the development of emerging thin film chalcogenide materials for thin film solar cells applications, using physical vapour deposition techniques. Currently my Group is at the forefront at European level in the development of high efficiency solar cells with these new type of fully inorganic materials such as kesterite-related absorbers or semiconductors with low dimensionality inspired by Sb2(S,Se)3 system. Research interest covers the following topics: i) Development of advanced strategies for high efficiency kesterite (Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4) solar cells; ii) Absorber synthesis and devices fabrication with new chalcogenide and chalco-halide materials with low dimensionality by physical routes for energy harvesting applications; and iii) Innovative selective contacts enhanced with dipolar molecules for thin film photovoltaics, Iv) advanced photovoltaic applications including flexible and multi-junction solar cells.

    Key words

    Thin Film Solar Cells, Chalcogenide Photovoltaics, chalcopyrites, kesterites



    Resercher ID

  • Seco Granados, Gonzalo UAB - 2013, 2019

    Seco Granados, Gonzalo

    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) · Telecommunications and Systems Engineering

    Gonzalo Seco-Granados received the Ph.D. degree in Telecommunications Eng. from the Univ. Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain, in 2000, and the MBA. degree from the IESE Business School, Spain, in 2002. From 2002 to 2005, he was a member of the European Space Agency, where he was involved in the design of the Galileo system. In 2015 and 2019, he was a Fulbright Visiting Professor at the University of California, Irvine. He is currently Professor in the Dept. of Telecommunication, Univ. Autonoma de Barcelona, where he was Vice Dean of the Engineering School during 2011-19. His research interests include satellite and terrestrial localization systems. Since 2018, he has been serving as a member of the Sensor Array and Multichannel Technical Committee for the IEEE Signal Processing Society. Since 2019, he is President of the Spanish Chapter of the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society.

    Research interest

    My general research objective for the next years is to develop positioning solutions for two types of applications: i) automated driving and unmanned aerial systems, where accuracy and security are of paramount relevance; ii) Internet-of-Thing systems.

    Despite the progress in recent years in satellite and terrestrial based positioning technologies, there is still a very significant gap in the accuracy, latency, reliability, and energetic cost between the existing positioning solutions and the requirements of those applications. My research in both theoretical and the practical implementation aspects aims at narrowing that gap. My work focuses on two of the technologies, namely 5G/6G and GNSS, that will form part of those systems. I am interested in the use of V2X sidelinks for high-accuracy low-latency positioning, simultaneous localization and mapping, and power consumption reduction in IoT devices via cloud-based signal processing.

    Key words

    navigation/positioning systems, statistical signal processing, estimation theory, wireless communications, data series analysis, GNSS, GPS, 5G, millimeter wave



    Resercher ID

  • Serra Casals, Xavier UPF - 2008, 2013, 2019

    Serra Casals, Xavier

    Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) · Department of Information and Communication Technologies

    Professor of the Department of Information and Communication Technologies and Director of the Music Technology Group at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. He obtained a PhD from Stanford University in 1989 with a dissertation on the spectral processing of musical sounds that is considered a key reference in the field. His research interests cover the computational analysis, description, and synthesis of sound and music signals, with a balance between basic and applied research and approaches from both scientific/technological and humanistic/artistic disciplines. He was awarded an Advanced Grant from the European Research Council to carry out the project CompMusic aimed at promoting multicultural approaches in music information research.

    Research interest

    All my research is carried out within the Music Technology Group, where we focus on the understanding of sound and music signals by combining signal processing and machine learning methods with semantic technologies. We work both on data-driven methodologies, in which the development and use of large data collections is a fundamental aspect, and on knowledge-driven approaches, in which domain knowledge of the problem to be addressed is needed. Combining these research approaches, we have been able to tackle practical problems related to music exploration and recommendation, classification of sounds, and automatic assessment for music education. We have been able to combine a very strong open science strategy with successful technology transfer initiatives.

    Key words

    sound and music computing, audio signal processing, music information retrieval, computational musicology



    Resercher ID

  • Sumper, Andreas UPC - 2021
    Andreas Sumper

    Sumper, Andreas

    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) · Enginyeria Elèctrica

    Andreas Sumper is a Full Professor at the UPC, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, ETSEIB School. He is part of the research group CITCEA-UPC and has been the scientific coordinator of numerous national and international research projects, mostly European Commission funded. He participates in the Bridge working group and has numerous research and technology transfer projects as a scientific coordinator. He has published over 160 papers (Scopus), mostly in high-ranked journals, cited over 5700 times. He was Guest Editor of several journals, and recently he has been Editor-in-Chief of the Journal Electricity. He published several books and book chapters. He has supervised 15 PhD theses, and he currently advises 7 PhD students. He has been the director of the Endesa Chair of Energy Innovation since 2017 and leads the area of Smart Energy and Grids in the research group, and he coordinates the Master Energy for Smart Cities at the UPC.

    Research interest

    His research interests are smart grids, mostly intelligent distribution grids, and integrating novel loads and renewable energy generation into them. For such research, power system engineering combines novel techniques like machine learning, power electronics, optimisation, and load and generation modelling. This ICREA grant will enable the creation of a new research line devoted to novel grid architectures, planning, and operations. The overall scientific goal of the research project is to design and analyse novel electricity network architectures based on the groundbreaking concept of packetised energy flows. The targeted stakeholders are the electricity industry, off-grid applications and high-reliability stand-alone electricity systems for scientific explorations.

    Key words

    Renewable generation, Wind Power, Smart Grid, Microgrid, Digital Energy



    Resercher ID

    Albert Turon

    Turon Travesa, Albert

    Universitat de Girona (UdG) · Enginyeria Mecànica i de la Construcció Industrial

    Associate Professor of Mechanics of Continuum Media and Theory of Structures at the Polytechnic school of the University of Girona in Spain and a senior member of the AMADE research group. He received his PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Girona in 2006. He served as a Postdoc Researcher at the University of Porto, and as a visiting researcher at NASA Langley Center (USA) and at Aalborg University (Denmark). He is currently a member of the council of European Society for Composite Materials and serves as member of editorial board of Composites Part B. He is author of more than 80 papers published in top-ranked international journals and ranked in the “World’s Top 2% Scientists ranking” published by Stanford University. He has participated in technology transfer projects with leading international companies, mainly from the aeronautical sector.

    Research interest

    Understanding the mechanical behavior of high performance composites and bonded joints, for contributing to  the development of non-deterministic modelling approaches to reduce recurring and non-recurring costs on the design and certification of advanced composite structures. Current activities deal with (i) the experimental characterization and development of analysis models at very low cryogenic temperatures (down to 20K) with application to LH2 tank application, for zero emision aviation transportation, and other applications such as  superconductors; and (ii) to integrate the tools and knowledge developed into a methodology to promote a change of paradigm in the development of new structural elements, reducing the time to market and increasing the freedom to introduce new design concepts contributing to reduce fuel emisions in the transport industry and an efficient use of materials.



    Key words

    Composites, bonded joints, experimental characterisation, constitutive modelling, uncertainty quantification and management



    Resercher ID

  • Tzanov, Tzanko UPC - 2021
    Tzanko Tzanov

    Tzanov, Tzanko

    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) · Department of Chemical Engineering

    Tzanko Tzanov is a chemical engineer with an internationally-acquired experience in biochemical functionalisation of (bio)polymers for industrial and biomedical applications, nano(bio)technology, enzymatic synthesis, polymerisation and coating. After a Marie-Curie postdoctoral stay at the University of Minho (Portugal), he joined the UPC in 2004 as a Ramon y Cajal fellow with the ambition to create, from zero, a new applied biotechnology research line.  He built the first and still unique applied biotechnology group at UPC and its advanced research infrastructure, entirely with external funding. He has been Principal Investigator at UPC in numerous European and national research projects, and academia-industry technology transfer contracts, raising millions of funding for UPC. He was able to establish an original, independent, and sustainable research, internationally recognised for novelty and excellence.

    Research interest

    My research interests are to implement new bio-based or biomimetic technologies in high added value products, meeting the research with the industry and the market. The “bio” component is an integral part of my research – bio-tools (enzymes), bio-processes and bio-materials are used to design functional coatings and surfaces, cosmetic formulations, nano/micro drug delivery systems, medical and diagnostic devices, antimicrobial/antibiofilm strategies, bioactive and nano-enabled composite materials. I pretend to provide biotech alternatives for material development and improvement of manufacturing processes in terms of efficiency, environmental impact, energy consumption, and product performance working at the interface of biotechnology, materials science, life sciences, chemistry and polymer engineering.

    Key words

    applied biotechnology, nano-technology, materials science, (bio)polymers, medical devices, diagnostics



    Resercher ID

  • Velasco Esteban, Luis UPC - 2015, 2020
    Prof. Luis Velasco

    Velasco Esteban, Luis

    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) · Advanced Broadband Communications Center (CCABA)

    He received the B.Sc. degree in Telecom. Engineering from Univ. Politécnica de Madrid in 1989, the M.Sc. degree in Physics from Univ. Complutense de Madrid in 1993, and the PhD degree from Univ. Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in 2009. He joined Telefonica in 1989 and was involved on the standardization and first office application of Telefonica's SDH transport network. In 2004 he joined UPC, where currently he is a full professor and former Scientific Director of the Advanced Broadband Comm. Center (CCABA). He has co-authored more than 200 papers and two books related to Optical Networks. He has served as an Associate Editor of the IEEE/OSA J. Optical Comm. and Networking and in the TPC of several international conferences. He is is leading the UNICO-5G TIMING project and participating in H2020 B5G-OPEN and HORIZON SEASON, DESIRE6G, PREDICT-6G, and ALLEGRO European research projects. His interests include telemetry and AI/ML for autonomous toward 6G networks and services.

    Research interest

    My research was initially focused on multilayer optical networks, specifically on Network planning and re-optimization. I extended the focus of my research since a critical barrier to the growth of the Internet and the development of new innovative services is also the cloud and network orchestration to cope with the increasing complexity of technologies and services. Furthermore, the application of AI/ML solutions on telemetry data facilitates the exploitation of Software Defined Networking programmability and flexibility, while supporting self-configuration and self-healing from the device to the network to deal with variable workload and degradation. As a result, the focus of my research during the last 5 years has been on the application of AI/ML to the autonomous network operation. I continuously collaborate with Telefónica on Smart Data Networks with Infinera on autonomous networking, as well as with research centers and universities worldwide.

    Key words

    Toward 6G networking, Intent-Based Networking, Network Automation



    Resercher ID

    Xavier Vilajosana Guillen

    Vilajosana Guillen, Xavier

    Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) · Estudis d'Informàtica, Multimèdia i Telecomunicació

    Xavier Vilajosana, received his B.S. and M.S degree from the Technical University of Catalonia (2002) (2004) and Ph.D. (2009) degree from the Open University of Catalonia, all in Computer Science Engineering. He is full professor at the Computer Science, Telecommunications and Multimedia department at the Open University of Catalonia. From 2011 to 2014, Xavier was visiting Professor at the EECS department of the University of California Berkeley, being awarded with a prestigious Fulbright fellowship. He has also been senior researcher at the HP R&D Labs for a period of 3 years and research engineer at France Telecom R&D Labs, Paris in 2008. Xavier has been one of the main promoters of low power wireless standards, fostering its application to industrial fields. Xavier is author of different RFCs at the IETF, as part of his standardization activities for low power industrial networks.

    Research interest

    My research interests include:

    • Novel sensing opportunities exploiting radios and electromagnetic signals
    • Novel communication approaches exploiting sensing capabilities
    • Constrained applications in terms of energy and communications capabilities
    • Applications addressing extreme scenarios (environmental conditions, hard real time operation, etc..) 
    • Going beyond wireless communications limits with existing radios
    • Standardization of wireless communications
    • Methods to delay hardware obsolescence

    Key words

    Industrial wireless, Cyber Physiscal Systems, Sensors, Radios, Deterministic networks, Industrial IoT



    Resercher ID

    Gara Villalba

    Villalba Méndez, Gara

    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) · Dept of chemical, biological, and environmental engineering

    Gara Villalba holds a BSc in Chemical Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology,1998), and a PhD also in Chemical Engineering (Universitat de Barcelona, 2003). Presently, she is a full professor in the dept of Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona where she develops her research in the field of Industrial Ecology with a focus on urban systems and nature-based solutions.  

    Research interest

    My primary research interests and experience stem from Industrial Ecology, a field that aims to reconfigure industrial activity in response to knowledge of environmental consequences. One of the impact areas I have concentrated my efforts is the evaluation and design of urban systems, exploring how nature-based solutions such as green infrastructures can be effective in contributing to making cities more resilient to climate change and more sustainable in terms of water management, food production, air quality, human well-being and biodiversity. To this end, I was recently awarded an ERC Consolidator grant entitled Integrated System Analysis of Urban Vegetation and Agriculture (URBAG, 2019-2024) to develop a novel and comprehensive analysis that integrates the life cycle impacts of the resources required for green infrastructures with the understanding of how green infrastructures impact the urban atmosphere interaction. 

    Key words

    urban atmospheric modeling, urban metabolism, green infrastructures, nature based solutions, urban and peri-urban agriculture, life cycle assessment, urban planning, air quality, GHG emissions.



    Resercher ID


    Andres Lacueva, Cristina

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Nutrition, Food Science & Gastronomy Department. Pharmacy and Food Science Faculty

    Cristina Andres-Lacueva is Full Professor at the Nutrition, Food Sciences & Gastronomy Department at the UB and leader of the Biomarkers & Nutritional and Food Metabolomics group 2021SGR00687.
 Posdoc at Tufts University/HNRCA/USDA (Boston). IP in CIBERFES-isciii, Biomedical Research Network on Frailty and Healthy Aging. Coordinator of the INJOY  Campus Activity EIT-Health/H2020 & Innovation by Design project, Cook2Health. Active participation-IP on the EU-Joint Programming Initiative a Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life JPI-HDHL Actions Biomarkers, Microbiomics, Nutrition and Cognition, INTIMIC &METADIS. Leadership in grants with MINECO & Health Institute Carlos III, FIS as well as Tranfer Actions with Industry by CDTI funds. PI National AEI, Food4Brain, STUDY OF DIETARY PATTERNS BASED ON METABOTYPES ASSOCIATED WITH BRAIN HEALTH; Author of over 250 peer-reviewed papers. H index, Web of Science: 69. #2021_2022HighlycitedScientist

    Research interest

    My scientific activity is mainly focused in dietary and nutritional assessment as the major determinants of human health. This activity has comprised the understanding of qualitative and quantitative links between dietary patterns, nutritional phenotype and risk factors for diet-related chronic diseases. The main goals of my research have been: i) Applying intensively LC-MS driven untargeted and targeted metabolomics analysis to understand how new dietary biomarkers identified modulate diet-disease risk associations using pathway and network approaches; ii) The identification of robust “metabolic signatures of eating habits” for a range of foods of high public health significance; iii) To define and develop new methodological strategies for the biomarker discovery; iv) The development of an in-house human metabolome database and bioinformatic and biostatistics tools for the interpretation and identification of new biomarkers.

    Key words

    Nutrition, Biomarkers, Metabolomic, Dietary Assessment, Dietary Exposure, Dietary Pattern, Metabotype, Phytochemicals, Microbiome & health, Personalized Nutrition, Healthy Aging



    Resercher ID

    Picture of Mònica Bulló

    Bulló Bonet, Monica

    Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) · Biochemistry and Biotechnology

    Mònica Bulló is Full Professor of Nutrition and Metabolism,Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, University Rovira i Virgili. Bulló leads the Nutrition and Metabolic Health Research Group (2021SGR00213), is the Director of TECNATOX (TECNIO-ACCIO), co-leads the Human Nutrition Group at CIBEROBN and is ascribed to the Institute of Neuroscience-UB. Visiting researcher at St John University Hospital-UOL (UK) and at the Radboud University Medical Center (NL). She has been part of several national and international Boards including SENBA, SEEDO, the Catalan Nutrition Center, the Food Innovation Network of Catalonia, the International Board of Diabetes and Nutrition Study Group or the International Carbohydrate Quality Consortium. She is advisor/evaluator of different organizations in Europe, USA and Asia.+270 articles, h-index 80, +8,000 citations, 2 years in the top 2% of the world ranking of the most influential researchers.

    Research interest

    My research is focused on the study of biological mechanisms driving the most prevalent and high-incident NCDs and the modulatory role of nutrition as a strategy to better predict, manage and treat diseases using integrative muLti-omics analyses (metabolomics, transcriptomics and microbiome). Along these years we have a) identified metabolic profiles associated to or predicting the risk of obesity, weight loss/weight regain, satiety, insulin resistance, T2D, CVDs and mortality with diagnosis and prognosis potential; b)demonstrated the health benefits of specific dietary components, food, dietary patterns and dietary quality indices on cardiometabolic risk factors thought modulating metabolites, miRNAs or gut microbes; c) associated glucose-related metabolic traits and nutritional aspects with cognition. My work and a strong network of collaborators allow me to lead and participate in several international Consortiums (FP7,H2020, PATHFINDER, NIH, INC, ABC and Alzheimer’s Association)

    Key words

    non-communicable diseases, dementia, biomarkers, nutrition, metabolomics,, transcriptomics, nutraceuticals, prevention, treatment



    Resercher ID

    Cristian Cañestro

    Cañestro Garcia, Cristian

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Dep. Genètica, Microbiologia i Estadística. Secció Genètica

    Degree in Biology (1996) and PhD in Genetics (2001) at the University of Barcelona. During his career, he has gained extensive international experience (UK, USA, France, Japan), specially in the University of Oregon during 8 years as a research associate in the Institute of Neuroscience. In 2009, he became Lecturer professor and leader of his group (@EvoDevoGenomicsUB) in the department of Genetics (UB), and in 2017, he won a permanent position as professor Agregat. He has led several national and EU projects, and holds numerous positions of responsibility (member of the Governing Council of the UB, Claustre-UB, board of the faculty of Biology, direction board of IRBio). He is involved in numerous teaching activities in the faculty of Biology and Pharmaceutics, as well as in outreach and transference of knowledge. Dr. Cañestro is frequently invited to international and national congresses and has received various awards for the achievements of his lab (SCB, SESBE, Consell Social UB).

    Research interest

    Cañestro's group studies the origin and evolution of our phylum, the chordates, in the field EcoEvoDevo. It stands out his studies on the origin of the vertebrate brain, the tunicate disintegration of the Hox cluster, and the development of zebrafish models for Fanconi Anemia tumors. His publications include top journals, such as Science, Nature, Nature Review Genetics, from which the article “Evolution by gene loss” has become a cardinal review. His recent discovery of how massive losses of cardiac genes 500 million years ago impacted the evolution of the lifestyle of our marine ancestors has been published in the cover of Nature. Currently, Cañestro's lab pioneers the use of Oikopleura dioica as a model to study the impact of gene loss as an evolutionary driving force, the study of the heart of Oikopleura as a new model for human cardiomyopathies, and the study of the impact of biotoxins and marine noise contamination on embryo development in the context of Ocean health.

    Key words

    Evolutionary and Developmental Biology and Genomics; Chordate Evolution; Gene Loss; Heart Development; Ocean Health



    Resercher ID


    Consiglio, Antonella

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Pathology and Experimental Therapy

    Antonella Consiglio obtained her PhD in Cellular and Molecular Pathology at the HSR-TIGET (Milan) with Prof. Bordignon, and additional training at Gene Therapy Center of Lausanne and Vectors Technology Laboratory at Cell Genesys (Foster City, CA). She did her post-doctoral studies at the Salk Institute in La Jolla, under the direction of a pioneer of the field of adult neurogenesis, Prof. F.H.Gage. She is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Pathology & Experimental Therapeutics, Faculty of Medicine and Health Science of the University of Barcelona, and leader of the Stem cell and Neurodegeneration team at the IDIBELL, Bellvitge University Hospital. In 2013 she was awarded a European Research Council (ERC) StG by the EU. She is a recipient of the 2019 City of Barcelona award to the life sciences. Her group studies the molecular mechanisms of neurodegeneration in Parkinson's disease to get to a cure. 

    Research interest

    Understanding how genes and environment come together to increase our propensity for neurodegenerative diseases is crucial to develop better ways to prevent and treat diseases of the brain. However, studying the human nervous system at the molecular level has always been challenging due to the complexity of the brain, and the difficulty of obtaining live human neurons in the laboratory. The advent of induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) technology enables to reprogram human somatic cells to pluripotency, and offers a unique possibility to generate viable human cells affected by the disease. Our lab uses reprogramming technology to study basic biological aspects underlying  neurodegenerative disease with complex genetic etiologies, such as Parkinson’s disease and could potentially have important clinical outcomes such as development of diagnostic tools and novel therapeutics approaches for this and other neurodegenerative diseases.

    Key words

    Parkinson's disease, Reprogramming, Stem Cells, Disease Modeling, Neurodegeneration



    Resercher ID

  • Cormand Rifà, Bru UB - 2021

    Cormand Rifà, Bru

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Department of Genetics, Microbiology & Statistics

    Research interest

    <p>The focus of my research in 2017-2021 has been the genetic basis of monogenic and multifactorial neurological disorders<br />
    (the leitmotif of about 30 years of dedication to biomedicine), which required disparate experimental and analytical tools. I<br />
    have combined studies in patients, animal and cellular models and have used next generation sequencing (WES,<br />
    WGS), genome-wide association studies (GWAS), CNV studies, transcriptomic profiling and functional stuff at<br />
    RNA/protein level. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Substance Use<br />
    Disorders (SUD) and migraine (MIG) have been the main targets:<br />
    1) Multifactorial diseases: Through case-control association studies at candidate-gene level (CGAS) or at genome-wide<br />
    level (GWAS) we have identified novel risk genes and pathways in ASD, ADHD, SUD and MIG. Cross-disorder analysis<br />
    showed shared heritability. Rare variation has also been explored in ASD using NGS. We have studied the functional<br />
    relevance of genetic risk variants.<br />
    2) Monogenic diseases: We have identified new genes and mutations responsible for several neurological disorders,<br />
    including MIG and ASD. We have performed functional testing in cells and animals.<br />
    3) Animal models: Murine and zebrafish models were developed, and several brain structures<br />
    were subjected to transcriptomic and epigenomic analyses, detecting alterations in several genes.<br />
    All these scientific achievements have been possible thanks to 12 competitive projects (&gt;1,5M €), I being the PI in most<br />
    of them. These include four European projects (FP7, H2020), two Marie Curie grants and Spanish funding from MINECO, AGAUR, PNSD and CIBERER. The research group in Neurogenetics that I lead is an active partner of several international<br />
    consortia and of CIBERER, IBUB and IRSJD. My outputs in the last 5 years include 5 PhD Theses and about 50 papers in top journals like Science, Nat Genet or Mol Psych (10 per year), 16 of them as the last/corresponding author (one every 4 months).</p>

  • de Nadal Clanchet, Eulàlia UPF - 2011, 2020
    Eulàlia de Nadal

    de Nadal Clanchet, Eulàlia

    Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) · Department of Experimental and Health Sciences

    Eulàlia de Nadal (1972, Barcelona) graduated in Veterinary Medicine in 1995 from the University Autònoma de Barcelona and received her Ph.D. degree in 2000 from the same university. She then worked as a postdoc researcher (‘Ramón y Cajal’) at the University of Pompeu Fabra (UPF) and at the ETH (Zürich, Switzerland). From 2008 to 2016, she was Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Department of Experimental and Health Sciences (DCEXS) at the UPF. Since 2017, she has been a Full Professor at the same University. She was the vice-rector at the DCEXS of the UPF (2015-19) and currently Vicerector of knowledge transfer at the UPF. She has led the Cell Signaling research group there since 2005. In 2018, this group moved to the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona), where she is an Affiliated Principal Investigator. She has published more than 60 articles, 44 of which correspond to the last 10 years. She received the ICREA ACADEMIA award in 2012.

    Research interest

    The Cell Signaling group is the synergy of two teams led by two principal investigators who came together to work in close collaboration and become more competitive. This consortium shares a common interest in the characterization of stress responses in eukaryotic cells, using yeast and mammalian cells as model organisms. We have focused our studies on the properties of the signaling process mediated by the p38/Hog1 stress-activated protein kinases (SAPKs), the characterization of biological targets, and the study of the cellular responses necessary for adaptation to stress, such as cell cycle regulation and gene expression. Eulàlia de Nadal has specifically focused on the regulation of transcription in response to stress as well in the characterization of the biological targets for SAPK action.

    Key words

    Cellular stress, Gene expression, Chromatin, SAPKs, Signal transduction, Cell cycle progression



    Resercher ID

    José Manuel Fernández

    Fernández-Real Lemos, José-Manuel

    Universitat de Girona (UdG) · School of Medicine and Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica de Girona (IdIBGi)

    Professor José Manuel Fernández-Real is an endocrinologist and a research scientist at the Girona Biomedical Research Institute. He received his M.D. and Ph.D. degrees from University of Barcelona, Spain. He is member of the CIBERobn Steering Committee, a Network of Excellence in Obesity Research. He has published > 500 articles indexed in PubMed, an H index of 97 and >37,500 citations (Google Scholar). He is Principal Investigator of 29 National and International Projects, applicant of 12 patents, and director of 14 doctoral theses. He was the coordinator of the European ThinkGut project (Horizon 2020, POCTEFA, 2020-2022). Since 2019, he has been involved in 3 other European projects: Innovative Medicines Initiative, HDHL-JPI, and Innovative Training Network. He is among the 40 most cited authors in the world in the field of Endocrinology (Google Scholar) and in the top 1% (in the top 0.6%) of most cited authors in all scientific fields (Stanford-University).

    Research interest

    In the last 5 years, our Research interests have been focused on the microbiota, and particularly its interactions with metabolic disorders and cognition: several signatures of the microbiome were associated with fatty liver (2 articles Nature Medicine in 2018 and 1 in Microbiome, 2021) and short-term memory and food addition in subjects with obesity (Cell Metab. 2020, J Clin Invest 2022). We have also shown the impact of dietary proline on the development of depressive traits in subjects with obesity through changes in the gut microbiome (Cell Metab 2022), and the first observations linking bacteriopahges of the gut microbiome to cognition (Cell Host & Microbe, 2022). A recent invited review summarized the interaction among iron, the gut microbiota and glucose metabolism (Nature Reviews Endocrinol 2022). Funding from international (EU H2020, Guts UK, Diabetes UK  and Interreg-POCTEFA and national (Ministry of Health)) competitive calls, with more than 5 M€.

    Key words

    obesity, type 2 diabetes, cognition, gut microbiome, chronic inflammation, iron



    Resercher ID

    Fernandez-Real JM

    Gonzalez-Solis Bou, Jacob

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Biologia Evolutiva, Ecologia i Ciències Ambientals

    I am full professor at the University of Barcelona (UB) and a researcher in the fields of evolutionary, population and environmental biology. I developed my PhD in a team led by Profs. Xavier Ruiz and Lluís Jover, on the interactions between two gull species. In 1996 I moved to a team led by Peter Becker in Wilhelmshaven (Germany) to investigate pairing systems. Then, in 1999, I moved to a team led by John P. Croxall at the British Antarctic Survey (UK) to investigate the movements and sexual segregation of seabirds using PTTs and GLSs devices. In 2000, I joined the UB as a “Ramón y Cajal” researcher. Since then I have formed my own team, mainly focused on seabird movement ecology, that is currently composed of 2 postdocs, 9 PhD students and a number of MSc and undergrad students. In 2008 I became professor at the Departament de Biología Evolutiva, Ecologia i Ciències Ambientals as well as the Institut de Recerca de la Biodiversitat (IRBio). In 2018 I became a full professor.

    Research interest

    We focus on movement and spatial ecology, symbiotic interactions and marine environmental chemistry, using seabirds as a main study model. We are concerned with biodiversity loss and all our research intends to contribute to the field of conservation biology. We develop observational and experimental field studies integrating multidisciplinary approaches and tools, such as molecular, stable isotope, physiological, microbiological and contamination analyses. We instrument seabirds with different devices, such as GPS, GLS and accelerometers, to track their foraging and migratory movements and behaviour. We work in Macaronesic archipelagos, particularly Cape Verde, Canary and Balearic Is, as well as in some Antarctic and subantarctic localities. Our tracking data contribute to assess mIBAs and MPAs in the Atlantic. Our activities also include building capacity in developing countries as well as increasing public awareness on anthropogenic threats to seabirds and the marine environment.

    Key words

    movement ecology, symbiotic interactions, marine environmental chemistry, conservation biology, seabird ecology



    Resercher ID


    Hernández Bonilla, Alba

    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) · Dpt. Genetics and Microbiology

    Research interest

    <p>I obtained my tenure-track position of Lecturer in 2014, and in 2016 I was awarded with my first National Project as Principal Investigator. From that point on and until the end of the Project in late 2019, I made an enormous effort to strengthen the international visibility and collaborations of the UAB Mutagenesis Group, and to consolidate its funding capacity but from a more prominent leading role at the EU level. All the effort made during that period culminated in 2021 with the awarded EU Project PlasticHeal (<a href="https://www.plasticheal.eu/en">www.plasticheal.eu/en</a>) as Project Coordinator, with a Project Team of 11 institutions and 15 research Groups. Along with other 4 Projects of similar relevance, PlasticHeal is part of the research cluster CUSP (<a href="http://www.cusp-research.eu/">www.cusp-research.eu</a>) which I am also currently leading. Remarkably, the research results obtained in the last 5 years have position the Group&nbsp;as a leader in the field of <strong>micro/nanoplastics human health hazard assessment.</strong> Consequently, I became involved in other EU funded initiatives such as the COST action Priority or the Nanoharmony project, and I was awarded with the National Project NAMs-Water as Principal investigator (Coordinated modality, <a href="http://www.pid-image.com/">www.pid-image.com</a>). Also, I acted as the supervisor of 4 awarded postdoctoral fellowships (Beatriu de Pinòs, Juan de la Cierva, Maria Zambrano and Margarita Salas) that recently&nbsp;joined the Group, along with 3 new PhDs awarded with FI-DGR and FI-SDUR fellowships. Of note is the fact that the former Group leader Ricard Marcos retired during this period (although he continued his outstanding research activity as Emeritus Professor), and I took the lead of the Group, which at present is composed by 2 lab technicians, 1 project manager, 7 PhD students, 5 postdocs, and 7 senior researchers.</p>

    <p>During this last 5-year period, I published 47 research papers in high impact factor journals, most of them as corresponding author and in the first quartile or decile in the areas of (nano)toxicology and environmental research.</p>

  • Hidalgo Hernando, Elena UPF - 2010, 2015, 2021
    Elena Hidalgo

    Hidalgo Hernando, Elena

    Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) · Ciències Experimentals i de la Salut

    Elena Hidalgo graduated in Pharmacy at the Universitat de Barcelona, where she obtained her PhD at the Biochemistry Department in 1991.  She performed two postdoctoral stages in the labs of Bruce Demple (Harvard School of Public Health, Boston) and Nic Jones (Imperial Cancer Research Fund, London).  She was recruited by Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona) in 2000, where she is now full professor.  As a University member, she is both teaching and working on research as the co-director of the Oxidative Stress and Cell Cycle Group. José Ayté, the other co-leader of the group, works on cell cycle.  Our students share knowledge and information, as should be expected for a good scientific practice in science  (please check our web page at https://www.upf.edu/web/osccg).

    Research interest

    Oxidative stress constitutes the basis of physio-pathological situations such as neurodegenerative diseases and aging.  However, reactive oxygen species such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) also exert signaling roles: they may activate antioxidant cascades, and endogenous increases of these species may even improve the overall fitness of the cell and trigger lifespan.  Our lab uses Schizosaccharomyces pombe to study the toxicity associated to oxygen-derived species, specifically protein oxidation and aggregation, and to describe the signaling processes controlled by oxidants.  Understanding the connections between mitochondrial metabolism, H2O2 production and lifespan is one of our long-term goals.  The beauty of working with a unicellular eukaryote is that unexpected cross-talks between cellular processes (oxidative stress and autophagy, splicing and meiosis, traffic and inhibition of cell polarity…) can be investigated within a sensible time frame. 

    Key words

    oxidative stress, signal transduction, h2o2, MAP kinase, transcription, protein quality control, aging



    Resercher ID

  • Lopez Vales, Ruben UAB - 2021
    Ruben López

    Lopez Vales, Ruben

    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) · Biologia Cel·lular, Fisiologia, Immunologia

    Rubèn López Vales is Full Professor of the Department of Cell Biology, Physiology, and Immunology and Institute of Neurosciences at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona in Spain. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Universitat de Girona in 2001 and received his PhD in Neuroscience from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona in 2005. He performed a postdoctoral stage at McGill University in Canada (2006-2009) and returned to Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona in 2009 as tenure-track lecturer in the Department of Cell Biology, Physiology and Immunology. In 2014, he obtained an associate professor position at UAB and finally promoted to full professor in 2019. He is also affiliated to CIBERNED and RICORS research networks

    Research interest

    The overarching goal of his research is to study the contribution of inflammation to neural degeneration after spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. In particular, his research is focused on elucidating the molecular mechanisms that mediate the detrimental aspects of macrophage and microglia activation, as well as, on understanding the mechanisms that hampers the resolution of inflammation in neurological disorders.  His aim hypothesis is that neurological conditions share specific harmful inflammatory pathways and thus, modulation of such pathways  may lead to a new avenue for the development of novel and more efficient therapeutic treatments. His research is therefore in the interface between restorative neuroscience and immunology.

    Key words

    Spinal Cord Injury, Inflammation, Neuroprotection, Multiple Sclerosis, Cytokines



    Resercher ID

  • Lopez-Rodriguez, Cristina UPF - 2014, 2022
    Cristina López-Rodríguez

    Lopez-Rodriguez, Cristina

    Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) · Dept. of Medicine and Life Sciences

    Cristina López-Rodríguez is Full Professor in Immunology at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), where she leads a research group in the Department of Medicine and Life Sciences (MELIS) ​​and is also coordinator of the UPF Master in Biomedical Research.

    Cristina did her doctoral thesis at the Immunology Department of the Hospital de la Princesa in Madrid, and received her PhD by the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Autonomous University of Madrid. She then did her postdoctoral at the Center for Blood Research and Harvard Medical School in Boston, where she got an appointment as Instructor in the Department of Pathology and obtained the Research Special Fellow Award of the Leukemia Lymphoma Society.

    Cristina returned to Spain with a Ramón y Cajal group leader position at the Center for Genomic Regulation, and later moved on to the MELIS Department of UPF at the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB). Cristina obtained the 2014 and 2022 ICREA Acadèmia awards.

    Research interest

    Cristina's group (https://www.upf.edu/web/genimmune) is interested in the connection between inflammation and disease, studying how pro- and anti-inflammatory immune responses are balanced to benefit the body, and how this balance between both responses determines, for example, the control of pathogens, tumor progression, and transplant rejection. Her group addresses these questions by focusing on the communication between different immune cell types and identifying mechanisms that regulate gene expression and chromatin configuration as checkpoints of the inflammatory response.

    Key words

    Immune responses, cell communication, gene expression, mouse models of disease



    Resercher ID

    Maite Muniesa

    Muniesa Pérez, Maria Teresa

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Genetics, Microbiology and Statistics. Section Microbiology

    Dr. Muniesa (Barcelona 1970) studied Biology in the University of Barcelona. Doctor in Biology defended her PhD in the Department of Microbiology, University of Barcelona, in 1998. Postdoctoral researcher in Germany in the University of Wúrzburg and the University of Giessen, granted by the Comptes de Barcelona Foundation (1998) and by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (1999-2000). She returned to Catalonia as postdoctoral fellow of CeRBA (Centre de Referencia en Biotecnologia) (2000) and was a Ramon y Cajal researcher (Spanish Ministry) in 2003 in the Department of Microbiology of the University of Barcelona. Associate professor (2002-03) and Assistant professor (2007), is Full Professor since 2020. Dr. Muniesa has numerous international collaborations, has been recalled as expert in water pollution by the United Nations, antibiotic resistance by the FAO and is scientific advisor and evaluator of agencies in US, South America and Europe.

    Research interest

    My interests focus on bacteriophages (phages). Firstly, their role as mobile genetic elements, studying Shiga toxin phages, carrying the toxin of enterohemorrhagic E. coli. Later, studying phages encoding antibiotic resistance genes, reporting their abundance in different biomes (water, food and the human body).

    Studies of phages infecting enteric bacteria as fecal indicators resulted in the development of the Bluephage method for the colorimetric detection of coliphages. For years I studied phages infecting Bacteroides as indicators. Recently, we focus on CrAssphage, a rare phage infecting Bacteroides that we detected in our environament and that, for the first time, we have isolated in Catalonia waters.

    New projects study the use of phages as biocontrol agents against plant pathogens and have isolated and apply a unique phage that infect nitrifying bacteria, allowing a more efficient and sustainable fertilization process.

    Key words

    Bacteriophages, microbiota, antibiotic resistance, fecal pollution, microbial indicators, phage therapy



    Resercher ID

  • Munné-Bosch, Sergi UB - 2008, 2014, 2020
    Sergi Munné-Bosch

    Munné-Bosch, Sergi

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Biologia Evolutiva, Ecologia i Ciències Ambientals

    Prof. Sergi Munné-Bosch (ICREA Academia award 2008, 2014 and 2020) leads the research group ANTIOX, devoted to the study of antioxidants in plants. Research fronts focus on Plant Ecophysiolgy (www.antiox-ecophys.com) and Agri-Food Biotechnology (www.antiox-postharvest.com). Prof. Munné-Bosch is author of more than 250 articles in JCR-indexed journals, several book chapters, has edited three books and is the Editor-in-Chief of Environmental and Experimental Botany. He is currently giving lectures on Plant Physiology and related subjects in the Biotechnology and Biology Degrees and on "Plant Responses to Environmental Stresses" in the "Environmental Agrobiology" Master of the University of Barcelona, and is now supervising 8 Ph.D. Theses. His main goal is to better understand the fascinating world of plant physiological processes, help students to reach this goal and transfer this knowledge to the industry and society.

    Research interest

    My research has focused on the study of antioxidants, senescence and stress in plants, considering aspects related to the ecophysiology of plants and agrifood biotechnological applications. The research team is currently in a very active phase and has significantly advanced in our understanding of (i) the biosynthesis and role of vitamin E in plants, (ii) plant senescence, and (iii) the biology of invasive plants, among other findings. Important achievements have also been performed in the field of plant physiology applied to non-medical biotechnology, in particular reducing apple sunburn or increasing flower longevity, both as a result of transfer projects with agrifood biotechnological companies. As a result, several of the studies performed in our laboratory have received particular attention in the mass media. 

    Key words

    antioxidants, redox regulation, senescence, stress responses



    Resercher ID

  • Pujades Corbi, Cristina UPF - 2015, 2020
    Cristina Pujades

    Pujades Corbi, Cristina

    Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) · Department of Medical and Life Sciences

    I am Full Professor at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. After my PhD in Biology from the Univ de Barcelona (1991), I did a postdoctoral stay at the DFCI-Harvard Medical School (Boston). In 1995, I moved to Paris as a postdoc at the Ecole Normale Supérieure, and in 1999 I got a permanent position at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (now, Sorbonne University). In 2002, I joined the Department of Experimental and Health Sciences (now, Medicine and Life Sciences) at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, where we study how spatiotemporally coordinated cell progenitor specification and differentiation occur during morphogenesis to construct a functional brain (https://pujadeslab.upf.edu/). 

    I served in institutional positions, first as Academic Secretary and as Vice-Chair of the Department (2007—2015), as Delegate of the Rector for Research (2015—2017) and as Vicerector of Professorate and Vicerector of Talent Recruitment and Retaining Policy (2017—2021). Now, I am Vicerector of Research.

    Research interest

    Our goal is to understand how spatiotemporally coordinated cell progenitor specification and differentiation occur during morphogenesis to construct a functional brain. While incorporating time as a missing-yet-crucial factor, we want to provide a global view of how cell fate decisions are taken in the brain and gain biological insights into: i) how tissue growth is intertwined with cell proliferation and differentiation; ii) how the heterogeneity of neural progenitors is generated; and iii) how progenitor pools contribute to the functional circuits.

    We use the zebrafish embryo as a model system, which allows us to combine cutting-edge complementary approaches such as CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing, high-resolution 4D-imaging paired with cell tracking tools, and analyses of gene regulatory landscapes. We would like to map the ontogeny of differentiated neurons and to reveal the sequence of temporal transitions from progenitor to the differentiated state.

    Key words

    developmental biology, neurobiology, segmentation, compartments, cell lineage, morphogenesis, progenitor cells, neurogenesis, cell specification, 4D-imaging, neuronal differentiation



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    Picture of Albert Quintana

    Quintana Romero, Albert

    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) · Institut de Neurociències / Dpt Cell Biology, Physiology and Immunology

    Albert Quintana is an Associate Professor in the Institut de Neurociències and the Department of Cell Biology, Physiology and Immunology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He earned a Bachelor in Science in Biology (Biomedicine) in 2001 and a PhD in Neuroscience in 2007, both from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He carried out his postdoctoral research in Dr. Richard Palmiter lab at the University of Washington in Seattle. In 2013 he was appointed Assistant Professor in the Department of Pediatrics (University of Washington) and group leader at the Seattle Children’s Research Institute. In 2015 he was recruited at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona as a Ramón y Cajal investigator and ERC grantee (Starting Grant), becoming an Associate professor in 2020. 

    Research interest

    My lab is devoted to understand the role of mitochondrial function in neuronal survival at the molecular, cellular and physiological level.

    In particular, the main goal of my research has been to understand neuronal susceptibility to mitochondrial disease, a group of incurable and often fatal pathologies affecting 1:5000 children. My lab seeks a multi-level approach, by both generating and implementing a wide array of technologies, combining molecular, genetic, behavioral and connectomic tools. 

    The overarching goal of my research is to reveal novel pathways and mechanisms in neuronal function and pathology and open new and unexplored lines of research and therapeutic targets to treat mitochondrial disease encephalopathy, sitting at the interphase between  neuroscience and immunology basic research with a clear translational-oriented focus.


    Key words

    neuropathology, mitochondrial disease, animal models, genetic profiling, cell type-specific analysis, connectomics



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    David Reverter Cendros

    Reverter Cendros, David

    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) · Dept. Bioquímica i Biologia Molecular / Institut de Biomedicina i de Biotecnologia (IBB)

    I studied a Biology Degree at the UAB and conducted a PhD at the Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the UAB. Afterward, I did two post-doctoral stays: one of three years at the Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry in Munich, Germany; and a second of five years at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York, USA, where I received the 2005 MSKCC Research Fellow Award for my research contributions during my post-doctoral period. Upon returning to Catalonia I started my research group at the Institute of Biotechnology and Biomedicine (IBB) in protein structure/function analysis, where I combine research with teaching as a professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the UAB.

    Research interest

    Our research group is interested in the molecular mechanisms behind protein structures. Through protein crystallography and electronic cryo-microscopy (cryoEM) we solve protein structures at the atomic level, including multiprotein complexes and protein-DNA complexes.   Our main research interest is focused the post-translational modification pathway of proteins by ubiquitin or SUMO, which plays a very important role in the regulation of many cellular processes and is involved in the development of many pathologies.

    Our research lines in the medium-long term period include the functional and structural characterization of protein complexes of the ubiquitin/SUMO pathway, such as the SUMO E3 ligase activity of the Nse2 subunit of the Smc5/6 complex, which is involved in the DNA micro-compaction and can act as a giant SUMO E3 ligase involved in DNA damage repair pathways. 

    Key words

    Biomedicine, biochemistry, structural biology, protein crystallography



    Resercher ID

    Jordi Salas-Salvadó

    Salas Salvadó, Jordi

    Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) · Human Nutrition Unit. Biochemistry and Biotechnology Department.

    Professor of Nutrition and Director of the Human Nutrition Unit of the Rovira i Virgili University (URV); Principal Investigator of Pere i Virgili Health Research Institute (IISPV) and principal Investigator of the CIBERobn and coordinator of its Nutrition Program. Director of the Centre Català de la Nutrició de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans (CCNIEC), Chairman of the World Forum for Nutrition Research and Dissemination (INC); Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Carbohydrate Quality Consortium (ICQ); Member of the Expert Panel of Diabetes and Nutrition Study Group (DSNG) of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD).

    Has been declared by Clarivate Analytics as "Highly Cited Researcher" as one of the most cited researchers in the world. He has published more than 800 scientific articles, adding more than 40,000 citations and has published 14 books.

    Research interest

    Dr. Salas' research has focused on clinical trials in humans to evaluate the effect of food, dietary compounds and dietary patterns on obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases. Since 2005, he is one of the leaders of the PREDIMED Study (n=7447 participants), and is currently Coordinator and Chairman of the Steering Committee of the PREDIMED-Plus study (n=6874 participants), two large clinical trials for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease and mortality. PREDIMED-Plus is a multi-collaborative project involving 30 research groups, and had received National, European, USA and Canadian grants. With all these projects and collaborations, he has also developed skills in precision medicine using different OMIC´s methodologies, especially metabolomics and metagenomics, which we are now implementing  in epidemiologic and clinical studies.

    Key words

    Nutrition, obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, Mediterranean diet, inflammation, cardiovascular disease



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  • Surralles Calonge, Jordi UAB - 2008, 2013, 2018

    Surralles Calonge, Jordi

    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) · Department of Genetics and Microbiology, UAB / Sant Pau Hospital Biomedical Research Institute

    With a PhD in Genetics and postdoctoral experience in The Netherlands (Leiden University Medical Center) and Finland (Finnish Institute of Occupational Health), he set up his research team at the UAB where he is currently Full Professor of Genetics. In 2006, he joined CIBERER as principal investigator. He was later appointed Director of the Genetics Service at Sant Pau UAB Hospital (2017), Scientific Director of Sant Pau Hospital Research Institute (2019) and Director of the Join Unit on Genomic Medicine UAB-IR Sant Pau (2019). He has supervised 45 research grants awarded from institutions world-wide with up to >5M euros of competitive funding in the last 10 years. He has given tens of invited lectures in international meetings, published >140 publications and participated in clinical trials and multiple contracts with private foundations and biotech-pharma companies. (>10.000 citations, Hh factor=49 ) and supervised >30 PhD and Master students.

    Research interest

    Prof. Surrallés leads an internationally competitive group in the field of cancer-prone DNA repair syndromes with a focus in Fanconi anemia and familiar breast cancer. In the last 8 years he was involved in the discovery of 8 new disease genes involved in 6 cancer syndromes. He also performs advance therapeutic research in the field of DNA damage response including gene and cell therapy and drug and genetic screenings to obtain 2 Orphan Drug Designations by EMA, file 5 patents to protect therapeutic innovations in the field of DNA repair and participate in several clinical trials. A long term goal of Surrallés’ team is to understand the mechanisms that maintain genome stability and protect us from disease, cancer, and ageing and to translate this knowledge to develop novel therapeutic and diagnostic strategies in the fields of oncology, precision medicine and rare diseases.

    Key words

    Clinical genetics, genomic medicine, rare diseases, familiar cáncer, Fanconi anemia, BRCA, bone marrow failure, DNA repair, drug discovery



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  • Torres Martí, Antoni UB - 2013, 2019
    Antoni Torres

    Torres Martí, Antoni

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Applied research in infectious respiratory diseases and critically ill patients, IDIBAPS

    Dr Antoni Torres is full profesor of Medicine (Pulmonology) at University of Barcelona. He has been Director and Chief of Pulmonology Department, and Director of the Respiratory Intensive Care Unit at Hospital Clinic of Barcelona. He leads a translational research group focussed on respiratory  infections, ARDS and critical care. His current H-Index is 100. He received several research awards: Edward Shanoff (Harvard University), Josep Trueta, Lilly award, COMB, Icrea Academia, and Murray Korndfel (ACCP). 

    Member of the CIBERES Management Committee. from (2016-2022). Editor-in-Chief of of Medical Sciences Editor-in-Chief of Seminars of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine since 2020 Associate Editor of ERJ, ERR, Intensive Care Med and Thorax Editorial Board Member of Critical Care, Am J respir Crit Care Med. President of the Bronchiectasis World Congress 2020.



    Research interest

    Prof. Torres leads one the IDIBAPS research groups and a group of CIBERES-ISCIII. His research is focussed on respiratory infections, acute respiratory distress syndrome, and mechanical ventilation. In these fields his group is doing translational research from an animal piglet model to microbiology laboratory and to patients. this research has a clinical part to carry out observational studies and clinical trials, an animal laboratory to carry out studies on pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in animal models of pigs mechanically ventilated for more than 4 days. It has its own microbiology laboratory where all the microbiology tests for clinical and animal studies are carried out.

    Many of the findings of the group have been incorporated to clinical practice and are included in the current guidelines as follows: Physiopathology, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of community-acquired pneumonia and hospital-acquired pneumonia are the main contributions.

    Key words

    lung infections, community acquired pneumonia, ventilator associated pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and bronchiectasis, animal model



    Resercher ID

  • Ventura Zamora, Salvador UAB - 2009, 2015, 2020
    Salvador Ventura Zamora

    Ventura Zamora, Salvador

    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) · Bioquímica i Biologia Molecular / Institut de Biotecnologia Biomedicina

    Salvador Ventura is Full Prof. at the Dep. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and leader of the Protein Folding and Conformational Diseases group at the Institute of Biotechnology and Biomedicine (IBB), Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). He has been director of the IBB in 2017-20. He has authored > 250 peer-reviewed research and review papers, > 20 book chapters and 14 patents. He got his Ph. D. in Biology at the UAB in 1998 and worked as postdoctoral fellow (1999-2002) at EMBL-Heidelberg. He has been researcher at Harvard Medical School (USA) and Karolinska Institutet (Sweden) among other centres. He rejoined UAB as a Ramon y Cajal researcher in 2003. Dr. Ventura received the UAB 2008 Excellence Research Award, the Bruker Prize "Manuel Rico" 2020 from the Spanish Biophysical Society, the 2009, 2015 and 2020 ICREA-Academia Awards in Life Sciences and Medicine, the UAB 2022 Transference award and the 2022 Narcis Monturiol Medal. He is co-founder of Eureka NanoBioEngineering. 

    Research interest

    Our lab takes a multidisciplinary approach to studying protein misfolding, and aggregation, with a special focus on their molecular and structural aspects. In addition to defining the principles that govern these processes, we pursue to understand how their deregulation leads to the onset of human diseases, such as neurodegenerative disorders. To this aim we integrate state-of-the-art techniques in computational biology, structural biology, molecular biology, biochemistry, and biophysics. By leveraging our knowledge of the underlying mechanisms of protein misfolding and aggregation, we strive to develop innovative therapeutics to target these pathologies. Our expertise in this area also allows us to design and produce novel self-assembled materials for nanotechnology applications, including biosensors, biocatalysts, multivalent binders and vaccine platforms. 

    Ultimately, our goal is to contribute to the development of innovative technologies and molecules that improve human health.

    Key words

    Protein misfolding, Protein Aggregation, Amyloid, Protein Design, Protein Self-Assembly, Prions, Conformational Disorders



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  • Villarroya Gombau, Francesc UB - 2014, 2019

    Villarroya Gombau, Francesc

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Departament de Bioquimica i Biomedicina Molecular

    My scientific career is fully associated with the direction of my research group, which I started in the mid 90's, after my previous training in Barcelona, Paris and New York. Since then I have developed an upward research career as PI, financed through competitive funds obtained from public agencies, foundations and private companies. We have participated in numerous European projects and led regional, national and international research networks on the pathophysiological mechanisms of obesity, diabetes and lipodystrophy, including research on the metabolic alterations in HIV patients. I am full professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at UB since 2010. I act as advisor of multiple international research agencies and institutions. I have been director of the Institute of Biomedicine of the UB for 8 years, where I currently hold the position of scientific director. I have been member of steering committees of the CIBERobn and Sociedad Española de Estudio de la Obesidad.

    Research interest

    .Disturbances in energy balance lead to obesity and associated metabolic pathologies (e.g. diabetes or cardiovascular disease).These alterations involve disturbances in the capacity of the body to activate metabolic energy expenditure. My research activity is focused to the study of the molecular and cellular processes that control metabolic energy balance, the activity of brown fat (the main site of energy expenditure in mammals), and brown-versus-white adipose tissue plasticity. Recently, we paid particular attention to the secretory role of brown fat and the discovery of brown adipokines or “batokines”. “Batokines” are obvious candidates as biomarkers of metabolic disease as well as for the design of novel therapies, and therefore I am developing an intense translational research to determine their role in patients with obesity, diabetes, lipodystrophy and other complex metabolic diseases

    Key words

    metabolism, endocrinology, adipose, mitochondria, transcription


    Marc Yeste

    Yeste Oliveras, Marc

    Universitat de Girona (UdG) · Department of Biology (Unit of Cell Biology)

    Marc was a Visiting Researcher at the Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London; Juan de la Cierva Fellow at the Department of Animal Medicine and Surgery, Autonomous University of Barcelona; Marie Curie Fellow at the Nuffield Department of Women’s and Reproductive Health, University of Oxford; and Ramón y Cajal Fellow at the Department of Biology, University of Girona.

    He teaches at the Faculties of Medicine, Nursing and Sciences, and he is also a Guest Lecturer at the University of Oxford. He is Editor-in-Chief of Animal Reproduction Science; Senior Editor of Scientific Reports; and Associate Editor of Reproduction, Fertility and Development, Frontiers in Physiology and Frontiers in Endocrinology. He has been recognised as a Chartered Biologist, and as a Chartered Scientist and Chartered Science Teacher by the Science Council. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology and Fellow of the Young Academy of Europe.

    Research interest

    His research focuses Reproductive Biology in mammals (encompassing humans and animal models): sperm physiology, interactions of sperm with epithelial cells from different reproductive tissues (epididymis and oviduct), presence and growth of microbes in semen, cryopreservation of gametes and embryos, genetics of infertility, oocyte activation defiency, in vitro maturation of oocytes and fertility preservation.

    His track-record includes more than 380 publications: >230 papers and >130 abstracts in SCI/JCR-indexed journals, mostly Q1-ranked. In addition, he has authored 17 book chapters and >250 contributions to congresses, and is a patent inventor. He has taken part in more than 100 research grants and contracts with companies (national and international), including funding from the European Commission (FP7 and H2020 schemes), retaining the PI role in >40. Thus far, Marc has supervised 13 PhD students, eight post-docs, 26 MSc students and >50 undergraduate students.

    Key words

    Sperm; Oocyte; Embryo; Cryobiology; Reproductive Biology; Assisted Reproductive Technology; Human Reproduction; Animal Reproduction; Infertility



    Resercher ID

  • Zorzano Olarte, Antonio UB - 2013, 2019

    Zorzano Olarte, Antonio

    Universitat de Barcelona (UB) · Bioquímica i Biomedicina Molecular

    Antonio Zorzano is  Full Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Barcelona, Group Leader at the IRB Barcelona, and Programme Head at CIBERDEM. Professor Zorzano received his PhD in Biology at the University of Barcelona, and did postdoctoral studies at the Hospital Ramon y Cajal, (Madrid), and at Boston University Medical Center. He has supervised  40 Ph.D. theses, is co-inventor of 21 patents, and has published over 300 scientific articles (more than 31,000 citations, h-index of 82, Google Scholar). He has been founder of  biotechnological companies in Spain and in UK.

    Professor Zorzano’s research focuses on the regulation of metabolism and its interplay with insulin resistance, obesity and type 2 diabetes. A global goal is to identify and validate molecular targets that permit the prevention or treatment of metabolic diseases  by using cell-based systems, genetically modified mice, and translational approaches.

    Research interest

    A major objective of my laboratory is to understand the biology mitochondrial dynamics proteins, the mitophagy pathways, and the relative role of these mitochondrial components in the triggering of inflammation. We are also interested in the manipulation of these pathways for the treatment of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), and type 2 diabetes (T2D).  The specific objectives are described below.

    A) Analysis of the proteins involved in the transfer of phosphatidylserine (PS) from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to mitochondria, and precise role of Mitofusin 2.

    B) Functional role of the autophagy protein TP53INP2 on energy metabolism and mechanisms involved.

    C) Identification of mitochondrial pathways triggering inflammation in muscle cells, and the connection between mitochondrial morphology and inflammation.

    Key words

    mitochondria, mitochondrial dynamics, mitochondria-endoplasmic reticulum contact sites, autophagy, diabetes, obesity



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