ICREA news


Talent attraction by ICREA, a major factor in research success.

Josep Joan Moreso (UPF) explains today on Studia XXI the impact of ICREA in the Catalan research system and…


Article by Paul Verschure in La Vanguardia

Check out this article by Paul Verschure (ICREA at UPF) published yesterday in La Vanguardia on the future of intelligent…


Manel Esteller i Frank Koppens, National Research Awardees by the FCRI

Manel Esteller (ICREA at IDIBELL) has been recognised with the National Research Award jointly by the FCRI (Fundació Catalana…


The Festival SUD de Poesia will be held at the Reial Cercle Artístic de Barcelona on the 18th and 19th of December 2015

    Festival Sud de Poesia The Quest of the South (we have lost the North) The first edition…


The Festival SUD de Poesia is to be held on the 18th and 19th of December at Reial Cercle Artístic de Barcelona

This Festival is one of the activities of Peter Wagners’ ERC Advanced grant.  It will be held at the Reial…


Pura Muñoz-Cànovas has received the Pfizer Foundation award for Basic Research

  Pura Muñoz-Cànovas, ICREA Research Professor at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) and head of the Cell Biology group…


ICREA at Science Week 2015

A whole bunch of ICREAs are taking part in this years' popular science week 'Setmana de la Ciència', an…

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