ICREA news

News Awards

Award ceremony of The Barcelona Hypatia European Science Prize

The Barcelona Hypatia European Science Prize in its third edition recognises Nancy Cartwright, philosopher of science, Professor of Philosophy…

News Seminars

Workshop ‘Should democracy be direct?’

  ICREA Research Professor Santiago Zabala and Prof. Josep Ramoneda organize the workshop ‘Should democracy be direct?’   The event will…

News Talks

Jean-Pierre Bourguignon Conference at IEC

Erstwhile President of the ERC comes to Barcelona and will be giving a talk at Institut d'Estudis Catalans (IEC)…


Antoni Rosell i Melé

The ICREA community is devastated by the sudden decease of our dear friend and colleague Antoni Rosell i Melé,…


Toni Rosell – an obituary

Our colleague Toni Rosell, at the Institut de Ciència i Tecnologies Ambientals (ICTA-UAB) passed away last Saturday. The whole ICREA…


ICREA Acadèmia 2020

The list of selected academics in the 2020 ICREA Acadèmia call is out. 30 grants have been awarded, from 196 applicants, of…

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