ICREA news
Paleodiet… Carbodiet?
The real 'paleodiet' may have had a lot more carbohydrates than expected: brain development, cooking and the evolution of…
Narcís Monturiol awards to Jaume and Isabelle
Isabelle Vernós (ICREA at CRG) and Jaume Bertranpetit have both been awarded the prestigious Narcís Monturiol medal, a recognition…
ICREA featured on TV3
Aquest dimecres, al magazine d'economia de TV3 'Valor Afegit, ens van fer un reportatge. Podeu veure'l en el següent…
Economic Magazine – Valor Afegit
Créixer sense contaminar http://www.ccma.cat/tv3/alacarta/valor-afegit/valor-afegit-15072015/video/5539334/#
ICREA is featured on the last issue of 'Valor afegit', the TV3 economic magazine. Check it out! http://www.ccma.cat/tv3/alacarta/valor-afegit/valor-afegit-15072015/video/5539334/# (ICREA…
Four ICREAs obtain ERC Advanced Grants
Congratulations to Luis Serrano, James Sharpe, Juan Valcárcel and Nick Van Hulst on their recent success in this most…
Maria Maspoch García is born!
Maria, the first daughter of Lorena García and Dani Maspoch (ICREA at ICN2) made her screaming entrance into this…