How we can use ponds as Nature‑based Solutions for delivering benefits to society
Ponds and “pondscapes” (networks of ponds) are crucial habitats for biodiversity and for delivering multiple benefits to humans, such as climate mitigation and adaptation, creation and maintenance of habitat for biodiversity, water purification, flood mitigation and cultural benefits (e.g., recreational possibilities). However, ponds are not often considered as Nature-based Solutions to provide all these benefits. In addition, there is insufficient knowledge on how to manage and restore ponds to maximise their role to increase the resilience of ecosystems and society to climate change. In our study we showed that, to facilitate improved implementation of ponds as Nature based Solutions, it is important to generate and integrate biodiversity, ecosystems, societal, economic and policy knowledge. There is also an urgent need to increase the awareness of policymakers, other stakeholders, and general society of the crucial role of ponds and pondscapes, and to promote an enabling social and policy context that would allow for broader use of these small but important ecosystems as Nature based Solutions. We propose a conceptual framework that can help the implementation of pond Nature-based Solutions, by guiding future research focus in relation to ponds. With regard to pond benefits, there is a particular need for studies on the biodiversity value of these ecosystems at local, regional, and international scales, studies on pond ecology and particularly on greenhouse gases fluxes, as well as studies on the other benefits that can be delivered by pondscapes. The framework we provide can serve as a guide for local managers and other stakeholders that may want to implement ponds and pondscapes as Nature based Solutions.
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