Noticias ICREA
Marcel Swart, Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry
Marcel Swart ICREA at Universitat de Girona, was appointed Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, as the certificate…
Start up power at ICREA!
Two ICREA spin offs obtain funding from H2020 SME support instrument. The entrepreneurs Laura Soucek (ICREA at VHIO) and…
Debate «Europe and the Middle East are condemned to fight»
Miguel A. González Ballester, ICREA at the UPF, is one of the organisers of a series of debates involving alumni…
Premis ICREA Acadèmia 2015
Els noms dels 30 premis de l'edició 2015 ja és públic. Enguany es van presentar un total de 190…
Licia Verde and Raul Jimenez interviewed on U.S. TV
Licia Verde Raúl Jiménez (both ICREAs at ICC - UB) were interviewed by Yvonne Stapp for Science for the…
Massive crop of ERC PoC grants at ICREA
A total of eight Proof of Concept grants have been awarded in Catalonia by the European Research Council, five…
Arcadi Navarro, ICREA at UPF, new Secretary of Universities and Research
The new government of Catalonia is quiclky shaping up and we are delighted to learn that ICREA Arcadi Navarro,…