Noticias ICREA

Noticias Premios

‘Premios Rei Jaume I’ 2024

Three ICREA Research Professor received the Premio Rei Jaume I in the 36th edition of this award. Congratulation to:…

Noticias Premios

Galardones Narcís Monturiol 2024

Anna Alberni (UB), Marta Reynal-Querol (UPF), Emilio Palomares (ICIQ) y Gustavo Slafer (UdL) han recibido la 'Medalla Narcís Monturiol'.…


Antoni Rosell i Melé

The ICREA community is devastated by the sudden decease of our dear friend and colleague Antoni Rosell i Melé,…


Toni Rosell – an obituary

Our colleague Toni Rosell, at the Institut de Ciència i Tecnologies Ambientals (ICTA-UAB) passed away last Saturday. The whole ICREA…

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