Empresas derivadas
Aunque no es algo que se espere en absoluto de los investigadores de ICREA, a veces dan con algo que promete convertirse en una potente tecnología nueva pero parece imposible ir más allá en su desarrollo sin una inversión significativa de tiempo y dinero. En estos casos, muchos optan por estudiar la creación de una empresa derivada.
37 resultados
Innovex Therapeutics SL
Supported by ICREA and ISGlobal.
Entrepeneur: ICREA Research Professor Hernando A. del Portillo Obando (ISGlobal)
Born in March 2014
Eodyne Systems SL
Supported by ICREA and IBEC.
Entrepeneur: ICREA Research Professor Paul FMJ Verschure (IBEC)
Born in November 2014
BrainGaze SL
Supported by ICREA and UB.
Entrepeneur: ICREA Research Professor Hans Supèr (UB)
Born in September 2013
Mosaic Biomedicals SL
Supported by ICREA and VHIO.
Entrepeneur: ICREA Research Professor Joan Seoane Suárez (VHIO)
Born in May 2014
Radiant Light SL
Supported by ICREA and ICFO.
Entrepeneur: ICREA Research Professor Majid Ebrahim-Zadeh Zadeh (ICFO)
Born in July 2005
Peptomyc SL
Supported by ICREA and VHIO.
Entrepeneur: ICREA Research Professor Laura Soucek (VHIO)
Born in December 2014
Virtual Bodyworks SL
Supported by ICREA and FRCB-IDIBAPS and UB.
Entrepeneur: ICREA Research Professor María Victoria Sánchez-Vives (UB) and Mel Slater (UB)
Born in December 2015
Inbiomotion SL
Supported by ICREA and IRB Barcelona.
Entrepeneur: ICREA Research Professor Roger Gomis (IRB Barcelona)
Born in October 2010
Treellum Technologies SL
Supported by ICREA and ICIQ.
Entrepeneur: ICREA Research Professor Julio Lloret Fillol (ICIQ) and Ruben Martin Romo (ICIQ)
Born in July 2020
QuSide Technologies SL
Supported by ICREA and ICFO.
Entrepeneur: ICREA Research Professor Morgan W. Mitchell (ICFO) and Valerio Pruneri (ICFO)
Born in September 2017
InBrain Neuroelectronics SL
Supported by ICREA and ICN2.
Entrepeneur: ICREA Research Professor Jose A. Garrido Ariza (ICN2)
Born in December 2019
Minoryx Therapeutics SL
Supported by ICREA and UB.
Entrepeneur: ICREA Research Professor Xavier Barril Alonso (UB)
Born in October 2011
Orchestra Scientific SL
Supported by ICREA and ICIQ.
Entrepeneur: ICREA Research Professor José Ramón Galán-Mascarós (ICIQ)
Born in December 2017
Ona Therapeutics SL
Supported by ICREA and IRB Barcelona.
Entrepeneur: ICREA Research Professor Salvador Aznar Benitah (IRB Barcelona)
Born in May 2019
Pulmobiotics SL
Supported by ICREA and CRG.
Entrepeneur: ICREA Research Professor Luis Serrano Pubul (CRG)
Born in March 2020