After two and a half years of work, we have finally completed the Implementation Phase of the EURAXESS Human Resorces for Research Strategy (HRS4R’) and have submitted the documents to the Euraxess authorities. The Action Plan, which constitutes the backbone of the strategy is already available here. It is also posted on the ICREA Transparency page where it will be permanently available.

The next step in the process is the assessment by the European Commission, which, if successful, will grant the HRS4R to ICREA. Two years later, we will prepare an interim report for assessment, and we and three years after that, there will be an on site visit and reaccreditation of ICREA.

The work has been possible thanks to all ICREA Research Professors who participated in the questionnaire and also those who have been contributiing with ideas and suggestions, and very especially to the members of the work group, who have been overseeing the task on a regular basis throughout the entire duration of the process:

We are looking forward to proudly displaying the HR award logo on our site!



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