Moreno Lax, Violeta
Social & Behavioural Sciences
Universitat de Barcelona (UB)
Department Departament de Dret Penal i Criminologia, i Dret Internacional Públic i Relacions Internacionals
Border Violence
Forced Displacement
Legal Values
Human Rights
International Law
EU Law and Governance
Global Ethics
Short biography
Violeta Moreno-Lax is ICREA Research Professor at the University of Barcelona and Full Professor of Law (on leave) at Queen Mary University of London, where she has served as inaugural director of the (B)OrderS Centre and founding co-director of CEILA. She specialises in international and EU law, border violence, global security, and human rights. She regularly consults for UN agencies, the EU institutions, and other organisations in these fields. Her work has been cited by leading courts, including the CJEU or the Belgian Conseil d’État. She is Visiting Professor of the College of Europe, legal adviser and founding member of de:border, and sits in the Editorial Boards of European Journal of Migration and Law and International Journal of Refugee Law. Her research has been supported by a Ramón y Cajal grant, the NYU Emile Noël programme, a Fernand Braudel Senior Research Fellowship at the EUI, the EU Jean Monnet and H2020 programmes, the British Academy, and the Leverhulme Trust.