Brockington, Daniel
Social & Behavioural Sciences
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Department Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals (ICTA)
Address Edifici ICTA-ICP (Z) - Campus UAB Bellaterra
Postal code 08193
City Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona)
Conservation Social Science
Development Data
Conservation Data
Celebrity and Representation
Livelihood Change
Political ecology
Short biography
I completed my PhD at UCL with Kathy Homewood in 1998, a post doc with Bill Adams at Cambridge and then a short lectureship at Oxford, before moving to Manchester (the Global Development Institute) in 2005. I was awarded a personal chair there in 2012. In 2015 I moved to the University of Sheffield as Director of the Sheffield Institute of International Development (now IGSD). I joined ICTA at UAB 2022.
I much enjoy anthropological research which involves living with rural communities for one to two years. I´ve been fortunate to undertake three such periods in Tanzania in the course of my career. I also enjoy writing children´s books. I am a member of the Tanzanian Writers´ Forum and am completing a trilogy for upper middle grade readers that will be published in 2023 by African Professional Education Network, in Dar es Salaam. I love walking and cycling and checking the wind conditions to see if the conditions are right for kite-surfing.