Wiltschko, Martina
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Phone +3493542 2249
Email martina.wiltschko@upf.edu
Department Traducción y Ciencias del Lenguaje
Address 2 Roc Boronat, 138, office 52.629
theoretical syntax
syntax-pragmatics interface
language variation
language of interaction
discourse markers
Short biography
In my graduate education at the University of Vienna, I was trained in theoretical linguistics with an emphasis on syntactic theory as well as interface-issues (syntax-morphology, syntax-semantics, and syntax-pragmatics). My primary language focus was on Germanic. After completing my graduate work I joined the department of linguistics at the University of British Columbia first as a postdoctoral researcher (1996-2001) and later as a faculty member (2001-2019). During this time I expanded my language specialization to include Upriver Halkomelem (Salish), Blackfoot (Algonquian) and Ktunaxa (aka Kutenai). Thus, I became a field-worker. I have published extensively on typological issues viewed from the angle of theoretical linguistics. During this time I also founded the "eh-lab", a research group exploring the language of interaction. My relocation to ICREA and UPF in 2019 marks a turn towards a more cognitively-oriented research agenda.