Fernandez-Nieves, Alberto
Experimental Sciences & Mathematics
Universitat de Barcelona (UB)
Email a.fernandeznieves@ub.edu
Department Departament de Física de la Matèria Condensada
Address 2 Martí i Franquès, 1
Topological defects
liquid crystals
drops and jets
active matter
active nematics
polymer gels
phase behavior
Short biography
I was born in Granada (Spain) in 1973. I studied physics and graduated with a PhD from the University in my hometown city in the year 2000. My post-doctoral work was under the supervision of Prof. David A. Weitz in the Department of Physics and DEAS at Harvard University. I subsequently held a lecturer position at the University of Almeria and an INEST Visiting Professor position at Harvard University. In 2008, I became Assistant Professor of Physics at the Georgia Institute of Technology. I obtained tenure and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2014. My is in soft matter physics. For my pHD work, I was awarded the prize for young researchers in experimental physics of the Spanish Royal Society of Physics and the doctoral thesis prize from the University of Granada. I became Fellow of the American Physical Society in 2023.