Enikolopov, Ruben
Social & Behavioural Sciences
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Phone 935422886
Email renikolopov@gmail.com
Department Department of Economics
Address 2 Ramon Trias Fargas 25-27
political economy
development economics
economics of mass media
Short biography
Ruben Enikolopov received his PhD from Harvard University in 2008. Before moving to Universitat Pompeu Fabra he worked in the New Economic School in Moscow and spent 2012-2013 academic year as a Member at the Institute of Advanced Study, Princeton. His research interests include political economy, mass media, and economic development. He has published his research in leading academic journals such as American Economic Review, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Review of Economic Studies, Proceedings of National Academy of Science, American Political Science Review, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Journal of Public Economics. His research was supported from the International Growth Center, Canadian International Development Agency, USAID, the UN's World Food program and the World Bank among others.