González Ballester, Miguel A.
Engineering Sciences
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Phone +34935422083
Email m.a.gonzalez.ballester@gmail.com
Department Departament of Information and Communication Technologies
Address 2 Roc Boronat 138
Medical imaging
computer vision
computer-assisted surgery
technology transfer
Short biography
Degree in Computer Science from Universitat Jaume I (1996), and doctorate from the University of Oxford (2000). I was a senior researcher at Toshiba Medical Systems (Japan), INRIA (France), and the University of Bern (Switzerland), where I was leading the Surgical Technology Division at the MEM Research Center, Faculty of Medicine. From 2008 until September 2013 I was in charge of the Research Department of the company Alma IT Systems in Barcelona. In October 2013 I was appointed ICREA Research Professor, and joined the Department of Information and Communication Technologies at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, where I founded the Barcelona Centre for New Medical Technologies (BCN Medtech). I have more than 400 publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals and conferences, and have supervised 22 PhD theses. I was awarded Fellowships from Toshiba and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.