Lobo, Jorge
Engineering Sciences
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Phone 935421447
Email jorge.lobo@upf.edu
Department Tecnologies de la Informació i les Comunicacions
Address 2 Roc Boronat, 138, desp. 52.202
Knowledge Representation
Rule-System as Logic Program for Network & System Management
Policy Management and Security
Short biography
I am an ICREA Research Professor in the Department of Information and Communication Technologies at UPF, and a Visiting Professor at Imperial College (London) Dept. of Computing. After receiving a PhD in Computer Science from University of Maryland (1990), I took a faculty position at the University of Illinois in Chicago, where I obtained tenure (1997). In 1998 I was invited to join Bell Labs’ newly-formed Network Computing group, to help them integrate my work on rule system as logic program (then purely theoretic) into applications in the burgeoning field of soft-switches. The fruitful endeavor (Lucent NetMon, 2000) served to expand my interest in basic research to its real-world applications, and in 2001 I became Principal Architect at Teltier Technologies, a start-up company founded by researchers from Bell Labs (now part of Cisco Systems). I returned to full time research as Staff Member at IBM TJ Watson lab (2004-14), and in 2009 became an ACM Distinguished Scientist.