Rosenkranz, Sven
Universitat de Barcelona (UB)
Phone 934037514
Department Departament de Filosofia
Address 2 Montalegre, 6-8
Metaphysics and Philosophy of Language
Short biography
Sven received his PhD from the University of St Andrews in 1999. After a postdoc at UNAM, he worked at FU Berlin, receiving his senior doctorate (habilitation) in 2004. From 2005 until 2008 he was a DFG Heisenberg Fellow. Sven joined ICREA in 2008. He coordinated the ITNs PETAF (EC-GA-238128, 2010-13) and Diaphora (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015-675415, 2016-19) and served on the EC of the Consolider-Ingenio PERSP (CSD2009-00056, 2010-15). He was PI of the I+D projects Fallibility, Rational Belief and Knowledge (2014-16) and Justification, its Structure and Grounds (2019-22) and is currently PI of Methods: Epistemology Beyond Belief (2022-25). Since 2014 he coordinates the consolidated research group LOGOS. In 2018 he was elected member of the Academia Europaea. He is one of the investigadores garantes of the María de Maeztu grant recently awarded to the Barcelona Institute of Analytic Philosophy (CEX2021-001169-M).