Swart, Marcel
Experimental Sciences & Mathematics
Universitat de Girona (UdG)
Phone 689961777
Email marcel.swart@icrea.cat
Department Institut de Química Computacional i Catàlisi
Address 2 Parc R+i UdG (P3-A8, Monturiol), c/ Emili Grahit, 91
Density Functional Theory
polarizable force fields
bioinorganic and organic chemistry
multi-level (QM
MM or QM
QM) approaches
molecular simulations.
Short biography
Marcel Swart obtained his PhD degree at Univ. Groningen under the guidance of Prof. Herman Berendsen, Prof. Gerard Canters and Prof. Jaap Snijders. After postdoctoral stays in Amsterdam, he was appointed ICREA Junior researcher and in 2009 ICREA Professor at the Univ. Girona. He was elected Fellow of the Young Academy of Europe (2014-19), Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (2015), and member of Academia Europaea (2019). He organized the Girona Seminars on Predictive Catalysis (2016, 2018), edited the textbook on "Spin states in Biochemistry and Inorganic Chemistry" (Wiley), was Chair of COST Action CM1305 (2014-2018), and Director of the IQCC institute (2015-23). He is Founding Member of the QBIC Society and GEQC group of the Spanish Chemical Society. He is editorial board member for 3 scientific journals, Editor for Inorg. Chim. Acta, member of the Editorial College of (Diamond OA) SciPost:Chemistry, and Community Gateway Advisor Collection Advisor for Open Research Europe (EC).