Sort Viñas, Jordi
Engineering Sciences
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Phone 935812085
Department Física (Grup de Física de Materials II)
Address 2 Facultat de Ciències, Edifici Cc
lithographed systems
Short biography
Jordi Sort leads the ‘Group of Smart Nanoengineered Materials, Nanomechanics and Nanomagnetism’ (with ca. 20 researchers) as an ICREA Research Professor at UAB. After finishing his PhD in 2002 in the field of “magnetic interfacial effects” (Extraordinary Award), Prof. Sort performed two postdoctoral stays, at SPINTEC (Grenoble) and at Argonne National Laboratory. His research is focused on a wide variety of materials (thin films, lithographed structures, porous materials and nanocomposites) with emphasis on their magnetic, magnetoelectric and mechanical performance. He received awards from the Catalan and Spanish Physical Societies as well as the Federation of European Materials Societies. So far, Prof. Sort has supervised 20 PhD Theses, has published 380 articles (>13100 citations in WoS, h = 58), has issued 7 patents and has managed 40 research projects, being Coordinator of 2 European Training Networks (ITN), and PI of a CoG, two PoCs and an AdG from the ERC.