Tolsa Domènech, Xavier
Experimental Sciences & Mathematics
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Phone 935814550
Department Matemàtiques
Address 2 Edifici C, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Fourier analysis
geometric measure theory
analytic capacity
quasiconformal maps
Short biography
Xavier Tolsa first studied engineering and later he turned to mathematics. After obtaining his PhD in mathematics in 1998 at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB), he spent about one year in Goteborg (University of Goteborg – Chalmers) and another year in Paris (Université de Paris-Sud). Afterwards, he returned to the UAB as a Ramon y Cajal felow in 2001. Since 2003 he is ICREA Research Professor at the UAB. He has received several awards for his achievements, such as the Salem Prize (2002), the Prize of the European Mathematical Society (2004), or the Prize Rei Jaume I (2019, first time awarded in the field of mathematics). He was invited lecturer at the European Congress of Mathematics in Stockholm (2004) and at the International Conference of Mathematicians in Madrid (2006). He has also been PI of two ERC Advanced Grants (2013-2018 and 2021-2026).