Baizán Muñoz, Pau
Social & Behavioural Sciences
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Phone (34)935422417
Department Departament de Ciències Polítiques i Socials
Address Ramon Trias Fargas 25-27. Edifici Jaume I
Address 2 Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27. Edifici Jaume I
Postal code 08005
City Barcelona
family formation
social policies
event history analysis
Short biography
Pau Baizán is ICREA Research Professor at Pompeu Fabra University, where he teaches demography. Previously, he was research scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (2000-2002), doctoral student and teaching assistant at the University of Louvain (1996-1999), where he obtained his PhD in Demography, and research associate at the University of Cambridge (1994-1995).