05 Feb 2025



Wednesday, Febrero 05th, 2025 at h



By: Antonio Acín (ICFO) and Carl Hoefer (UB)

When: 27th September 2016, 18:00h

Where: ICREA, Pg. Lluís Companys 23, 6th floor



Antonio Acín

What can and cannot be said about randomness using quantum physics

It is usually said that quantum physics is, contrary to classical physics, intrinsically random. The intrinsic randomness of quantum physics follows from the fact that it is possible to observe correlations among quantum particles for which there exists no classical and deterministic model. The observation of these correlations, however, requires some assumptions about the setup. In particular, it requires some initial randomness, which makes the whole argument apparently circular.

We discuss how it is possible to relax this circularity and conclude that an intrinsic form of randomness with no classical analogue does exist in the quantum world.


Carl Hoefer

Laws, Chance and Quantum Randomness

The laws of nature could be indeterministic, in the sense that they simply fail to be deterministic.  There are numerous examples of determinism-failure even in classical physics.  A different idea entirely is that of irreducibly probabilistic laws of nature:  laws whose contents are, or entail, putative objective probabilities or chances for events. 

In my work I raise concerns about how well we understand the notion of an irreducible probabilistic law in general. I will explain some of these philosophical concerns, and how they motivate interest in the Bohmian approach to quantum physics.  I will also discuss the relation between Bohmian quantum mechanics and the theoretical and experimental results of physicists such as Acín, Gisin, Colbeck and Renner.


The ICREA colloquia are a great way to learn about remote fields of research from our best experts. We usually have two speakers, who offer their opinions on the same subject from very different angles. Open to all ICREAs and their guests. There’s wine and munchies at the end, please book in advance!