31 Oct 2017



Tuesday, Octubre 31th, 2017 at h



Speakers: Prof. Javier Martinez-Picado (IrsiCAIXA) and Prof. Jordi Casabona (CEEISCAT)

When: 31st October 2017, 18:00h

Where: ICREA, Pg. Lluís Companys 23, 6th floor


The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a retrovirus that can lead to Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), a condition in humans in which the immune system begins to fail, leading to life-threatening opportunistic infections.

HIV/AIDS is a global health problem: over 70 million people have been infected with HIV, 35 million have died and 36.7 million people currently live with the disease. This infectious disease has been frantically studied for more than 30 years, resulting in remarkably effective chemotherapies. However, present therapies are not curative with the associated hassle that this represents. Moreover, extensive programs to improve prevention, early diagnosis and worldwide access to antiviral therapies progress slowly, and the development of an effective vaccine remains elusive.

This colloquium will focus on current basic research and public health challenges.

The ICREA colloquia are a great way to learn about remote fields of research from our best experts. We usually have two speakers, who offer their opinions on the same subject from very different angles. Open to all ICREAs and their guests. There’s wine and munchies at the end, please book in advance!