Gualtieri, Marco
Experimental Sciences & Mathematics
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
Department Departament de Matemàtiques
Address Escola Politècnica Superior d’Edificació de Barcelona, Av. Dr Marañon 44-50
Postal code 08028
City Barcelona
Generalized Geometry
Poisson Geometry
Lie Groupoids
Kahler Geometry
Meromorphic Connections
Short biography
Marco Gualtieri is a mathematician working in geometry and mathematical physics, with a focus on developing mathematical structures with applications to quantum field theory. After completing his B. Sc. at McGill University in his native Montreal, he completed his D. Phil. under Nigel Hitchin at the University of Oxford. After research fellowships at the Fields Institute and MIT, he has worked at the University of Toronto since 2008 and at the UPC Barcelona Tech in the SYMCREA lab since 2025.