Costa Perez, Xavier
Engineering Sciences
Internet i Innovació Digital a Catalunya (i2CAT)
Phone +34938327381
Department Scientific Area
Address 2 Edifici Nexus I
Beyond 5G
Mobile Networks
Digital Transformation
Short biography
Xavier Costa-Pérez is ICREA Research Professor and Scientific Director at the i2cat Research Center. His research focuses on the digital transformation of society driven by the interplay of mobile networks and AI. His team generates research results which are regularly published at top scientific venues, produces innovations which have received several awards for successful technology transfers, participates in major EC R&D projects and contributes to standardization bodies. He has served on the committees of several conferences, published papers of high impact and holds tenths of granted patents. He served as Editor at IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on Communications and Elsevier Computer Communications journals. Xavier received both his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Telecommunications from UPC.