Anguelovski, Isabelle
Social & Behavioural Sciences
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Department Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals (ICTA)
Address Edifici ICTA-ICP (Z) - Campus UAB Bellaterra
Address 2 IMIM, C/ Dr. Aiguader, 88, 112-04
Postal code 08193
City Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona)
Urban studies and planning
Environmental justice
Urban development and sustainability planning
and exclusion
Urban climate adaptation planning
Healthy cities
Urban social movements
Short biography
I obtained a PhD (Urban Studies & Planning, MIT) before returning to Europe in 2011 with a Marie Curie fellowship. Situated at the intersection of urban planning and policy, social inequality and development studies, my research examines the extent to which urban plans, policies, and socio-environmental interventions contribute to more just, resilient, healthy, and sustainable cities. I also study how community groups in distressed neighborhoods contest environmental inequities as a result of urban (re)development processes. I am based at UAB-ICTA where I lead the research line Cities & Environmental Justice, direct the Barcelona Lab for Urban Environmental Justice & Sustainability, and head the ICTA Gender, Diversity, Care, and Wellbeing Commitee. Much of my work takes place in marginalized neighborhoods resisting displacement from unequal development and climate change in Europe, the Americas and S Africa.