Díaz-Andreu García, A. Margarita
Universitat de Barcelona (UB)
Phone 934037520
Email m.diaz-andreu@ub.edu
Department Departament de Història i Arqueologia
Address 2 Universitat de Barcelona, c/ Montalegre 6
History of Archaeology
Prehistoric Art
Rock Art
Archaeological Heritage
Short biography
In 2021, ICREA Research Professor Margarita Díaz-Andreu received the prestigious Menéndez Pidal National Award for the Humanities (bit.ly/3VBrdvD), and in 2022, she received the Neubergh Award (U. Gothenburg, Sweden). She is one of the most-cited researchers in Spain (https://bit.ly/41zVkHK). Since her arrival in Barcelona in 2012, she has published more than 20 books/special issues, as well as numerous peer-reviewed articles/book chapters in prestigious journals/publishers. She is currently leading two projects: Artsoundscapes (Advanced ERC) and ArqueólogAs/Herstory (R+D+i). In 2024, her projects sustained a total of thirteen positions, most of them for PhD and post-doctoral researchers. Nine students have completed their PhDs in Barcelona (two of them in 2024), most of whom are now in research or professional careers. As a researcher, Margarita Díaz-Andreu has contributed to fostering knowledge by organizing and participating in conferences and engaging in outreach activities.