Malhotra, Vivek
Life & Medical Sciences
Centre de Regulació Genòmica (CRG)
Phone 933160178
Department Intracellular Compartmentation
Address 2 Carrer Doctor Aiguader 88
Protein secretion
transport carriers
unconventional secretion
Biogenesis of Golgi membranes.
Short biography
Vivek Malhotra is one of world’s leaders on protein secretion and cellular compartmentation. His work is focused on how cellular compartments are made and communicate with each other, and how cells duplicate their compartments during cell division. He has been studying these processes since the late 80s and is acknowledge world wide for his creativity and novel findings. He obtained his Ph.D from Oxford and was a postdoc at Stanford University. He was a professor at University of California San Diego for 18 years. He joined the Centre for Genomic Regulation, Barcelona as a coordinator of the Cell and Developmental Biology Programme and ICREA Research Professor.