Cerutti, Andrea
Life & Medical Sciences
Hospital del Mar Research Institute (IMIM)
Phone 933160389
Email acerutti@researchmar.net
Department Recerca clĂnica translacional
Postal code 08003
City Barcelona
B cells
Heavy Chain Class Switching
Mucosal Immunity
Short biography
Andrea Cerutti, MD, PhD, is an ICREA Professor since 2010 and leads the B Cell Biology Group at Hospital del Mar Research Institute Barcelona, a research center within the PRBB complex. He served as grant reviewer for the European Research Council and the National Institutes of Health and has been awarded several NIH R01, P01, U01 and R21 grants (2001-present), an ERC Advanced grant (2011) as well as several grants from the Spanish government (2008-present). He also serves as manuscript reviewer for Cell, Science, Nature, Immunity, Nature Immunology, Nature Medicine, Nature Communications, etc. He is an Associate Editor of the journal Mucosal Immunology. He contributed to the organization of the 2014 and 2016 Keystone Symposia meetings on B cells, and published 160 research articles. His h-index is 60.