Kleij, Arjan W.
Experimental Sciences & Mathematics
Institut Català d'Investigació Química (ICIQ)
Phone +34-977920847
Email akleij@iciq.es
Department Kleij Research Group
Address 2 Av. Paisos Catalans, 16
Small molecule valorization chemistry
homogeneous catalysis
stereo- and enantioselective synthesis
Short biography
MSc (with honors) and PhD (Cum Laude) from the University of Utrecht (NL). In 2002 he moved to Spain as a NWO TALENT fellow with Javier de Mendoza, followed by another postdoc at the University of Amsterdam (NL) working with Joost Reek. He also held various scientific positions in the industry at Avantium and Hexion. In 2006, he returned to Spain as an ICREA Researcher and ICIQ Group Leader, and was promoted to ICREA Research Professor in 2011. He is current member of several advisory (ChemCatChem, Journal of CO2 Utilization, ASC Sust Chem Engin) and editorial boards (ChemSusChem, Molecules). Guest editorships for Catal. Sci. & Technol., ChemSusChem and Adv. Synth. Catal.; chairman of the CDCC conference in Portugal in 2016, chair of the EUGSC-4 conference in 2019; Associate Editor for Organic Chemistry Frontiers. Citations >15200, h-index of around 70. He received the 2020 RSEQ Excellence Award and became a FRSC in 2021.