Soto-Faraco, Salvador
Social & Behavioural Sciences
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
Phone +34935422534
Department Departament de Tecnologies de la Informació i les Comunicacions
Address 2 Carrer de Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27, Edifici Merce Rodoreda (Room 24.327)
Body Representation
Cognitive Neuroscience
Multisensory Integration
Speech Perception
Short biography
I graduated in Psychology (1994) and completed a PhD in Cognitive Science (1999) at Universitat de Barcelona. In my PhD I worked at the University of Oxford (UK), where I also stayed as a postdoc before moving to University of British Columbia (Canada) in 2000. I returned to Spain as a Ramón y Cajal fellow and started a research group at Universitat de Barcelona in 2002, and I became ICREA Research Professor at the Parc Científic de Barcelona in 2005, where I established the Multisensory Research Group thanks to public and private funding. Since 2009, I am based at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, where I combine research and teaching as one of the group leaders of the Center for Brain and Cognition (CBC), of which I am the director as of 2022. I received an ERC-StG in 2010, and an ERC PoC in 2016. Currently, the MRG works on basic and applied research projects supported by national (MINECO, AGAUR, BBVA Foundation) and international EU (ERC, BIAL, MSCF) funding sources.