Aloy Calaf, Patrick
Life & Medical Sciences
Institut de Recerca Biomèdica (IRB Barcelona)
Phone +34934039690
Department Structural Bioinformatics and Network Biology
Address Parc Científic de Barcelona. Baldiri i Reixac 10-12
Address 2 c/ Baldiri i Reixac, 10-12
Postal code 08028
City Barcelona
Structural bioinformatics
network biology
network medicine
protein interaction networks
peptide-mediated interactions
3D interactomes
Short biography
Dr Patrick Aloy is an ICREA Research Professor and Principal Investigator of the Structural Systems Biology lab at the IRB. He has a BSc in Biochemistry and a MSc in Biotechnology from the Univ. Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain, and spent six years as postdoctoral researcher and staff scientist at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, Germany. For twenty years, Dr Aloy has been developing and implementing new technologies and algorithms, applying state-of-the-art methods to specific problems and bridging the gap between theoretical models and experiments in different disciplines. In the last years, he has pioneered system-scale analyses of macromolecular assemblies and networks using high-resolution three-dimensional structures, which has become a new discipline in structure prediction. Dr Aloy has over 150 publications in first-rate journals, with over 17,500 citations and remarkable press coverage, illustrating the scientific and social impact of the work.