Rodó i López, Xavier
Experimental Sciences & Mathematics
Institut de Salut Global Barcelona (ISGlobal)
Phone 932147310
Department Climate, Air Pollution, Nature and Urban Health
Address C/ Doctor Aiguader, 88
climate change
climate models
infectious diseases
climate predictability
greenhouse gases
carbon dioxide
Mediterranean climate
Short biography
Head of the CLIMA (Climate & Health RG, ISGlobal, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4843-6180) and The Planet Hub. Founding director of the IC3 climate institute and former head of the LRC-PCB. UVIC Prof. MSc in engineering, completed his PhD in 1997 (UB) on the simulation of extreme ecosystems under climate forcing. Visiting fellow at Princeton and UCSD, and COLA-IGES associated scientist. Background in numerical ecology, climate dynamics and climate impact modelling. Taught ecology, advanced statistics, climate dynamics and sustainability and led/participated in >60 research projects. Over 25 postdoctoral fellows. Co-chair of CLIVAR-Spain (-2007), SSC of the MEDCLIVAR-ESF, CA and ER of the AR4-WGII and ER of AR6 (IPCC2007, 2021). SCM of the DIG of the World Climate Research Program and of the ISIMIP Health Impact Models for IPCC AR6. EBM: PLoS NTD, PLoS Clim and of the OPCC-Pyrenees. TT of the WMO climate & COVID-19. EG Health & Climate for UfM and EU Parliament.