Martín-Subero, Iñaki
Life & Medical Sciences
Fundació de Recerca Clínic Barcelona-Institut d'Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer (FRCB-IDIBAPS)
Phone 932275400(ext4583)
Department Epigenómica biomédica
Address 2 Rossello 153, office 2.6
B cells
Short biography
In 2001, I obtained my PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Navarra on genetics of lymphoid neoplasms under the supervision of Prof. Maria J Calasanz and co-supervision of Prof. Reiner Siebert from the Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel. After that, I continued my studies on lymphoma genetics as postdoctoral fellow with Prof. Siebert. In 2005, I became interested in the field of epigenomics and in 2009 I came back to Spain. After a short stay at the IDIBELL, I went to the UB/IDIBAPS to start my career as independent researcher embedded in the group of Prof. Elias Campo. In 2016, I was appointed Junior Leader of the Biomedical Epigenomics group at the IDIBAPS and from November 2018 I am ICREA Research Professor at the IDIBAPS. I also have an appointment as associate professor at the UB. Our group is interested in the role of epigenetics in the origin, evolution and clinical manifestations of lymphoid tumors.