Host institutions


ICREA research professors work at the host institutions that best suit their research, since ICREA is an institution without walls. Catalan universities and research centres are the essential elements in the vision of a country that strives to achieve scientific excellence, and are a magnet attracting talent from all over the world.

ICREA would not make any sense without the dense network of host institutions that are actively involved in research in Catalonia. It is thanks to their sustained work that Catalan research has earned its reputation and visibility.
Please pay them a visit and learn about the fantastic research that they do.

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ICREA would not make any sense without the dense network of host institutions that are actively involved in research in Catalonia.

Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (BSC-CNS)

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Centre Nacional d'Anàlisi Genómica (CNAG)

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Institute for Political Economy and Governance (IPEG)

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Parc de Salut Mar (PSMAR)

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