Notícies ICREA
Conferència del Professor Xavier Cabré (ICREA-UPC) i l’economista Jordi Massó en reconeixement del Professor John Nash
La Societat Catalana d'Economia (SCE) i la Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques (SCM) organitzen un acte conjunt de reconeixement…
Josep Dalmau (ICREA at IDIBAPS), appointed member of the National Academy of Medicine (US)
Josep Dalmau has been elected member of one of the most prestigious medical institutions in the world, the…
Josep Maria Llovet (ICREA at IDIBAPS) obtains 1M euro European funds to explore hepatocellular carcinoma.
The recently awarded grant is a joint project in H2020 European programme aimed at understanding the mechanisms of…
Laura Soucek (ICREA at VHIO) obtains funding from BBVA foundation to develop her novel anticancer therapy
Barcelona, October 2015.- Laura Soucek, Principal Investigator of VHIO´s Mouse Models of Cancer Therapies Group and ICREA Professor,…
Predicció de metàstasi òssia en càncer de mama
Roger Gomis (ICREA a l'IRB Barcelona) i el seu equip acaben de trobar el gen que permet la metàstasi…
ICREA Conference Awards 2015
Els 'ICREA Conference Awards' (ICA) són ajuts específics que ICREA atorga per finançar la cel.lebració de trobades científiques de…
Paleodiet… Carbodiet?
The real 'paleodiet' may have had a lot more carbohydrates than expected: brain development, cooking and the evolution of…