Congratulations to Diego Blas, Mariona Graupera and Kostas Kostarelos on their recent success in one of the most prestigious of all research funds!

· Diego Blas (IFAE) will work with partners in Germany and Italy in the project ‘GravNet – A Global Network for the Search for High Frequency Gravitational Waves’
· Mariona Graupera (IJC) will work with partners in Israel and the USA in the project ‘BEMOSAIC – Decoding endothelial cell BEhavioral MOSAICism within single vessels’
· Kostas Kostarelos (ICN2) will team up with partners in Italy and Switzerland to carry out the project ‘SKIN2DTRONICS – SKIN-like TWODimensional materials based elecTRONICS conformable to rough surfaces’

Only 57 projects in Europe will receive funding, with 201 PI involved.

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