Els professors d'investigació ICREA formen una comunitat dinàmica de científics i investigadors de totes les àrees del coneixement, que contribueixen al progrés de la humanitat amb els seus estudis, interpretacions i preguntes. Entreu i descobriu-ne els increïbles descobriments i troballes:


    Andriy Yaroshchuk
    Yaroshchuk, Andriy
    Research Professor at
    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
    Experimental Sciences & Mathematics
    view profile

    Research interests

    The keyword is behaviour of fluids at nano-scale. I study the transfer of ions and water molecules through nano-metric (tens of nanometers) barrier layers of composite nanofiltration membranes. Another example is the transfer of ions and water through nano-porous track-etched membranes having identical cylindrical pores. I also study processes of current-induced concentration polarization of nano-/micro-interfaces where concentration polarization is strongly-coupled to electroosmosis and fine separation of solutes like peptides can occur. Recently, I discovered that a layered structure consisting of a micro-perforated ion-exchange membrane and a nanoporous layer can have very interesting properties useful for AC electroosmotic pumping . Another topic is experimental and theoretical studies of ion transfer across polyelectrolyte multilayers where we have recently discovered very high (>1000) selectivities in the electrically-driven transfer of ions of different charge magnitudes.The most recent research topic is energy harvesting from water evaporation. It has been suggested that the area of contact between nanoporous electrodes and electrolyte solutions can be effectively controlled via solvent (water) evaporation. This opens new opportunities for energy harvesting from waste heat in coupled wetting/drying and charging/discharging cycles with nanoporous electrodes. This emerging process is critically controlled by the ion dynamics in ultrathin water films staying behind receding menisci, which reveals itself as almost completely unexplored and as a focal point of a new branch of electrochemistry, namely that of partially wet electrodes.

    Key words

    nanofluidics, electrokinetics, electrochemistry, membrane, nanofiltration, colloid


    : 0000-0002-6364-6840


    : L-5955-2014
    Masaya Yoshida
    Yoshida, Masaya
    Research Professor at
    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
    view profile

    Research interests

    Theories of sentence processing have been assuming syntactic structure building, or parsing, as one of the crucial components in the mechanism of sentence comprehension. In this view, upon receiving the bottom-up input (e.g., words), the comprehender builds a partial sentence structure, integrates each successive bottom-up input into the currently built partial parse, and achieves semantic representation. Thus, in the traditional views, it is expected that grammatical structural constraints constrain the time-course of online sentence comprehension. Many recent studies of sentence processing, on the other hand, have been suggesting that comprehenders do not necessarily build fully articulated grammatical structures, and achieving the meaning of the sentence is not always based on grammatical structures. Thus, these studies argue that psycholinguistic phenomena are to be explained with independent principles of cognitive processes, not with language-specific principles and mechanisms. Against this background, in the past five years, I have been investigating to what extent the process of online sentence comprehension is sensitive to grammatical structural constraints. 
    Specifically, I have been investigating the following empirical domains: Anaphora Resolution, Ellipsis resolution, and Agreement, from the perspective of both experimental psycholinguistics and formal syntax. The studies I have conducted have been showing that the mechanism of sentence processing builds rich and sophisticated hierarchical syntactic structures during online processing, and the time-course of online processing is tightly constrained by syntactic structural constraints.

    Key words

    Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, Syntax, Sentence Processing


    : 0000-0003-2857-4121
    Santiago Zabala
    Zabala, Santiago
    Research Professor at
    Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)
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    Research interests

    My books, articles, and research focus on the meaning of art, politics, and freedom in the twenty-first century where, as I claim, "the greatest emergency has become the absence of emergency." The goal of philosophy is to thrust us into these absent emergencies (such as climate change or economic inequality) in order to disrupt the ongoing “return to order” that surveillance capitalism and right-wing populism are imposing upon us. These problems are discussed in my most recent book—Being at Large: Freedom in the Age of Alternative Facts (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2020 - translated into Spanish and Italian) —and in many articles. 

    Key words

    Philosophical hermeneutics, philosophy of religion, aesthetics, and political philosophy


    : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1780-4588


    : http://www.researcherid.com/rid/L-2327-2017
    Patrizia Ziveri
    Ziveri, Patrizia
    Research Professor at
    Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
    Experimental Sciences & Mathematics
    view profile

    Research interests

    Her broad scientific interest is on marine global environmental change, ecology, and biogeochemistry at various time scales and complexity. She focuses on multidisciplinary investigation from target marine organisms at the base of the food web, to marine microplastics and biogeochemical processes. With her research group she works on the ocean in a changing climate and under human pressure, linking CO2 dynamics, climate change and target marine processes. She is interested in pressing threats to the marine environment and their societal relevance, such as ocean acidification, warming and oxygen loss in different regions, both in coastal systems and open seas, from social to biogeochemical processes. With her group, she developed a specific laboratory to address marine microplastics. She also supports socially relevant marine studies in coastal Africa. Her research is bridging the natural and social systems on issues of major societal and sustainable development concern.

    Key words

    climate and global change, high CO2 ocean, calcifying plankton, marine micropaleontology, biogeochemistry, marine microplastics


    : 0000-0002-5576-0301
