Kostarelos, Kostas
Life & Medical Sciences
Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia (ICN2)
Phone +34-93 7373 625
Email kostas.kostarelos@icn2.cat
Department Nanomedicine Lab
Address Edifici ICN2
Address 2 Campus de la UAB Bellaterra
Postal code 08193
City Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona)
gene therapy vectors
cancer therapeutics
carbon nanotechnology
Short biography
Kostas is ICREA Professor and Severo Ochoa Distinguished Professor leading the Nanomedicine Lab (www.nanomedicinelab.com) at ICN2 in Barcelona (Spain) and Professor of Nanomedicine at the Faculty of Biology, Medicine & Health at the University of Manchester (UK). He has contributed to the discovery, development and clinical translation of nanomaterials and engineered nanoscale particle systems in medicine and biology. Kostas (PhD in Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London, 1996) was the first named Chair of Nanomedicine in the UK in 2007 at the University College London (UCL) School of Pharmacy. He has spent all of his career developing clinically translated nanotechnologies within medical research institutions in the USA (UCSF; Memorial Sloan Kettering; Cornel Weill Medical College) and the UK (Imperial College Genetic Therapies Centre; Centre for Drug Delivery, UCL School of Pharmacy; Manchester Cancer Research Centre).