Escudero Escribano, María
Experimental Sciences & Mathematics
Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia (ICN2)
Department NanoElectrocatalysis and Sustainable Chemistry
Address 2 UAB Campus
Energy Conversion
Sustainable Chemistry
Renewable Fuels and Chemicals
Materials Engineering
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Short biography
María Escudero-Escribano (Cáceres, 1983) graduated in Chemical Engineering from the University of Extremadura and obtained her Ph.D. in Electrochemistry from the Autonomous University of Madrid in 2011. She was then a postdoctoral researcher at the Technical University of Denmark and Stanford University. She joined the University of Copenhagen as an Assistant Professor in 2017 and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2021. She has been an ICREA Research Professor and Group Leader at ICN2 since 2022. María was awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant in 2022 and is a Member of the Young Academy of Spain. She has received numerous awards at national and international levels, including the European Young Chemist Award (Gold Medal) 2016, the Princess of Girona Scientific Research Award 2018, the ECS Energy Technology Division Young Investigator Award 2018, the RSEQ Young Researchers Award 2019, the Clara Immerwahr Award 2019, and the "María Teresa Toral" National Research Award 2024.