Salvatella Giralt, Xavier
Experimental Sciences & Mathematics
Institut de Recerca Biomèdica (IRB Barcelona)
Phone +34934020459
Department Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics
Address 2 Baldiri Reixac 10-12
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Protein Folding
Protein Misfolding
Protein Dynamics
Biomolecular Condensation
Protein Aggregation
Short biography
I was born in Barcelona, Spain. I obtained my first degree in Chemistry at the University of Barcelona followed by a MSc in Chemical Research at the University of London and a PhD in Organic Chemistry at the University of Barcelona. In 2003, I moved to the University of Cambridge to work as a Research Fellow with Christopher Dobson on the structural and dynamical characterization of proteins. In 2008 I joined ICREA as a Researcher and the IRB as a Group Leader and in 2013 I became ICREA Research Professor.