Brander, Christian
Life & Medical Sciences
IrsiCaixa Immunopathology Research Institute (IrsiCaixa)
Phone 0034934656374
Department Inmunología de Células T y Vacunas (TIV)
Address Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol - Ctra. del Canyet s/n - 2.ª planta de Maternal
Postal code 08916
City Badalona (Barcelona)
Viral infections
cellular and innate immunity
epigenetic regulation
neurotropic viruses
host genetics
therapeutic vaccination
Short biography
Christian Brander obtained a PhD in Immunology at the University of Bern and completed his post-doctoral training at Harvard Medical School, focusing on T cell immunity to HIV. He led several international efforts to build HIV research capacities across Southern Africa and Central and South America. He joined ICREA in 2008 with an appointment at the IRSICaixa AIDS Research Institute and as the scientific director of the Catalan HIV vaccine program HIVACAT. He is a co-inventor of the "HTI" immunogen, which has shown first promising results in clinical phase II rials of therapeutic HIV vaccination. He serves as a curator of the Los Alamos HIV Database and is an Associate Professor at the University of Vic.