Usón Finkenzeller, Isabel
Life & Medical Sciences
Institut de Biologia Molecular de Barcelona (CSIC - IBMB)
Phone 934020198
Department Crystallographic methods
Address 2 Baldiri i Reixac, 13-15
computational methods
problem structures
structural biology
Short biography
Isabel Usón Finkenzeller completed a Chemistry degree (1987) and Ph. D. (1992) in synthetic organometallic chemistry at the U. of Zaragoza. In November 1992, she joined Procter & Gamble as Product Research Scientist in Brussels, gaining insight into the science and management of industrial chemistry. She moved as HCM postdoc to the U. of Göttingen in 1994. She has developed methods for crystallography for 30 years, first within the group of Prof. Sheldrick FRS, author of SHELX, during her postdoctoral research and Habilitation (1994-2001) and as of July 2001 leading an emergent group. September 2003, she moved to the Institute of Molecular Biology of Barcelona (IBMB-CSIC) as ICREA Research Professor. Her work on structural chemistry and biology has led to over 185 publications. The software ARCIMBOLDO, SHELX and VAIRO are the central output of her work. She is Life Member of Clare Hall College (U. Cambridge).