Speakers: ICREA Research Professors Genoveva Martí, from the Universitat de Barcelona (UB), and Stephan Roche, from the Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia (ICN2)
When: 22nd of March 2022, 18:00h
Where: Zoom & Auditorium FCRi, Passeig de Lluís Companys, 23, 08010 Barcelona
In 2005, Jorge E. Hirsch proposed the h-number to measure the productivity and impact of a scientist, opening the search for further refined figures of merit to classify researchers and somehow quantify their “creativity”. This Colloquium, aims at overviewing some aspects of this conundrum: to which extent is creativity measurable? And how commitments and initiatives driven by the DORA declaration can enable fair assessment and stimulation of the scientific creativity of young generations?
The ICREA colloquia are a great way to learn about remote fields of research from our best experts. We usually have two speakers, who offer their opinions on the same subject from different angles. They are open to all ICREAs and their guests.