Workshop ‘Què és l’envelliment? Noves maneres d’entendre’l’
ICREA Research Professor Manuel Serrano (IRB Barcelona) and Professor Josep Ramoneda co-organize the workshop ‘Què és l’envelliment? Noves maneres d’entendre’l’. Two other ICREA Research Professors, Santiago Zabala (UPF) and Núria Montserrat (IBEC), will participate as guests in the event. The workshop will be held at Palau Macaya (Passeig de Sant Joan, 108, Barcelona) […]
WEBINAR 91st ICREA COLLOQUIUM – Chasing targets for cancer therapy: from basic research to spin-off
Speakers: ICREA Research Professors Laura Soucek, from Vall d’Hebron Institut d’Oncologia (VHIO), and Angel Rodriguez Nebreda, from the Institut de Recerca Biomèdica (IRB Barcelona) When: 27th of October 2020, 18:00h Where: VIRTUAL FORMAT Abstract: Dr. Nebreda and Dr. Soucek will tell us about their challenges and efforts in drugging unconventional targets in […]
UrbanA Open Webinar ‘COVID-19, Justice and Sustainability in Cities’
ICREA Research Professor Isabelle Anguelovski is organizing together with Dr. Panagiota Kotsila and Dr. Helen Cole (all working at BCNUEJ, ICTA-UAB), the UrbanA Open Webinar ‘COVID-19, Justice and Sustainability in Cities’. The event will be held on June 5th at 14h30 (CEST – Barcelona time) and it will address Imagining Cities Post Covid with an […]
Núria Montserrat and Javier Martínez-Picado speak with Cristina Sáez about the state of research aiming to find a cure for COVID-19
ICREA Research Professors Núria Montserrat (IBEC), expert in the new strategies of regenerative medicine, and Javier Martínez-Picado (IrsiCaixa), expert in HIV research, will speak with the journalist Cristina Sáez about the state of research aiming to find a cure for COVID-19. The event, which has been jointly organized by ICREA, will be broadcasted online via […]
”A conversation with Ricard Solé and Núria Jar – Virus, Ecosystems and Pandemic: The Challenge of Understanding Complexity”
ICREA Research Professor Ricard Solé (@ UPF) will participate in CCCB’s Debate ‘A conversation with Ricard Solé and Núria Jar – Virus, Ecosystems and Pandemic: The Challenge of Understanding Complexity’. The event, which has been jointly organized by ICREA, will be broadcasted online via the CCCB website on Wednesday 20th of May at 18:30 pm. […]
Kilian Muñiz departure
The ICREA community is devastated by the sudden passing of our dear colleague Kilian Muñiz, ICREA Research Professor at the Institut Català d’Investigació Química (ICIQ). Prof. Muñiz was the head of the Activation and transformation of nitrogen compounds group at ICIQ. We want to express our deepest condolences to his family and friends.
ICREA Acadèmia 2019 results
The list of selected academics in the 2019 ICREA Acadèmia call is out. 30 grants have been awarded, from 224 applicants, of all areas of knowledge. Congratulations to all awardees!
90th ICREA BREAKFAST COLLOQUIUM – Please dispose after use: Designing sustainable single-use sensing devices in a circular economy
Speakers: ICREA Research Professor Neus Sabaté & Dr. Juan Pablo Esquivel, CSIC Tenured Scientist (both from Institut de Microelectrònica de Barcelona – CSIC) When: 21st of January 2020, 9:00h Where: Hotel Catalonia Plaza Catalunya, Bergara, 11, 08002 Barcelona Abstract: Since the beginning of our century, we have got used to throwing away our electronic devices […]
AdvCompBio – A conference to promote women’s research in computational biology
The international congress Advances in Computational Biology – Fostering collaboration among women scientists, one of the activities within the programme Bioinfo4Women of the BSC, will be held in Barcelona on the 28th and 29th of November 2019. All the speakers will be women but the event, an affiliated conference of the International Society of […]
89th ICREA BREAKFAST COLLOQUIUM – Can green cities be healthy and just?
Speaker: ICREA Research Professor Isabelle Anguelovski from UAB and Dr. Helen Cole, from the Barcelona Laboratory for Urban Environmental Justice and Sustainability (BCNUEJ). When: 12th of November 2019, 9:00h Where: Hotel Catalonia Plaza Catalunya, Bergara, 11, 08002 Barcelona Abstract: Our research examines processes and dynamics that lead to more just, resilient, healthy, and sustainable cities, bringing […]