ICREA featured on TV3

Aquest dimecres, al magazine d’economia de TV3 ‘Valor Afegit, ens van fer un reportatge. Podeu veure’l en el següent link:   http://www.ccma.cat/tv3/alacarta/valor-afegit/icrea-fitxant-cervells/video/5539417/ Ens agrada perquè destaca que la recerca, a més de moltes altres coses, és un sector econòmic de ple dret, amb un gran impacte econòmic i de llocs de treball.  


ICREA is featured on the last issue of ‘Valor afegit’, the TV3 economic magazine. Check it out! http://www.ccma.cat/tv3/alacarta/valor-afegit/valor-afegit-15072015/video/5539334/# (ICREA piece starts at min. 14:35) Science is not just about explaining the universe. It is a mature, fully fledged economic sector. We couldn’t agree more!

Maria Maspoch García is born!

Maria, the first daughter of Lorena García and Dani Maspoch (ICREA at ICN2) made her screaming entrance into this world this 24th  of May, and we are all very happy to see that the ICREA family keeps growing! Our warmest congratulations, and rest assured that you both will get to sleep again, some time in […]

ICREA Academia award ceremony

When: 1st july 2015, 19:30h Where: Auditori Pau Gil, at Recinte Modernista de Sant Pau (Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167). Official ceremony for the 2014 ICREA Academia awards, presentation of the new ICREA logo and website, chaired by the Hble. Andreu Mas-Colell, minister of Economy and Knowledge of the Catalan government.

Four ICREAs obtain ERC Advanced Grants

Congratulations to  Luis Serrano, James Sharpe, Juan Valcárcel and Nick Van Hulst on their recent success in this most prestigious of all research funds! The ERC Advanced Grants are by and large the most substantial and recognized research funds in Europe, both by the volume of resources and by the excellence level required to attain […]