Article by Paul Verschure in La Vanguardia
Check out this article by Paul Verschure (ICREA at UPF) published yesterday in La Vanguardia on the future of intelligent machines…
Manel Esteller i Frank Koppens, National Research Awardees by the FCRI
Manel Esteller (ICREA at IDIBELL) has been recognised with the National Research Award jointly by the FCRI (Fundació Catalana per la Recerca i la Innovació) and the Catalan Government. In the same ceremony, Frank Koppens (ICREA at ICFO) has been distinguished with the Young Talent Award, a category for researchers under 40. Congratulations to both! […]
69th ICREA Colloquium – Everything you always wanted to know about creating a company (but were afraid to ask)
By: Joan Seoane (ICREA at VHIO) and Emilià Pola (Exec.Dir. at ICREA) When: 22nd December 2015, 18:00h Where: ICREA, Pg. Lluís Companys 23, 6th floor Why would you, decent and exemplary ICREA researchers, ever want to get involved in the creation of a spin-off company? In this colloquium we will take a stroll on the ‘dark side […]
The Festival SUD de Poesia will be held at the Reial Cercle Artístic de Barcelona on the 18th and 19th of December 2015
Festival Sud de Poesia The Quest of the South (we have lost the North) The first edition of the Festival Sud de Poesia brings together distinguished and fresh voices in a unique long flow of two afternoons-evenings. Short and long poems, angry and joyful poems, interrogative, nostalgic, aporetic, enigmatic, evocative, boisterous, emancipatory, revolted […]
The Festival SUD de Poesia is to be held on the 18th and 19th of December at Reial Cercle Artístic de Barcelona
This Festival is one of the activities of Peter Wagners’ ERC Advanced grant. It will be held at the Reial Cercle Artístic de Barcelona (Arcs 5, 08002 – Barcelona) The first edition of the Festival Sud de Poesia brings together distinguished and fresh voices in a unique long flow of two afternoons-evenings. Short and long poems, angry and […]
Coinciding with the current CCCB exhibition ‘Humans +: el futur de la nostra espècie’, the new cycle of debates by ICREA researchers offers four talks on intelligence, its meaning and its limits: ‘MÀQUINES QUE PENSEN: Possibilitats i dilemes de la intel•ligència artificial’ Free entrance, but usually very full! Further details at the CCCB site. Dimarts […]
Pura Muñoz-Cànovas has received the Pfizer Foundation award for Basic Research
Pura Muñoz-Cànovas, ICREA Research Professor at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) and head of the Cell Biology group of the Department of Experimental and Health Sciences (DCEXS), received the award for Basic Research granted each year by the Pfizer Foundation for her article published in Nature in February 2014. For the first time a […]
ICREA at Science Week 2015
A whole bunch of ICREAs are taking part in this years’ popular science week ‘Setmana de la Ciència’, an initiative of the FCRI that brings science topics to everyone through talks, shows and conferences. Seventeen ICREA Research Professors are participating in conferences at high schools all over Catalonia, covering topics ranging from astrophysics to climate […]
Antonio Huerta presenta el modelo ICREA en el Foro Nacional de Política de Investigación
En un acto en Madrid, organizado por ELSEVIER y presidido por la Secretaria de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovacíon, la Sra. Carmen Vela, El Director de ICREA, Antonio Huerta, presentó el dia 12 de Noviembre el modelo de ICREA en el marco del debate sobre la mejora de la calidad de la investigación […]
68th ICREA colloquium – The LHC New Results and the LHC Big Data Challenge
By: Mario Martínez (ICREA at IFAE) and Manuel Delfino (PIC) When: 10th November 2015, 18:00h Where: ICREA, Pg. Lluís Companys 23, 6th floor Abstracts: Mario Martínez Results from the LHC Run II After two years of shutdown, devoted to repairs and improvements, the Large Hadron Collider at CERN resumed operations in June 2015 to deliver […]